Healers strike

i am a healer main too, (yeah, im not beating stereotype here.)

but I’m only going on strike eif the strike includes making restro druid the best healer in all of wow

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I will support you and the other healers if we can make that happen.

I think we should put healer main’s mothers through a Ninja Warrior style series of challenges. Whoever’s mother comes out the winner, their spec will be op.

Mine is 77 with a recent hip replacement, she’s ready to go. She has the mobility of modern priest design.

I will continue to heal on the games I play that have healers. Which is only a couple of games since I don’t have time to play much these days.

I’m a low dps. What is a heal?

I’ve seen a lot more toxic tanks and healers.



This…this i have also seen.

Although, I did experience a tank apologize to the healer for pulling too many mobs.

Healer Strike in WoW?

New 5 man content, All Paladins or All Druids. I play both. Let them strike :rofl:

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When issues arise this is usually the source of them in my experience. It seems that tanks are often played by egotists with short tempers.

But anyone can be a jerk.

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I guarantee you tanks and healers skew to older / more skilled players. I run them for the call to arms bags only, both tank and healer.

Removing them from new player / lower level queues would absolutely kneecap those queues.

You can ask new players: Would they prefer the occasional meany-pants, or to never run a dungeon in a reasonable amount of time?

Please strike, I just want to see what chaos ensues :joy:

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The same amount a dps or a tank would make.
Healers are not special.

It would look like blizzard redesigning all content to not require healers and it would be amazing.

He’s claiming that generally healers suck, they aren’t needed, and therefore are just riding coattails to whatever io/achievements they have. Aka “boosted.”

I wish they would.

Ive been dinking around on alts in the 8-10 range the past couple days and the performances of such healers has been dismal at best.

Ran a 10 CoT with a shaman healer. We kept dropping, especially on the last boss. Healer claimed it was our faults “you all have buttons to use. Im doing 1mil hps so its your faults”.

Yes he was doing that much healing. 80% of it was pumped into him and the tank and the dps shared the last 20%.

As a hunter i was doing as much self healing as the healing i had received from said healer.

Ive got a potion, healthstone, 2 defensives, and 1 30% heal. After that i need to be topped off sir.

Just recently ran a 9 DB and same thing. Even with 2 WoGs and Shield of Vengeance up, still dropping to pulsing damage on 2nd boss.

Checking the details and over the course of 9 seconds, i had 2 renew ticks, and 1 atonement splash heal outside of my WoGs.

And same thing. Tank/healer combo blaming the DPS for not doing what theyre supposed to do. /sigh

I mostly game with friends. We are all respectful toward each other, and everyone loves our healers. Heck, often the healers and DPS are same players just different alts. Players who insist on pugging are choosing hard-mode, but even in pugs (I pug sometimes), I find most players to be respectful.

You aren’t a -real- gaming healer if you aren’t already willing to let a dps slowly and painfully bleed out for their hubris. Eat a team loss merely to prove a point. You’ll requeue instantly and get that rating back, they’ll wait.

Who needs a strike when there’s spite in your heart.


Marvel rivals is leaking? The healers over there moan more than ours. And they are basically just dps.

Well, there’s the real problem.


I fully expect a healer to let me die if I do something monumentally dumb, like blissfully standing in fire.

Conversely, I use whatever tools I have to make sure no mobs chew on my healer. I would much rather they be around when I am only being slightly dumb.