Healers, Tanks, & Visions: Good News

Heheh I like this change. :slight_smile:

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Good news for healers. now how about the rest of the expansion. In terms of actual dps I am pretty sure my dps as ret is significantly more then double what is as a healer. But I guess only 50% harder as healer is a decent gain.

The feedback I have heard its actually easier as a tank then dps /shrug.

Now if they can do something about the 3 man pugs who all want a healer and tank and refuse to try something like healer+4 dps it would be nice.

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Player created issue there though.

Given tanks generally outscale DPS, it looks like it will switch the other way late in the expansion where you’ll be better off going tank for the extra survivablity, the same AOE damage but way easier mobs.

Wait…I thought I started this thread…hold on a sec…why yes, yes I did.

Visions just got even easier for fully corrupted Blood DKs that were already doing DPS damage!

Granted, they are a unique case and doesn’t represent all tanks. This is a good change.

Even thou all healers and tanks actually have a DPS build, it is still a good change to make. I might even check out a run on my vengeance spec after this goes in to see how it does.

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I think it’s live now, Caelin. That’s a Feb 3 Hotfix notice. :slight_smile:

Oh nice, I have 4 keys already saved up and I will need to burn thru some. So I will try it out, I know with the right grouping I can put out some pretty decent DPS numbers as vengeance. Will make clearing out trash pretty easy and safe.

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as if tanks and healers weren’t already convinced enough of this game revolves around them that players wouldn’t be able to do anything without either

honestly people need to stop acting like only their role is important this game needs all 3 granted theres a ton of bad dps out there but theres also too many tanks with a god complex and healers that think they are unkillable due to their health restoring power and it gives them an ego larger than Sargeras sword

instances are a team effort and no one is indispensable and the sooner everyone understands that the better off the run will be

in short healers need to quit pretending they are immortal dps stop being idiots and tanks stop being egotists the team is only as strong as the weakest member and when you act like morons it diminishes the efforts of us all

The problem was, not all specs are created equal (which is good). The first version of HV’s was 1 size fits all and it didn’t… not even close. This takes it down to “heals, dps, tanks” which is going to fit better. They can’t take it much further to be honest. This is better than what it was. Low DPS tank specs and low DPS heal specs were having a hard time. Now they’ll have a less hard time. High DPS heal and tank specs maybe weren’t having as hard a time and now it’ll be even easier… no one loses in this situation and it’s a positive change that’s based on community feedback, we should give blizzard their cookie here so this hopefully becomes a trend.


What in mental blazes are you rambling about.

This is about Visions, which are essential for progression, being unfairly hard for those that do not hit the DPS needed to finish in time. It benefits NO ONE if your tanks and healers aren’t up to date on their upgrades. No sane DPS would want them to be behind FFS.


Except that this specific content was created and advertised as content that could be solo’d. This change will make the runs trivial for some tank specs that are already capable of pulling and dps’ing down a crowd - true enough - but I still think it’s change that’s in line with what they said Visions were supposed to be.

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im not referring to these changes I made this comment in general since a lot of tanks and healers would take it the wrong way and think hey Blizzard is going out of its way to make the game better for our roles thus stroking their ego they’ll start thinking they are even more indispensable and cause them to be even more of a jerk to their fellow players than ever before

do not stare directly into the void, only madness can be found there.


I was expecting this nerf… too many players were upset they couldn’t progress. I’m sure people will complain but at this point people are working Mythic raids so if you haven’t reached rank 8 cloak and are a tank or heals you won’t join any raid (norm-mythic) I’m guessing? So we all win.

Oh, this I like.


Oh that is good news.


With all the crazy damage tanks can do, I wish I had a tank spec now.

Can you enter the instance drop a tome and change spec?

Not that I actively want to exploit this just my old progression instincts are screaming at me to.