Healers, Tanks, & Visions: Good News

I’m fine with this, less time spent clearing my visions.

Now increase all mob health by 40% for demon hunters.


They were def and now they can hear!!!

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Even with the reduction I don’t see having enough damage to clear anything as resto.

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On my DK I’ve just been running Frost with Purification Protocol(don’t have Focusing Iris on her). It hasn’t been too bad. Frostwhelp Indignation and Frost Wyrm’s Fury along with Protocol are pretty nuts for bigger pulls.

I agree with the Brewmaster bit though, however it’s not entirely due to damage. My monk struggles to survive on packs of mobs in Visions. Granted, I’ve only done Stormwind on her but man, even with stagger she was melting fighting groups of mobs. She’s a little more geared now but I still see Brewmasters struggling more than any other tank.

Their health’s been almost cut in half. I don’t know, maybe try taking feral affinity and catweaving the fights? You can Prowl past most of the main area trash as it is, and aggro-drop with shadowmeld (unless it’s nerfed in visions?).

Maybe it’s worth taking a look?

Never was a fan of catweaving, But i’ll do my cloak upgrade as balance then try a run as resto and see how it goes. If it wasn’t for the stuns and fears I could just do what I do in open world and mob everything and kill em all with sunfire and bear form.

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Brewmaster is in an odd spot in general. It’s really only useful to take big hits and damage smooth, which make it a proverbial “one trick pony” (TBF a very useful trick). The spec is completely non-viable in any sort of high damage situation until 110 due to the lack of viable cooldowns and ox orbs. Guard can help with that at lower levels. But the issue is really the specs reliance on mastery which really isn’t common on leveling gear in general. As such brewmaster really doesn’t become a viable spec at all until 120 and with serious gear and stacking mastery.

In visions it struggles because it doesn’t have a healer and the ox orb nerf means they can’t self heal unless they want to cast vivify which basically kills defensives or they get lucky with ox orb pops. It’s a really garbage situation I’ve complained about elsewhere.

There is a reason that Brewmaster isn’t the top tank in M+ and warrior is… and yes it’s down to that sort of ability to DPS/self heal.

Took them fluxing long enough.

Oh for sure. Even taking the Boiling Brew trait or whatever, sometimes…Orbs just don’t happen and Vivify heals for absolute poop so it’s a frantic motion of rolling away, then trying to get a weak heal or two off.

Part of me is curious how Brewmaster would do while running Vision of Perfection for the random Niazao(spelling?) procs to help with damage and taunting mobs, for the occasional breather. Though too, I imagine once my monk gets a solid corruption item or two, it’ll get easier too. But as of now, corruption gear hates all my characters and refuses to drop, lol. The essence…forget the name, that gets a stacking heal that is consumed when you dodge/parry, that may help as well with a little more sustain.

My monk has the defensive staff out of Nya’lotha… it doesn’t really do enough to make up for the orb nerf IMO. But it’s not really an issue in visions, in visions the major issue is DPS as I can para most things that would cause annoyance.

Why, thank you, Blizz, for this logical consideration. Now I don’t have to play a spec in which I have zero interest (not that I was going to, anyway). You did good.

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