Healers, Tanks, & Visions: Good News

yeah given the bad PR with WC3 Blizzard needed something for a firewall to contain the flak not saying they made this change by coincidence but it did happen at the right opportunity for Blizz to try and regain some lost respect which at this point they could probably use all of it they can get

I don’t see any real downside to the change at all. Yes, it will make some already dps-heavy tank specs godlike in Visions but frankly, who cares? Those people were already playing decently geared tanks to begin with, and if this is a carrot to induce more healers and tanks to main the class then so much the better.

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You see there’s the problem, if you don’t have that gear you can’t and it’s basically a legion legendary system otherwise. They replaced RNG… with even worse RNG /sigh.

It auto switches when you switch. So that wouldn’t help you.

Going to make a random assumption they scaled incoming damage too for tanks…

Not visions, until yesterday you were better off with 5xDPS than traditional comp.

But it’s pretty… :squid:

Depends on the tank, my BDK can put out numbers if her cooldowns are up. The brewmaster is going to struggle… hard for DPS.

Even if you did it would scale to whatever you changed to.

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Get the right corrupted gear, is all that matters. It will be a huge increase in a tank’s dps that puts them just below a dps. Probably higher in a large AE situation. That is what I was referring to.

but they have all the best cookies just ask Grumbles i mean why do you think he NEVER seems to run out of them? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

See my first response, they can’t tune for someone with the right gear because that’s basically locking people without that gear out. This is my biggest criticism of corrupted gear in general: it’s Legion Legendaries all over again.

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Yes. I get that. But because BFA lasts a while, people are most likely to have a very very high chance of getting that corruption. It doesn’t even need to be on an ideal piece of gear.

Did a Freehold 14 run and it was about 42% of the tanks total damage.

almost every expansion has like a 4-6mo period where everything is basically trivialized.

Far worse, actually. Not only did Legion legendary have a bad-luck protection system, you could never roll a duplicate, making it only a matter of time before you had the complete set for your spec. No such safety net for Corrupted gear.

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I kind of doubt it would. I think the instance would just tune itself to whatever you enter as.

Not what I am referring to. This is just randomly letting some people trivialize it day 1. Not a soft cap of gear making things easier 5 months later.

Well it’s virtually identical to the 7.0.1 Legendaries system before BLP was implemented in many regards.

Read up, people were testing and found mobs auto scaled. So either people in the thread are lying… or it auto scales to prevent abuse.

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not to mention the 2 leggo limit so in the event you ended up with others that mightve benefited your alt you were left juggling them all in order to figure out which ones were the best for you

Yeah, well… they have to compensate for the Diablo style loot mechanics they’re adding to the game. I honestly feel like titanforging/corruption type systems are horrible for the games long term health. This is a good example of why. They make a change that some people dont’ need because some people are favored by RNGesus.

A certain level of RNG is valuable to MMOs and RPGs in general, but the level we’re at right now is not healthy. And that’s all I’ll say on the subject because I don’t want to derail the conversation any more than it already has been.

This is a thread about a good change and the forums could use at least one positive post on it about a good change and blizzard listening to community feedback.

Sure, and I wasn’t saying anything negative about the change.

I think healers and casters needed this type of change

Tanks with the right corruption have pretty ridiculous AoE at the moment, and will beat out most dps specs.

There is a good video on this on youtube that discusses pre-RNG (RNG the player can see and understand before going into something, generally considered “Good”) and post-RNG (RNG that happens while the player is doing or afterwards that can trivialize the players efforts and cannot be worked around). Right now it feels like we have a lot of post-RNG.

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I know, I get where you were coming from. I just felt myself leaning into a complaint of my own lol.

Now my question is, does this only apply to solo instances, or does the party scaling take this into account too?