Healers Unite! We don't have to DPS if we don't want to

then that should be fine as long as you do the role you volunteered to do.

nice. see you in a 38:59 lower kara run later today! :slight_smile:

3 minutes under time ?

Geez, you sweating big time there.

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one thing I really like about dracthyr is their main filler cast is a dps or a heal that makes it way easier to do dps filler when you dont need to heal.

oh i thought it was 39 minutes. make that 41:59!

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I like not DPSing as a healer in my keys and then basking in my awesome healerness after we time by 0:00:03 seconds.

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I guess then DPS and tanks should be given the option to not use cooldowns or damage mitigators.

That’s healer work.

tanks job is holding agro and DPS’s job is killing bosses and nothing else.

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they should but those same healer will complain about having to heal everyone too much and it’s too stressful :person_shrugging:


and literally nobody should be interrupting. i don’t see “interrupter” in my role description, and it doesn’t do any damage or healing.


Agreed if i just wanna bandage you the entire dungeon than let me do it.

Why are bad healer players so proud of being bad healers? Its hysterical, you never see a tank or dps defending this kind of thing and wearing it as a badge of honor.

If I am in Restro spec (and let’s face it: if I am in a group I am healing) I do not even have damage abilities on my bar. 95% of my time is spent on watching party/raid life bars and aoe near me, not watching the enemy’s life bar.

So if you don’t need to heal for lets say 5 seconds. What are you doing for that 5 seconds? Standing there? Alt tab? Staring at the screen?

Why not Dot up the boss? Why would you not want to constantly be active and doing something?

ok, see you there! we don’t even have to time it tbh.

You can’t even queue for LFR at your ilvl. I don’t think you really ever join groups.