Healers, Tanks, & Visions: Good News

No, but you’ve been on me for the last few threads, are you stalking me?

It’s from a condition called GDO. General Discussion Outrage.

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I dunno how I feel about this. With the right corruption gear a tank can pull the entire place and aoe everything to death. Same goes with heal specs that can push out decent dps, such as holy pally and resto shamans. I feel like blizz isn’t even playing their own game anymore.

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I’ve seen prot paladins able to full clear relatively easily without this nerf, almost wonder if a tank damage build is going to be the easiest way to do visions now.

Highly doubt they’d let this happen

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yes i seen that. very nice sucks i don’t even do the content though but there is hope for me healing and doing future content like this. really didn’t understand why they didn’t implement this to begin with; i assume it’s cause of the world first race but then again makes no sense cause they know how to play off specs anyways

People like you are why we cant have nice things.

Mobs already had reduced health when you were in tank/heal spec prior to this change (-15% for bear/disc, and probably the same for other tanks/healers), and if you switched specs mid-instance it would update correctly.

So “join as healer then respec for lower mob health” really isn’t a concern. If anything, it goes to show how many people didn’t realize this health scaling was already in place, if they’re just thinking of that idea now :slight_smile: .

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The mob stats update dynamically, not sure what all the “switch specs mid-run” are about.

Edit: Oops. didn’t see the post above mine.

Thank God, I went insane my first vission (having no idea but to down final boss) was not able to dps her down. With this increase I would have been able to

Oh yay? Holy priest 10 k dps will do great now

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Your ilvl is 456. You want that to be the player demographic it is tuned for? I would expect it to be easy for you.

My tanks have ilvls 410-425. I wasn’t planning on getting the cloak on any characters. I may now.

Probably their data showed that fewer healers and tanks were completing the content.


This is a good thing.

It is interesting that blizz would act so favorably towards soloing content - something that they and their “welfare” hating fans seem to disdain so much.

A lot of the game is designed to be soloed. If you try to quest as a group you are constantly running into quests that have objectives that can’t be shared. Scenarios often require group members to solo them.

And worst of all is when someone asks for help and you can’t help them, because phasing means you aren’t in the same part of the quest chain as they are. And you can’t even figure out how to get to that point.

Well, there’s party sync for that now.

Sooooooooo could you just start the vision as a solo healer / tank to get the reduced hp then switch to dps for a easier run?

Party sync will not put you into the same phase as your party members.

If you have previously completed a quest chain or haven’t started a chain your party members are in the middle of, they will be in a different phase than you are. You won’t see them or the monsters they are having trouble with.

I’ve seen this several times recently. It’s an issue, and it’s been an issue since they put in level scaling.

Why didn’t they do this on the PTR? Oh wait, live is the PTR.

Actually yes, that’s probably the demographic 3-4 mask full clears should be tuned for at present (if not even higher gear levels). Especially since upgrades to the cloak will make that endgame vastly more accessible over time.

There’s a pretty big difference between multi-mask full clears and “being able to upgrade their legendary cloak without feeling like they have to change specialization”, i.e., the stated intent of the change, which doesn’t require full clears and doesn’t even require moving beyond corrupted areas at the moment (and is probably what a good chunk of folks are/should be doing). Tanks at -15% were more than capable of that, even at low gear levels. And while the requirements will increase over time, the research upgrades that people will have by then (especially elite extermination+gift of the titans), along with cloak sanity upgrades having large milestones when you’re directed to new areas, would have ensured tanks could keep up there as well.

Again, this is a great change for healers, since they really were pointless in visions. It’s also good to have this health scaling public, so tanks/healers know they’re not expected to be doing the same damage as DPS specs. And really, making things easier for tanks is not hurting me or anything, it’s not like I want this reverted.

Not going to stop me from chuckling when I read that these are supposed to be hard for tanks. I just find that funny.

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I disagree that any tank at 410 should be able to ace it. They disagree too, or they wouldn’t have nerfed it.

Undoubtedly their numbers show that participation by healers and tanks are down, as well as success rates, whether you think people ought to be able to do it or not.