Healers strike

If it isn’t self evident to you I’m not going to change your mind.

I’ve done the same in the rare occasion I’m in as DPS, and I hit someone with a healing surge or drop a healing stream totem during periods of heavy incoming damage. It’s not necessarily a bad thing to use your utility to help the group as they continue through a dungeon.

I don’t know if it reflects poorly on the healer either, because depending on the content, they could have gotten complacent. Sometimes damage comes out of nowhere in an otherwise smooth run. I’ve fallen victim to it before and gotten caught off guard when the half an eye I had on health bars suddenly noticed all of them lower than they should be. At which point I start burning a bunch of CDs to top everyone back up.

When I’m keeping everyone topped up, I don’t mind seeing an evoker drop a bloom, or a boomkin hit people with Rejuv or their free Regrowth. Or another shaman drop a healing stream. It just makes my job that much easier.

Bracketing the timewalks like that would probably make the queue times way longer. It is weird that level 10s and 11s become all-powerful, and there are still people who see it for the first time and say something like “What did I just witness?” I have had to explain that scaling is broken on more than one occasion.


I think another thing they could do is stop offering good rewards for trivial content.

Blizzard is motivating high skill and geared (relative to the content) players to queue up with people who are new to the game.

The skill gap in this game is vast, the top end and bottom end players mixing is a recipe for conflict.

Their laziness in creating cheap meaningless content out of the learning content for veteran players to burn through for rewards is contributing to the problem


People still read Reddit?

Yeah, kneecapping the queues is a great idea :joy:

The issue of higher geared players playing with new players is overstated, and this would make a real problem much worse.

Yes, it makes the job easier. I use my only heal as a warrior often to help the healer focus on the tank. When I run my druid tank, I watch the healer and pop a heal on them to help out.

As for the scaling…yes, it would definitely make the already terrible queue times absolutely demoralizing.

I’m assuming that was the reason for scaling, but queuing is still a huge issue.

Anything online going have ability to be toxic but when you address this to blizzard there just going push there social contract spam before login and push more content into solo gameplay (Delves) before you know it were all by ourselves. Best advice is put players on ignore and don’t take words to heart and move on.

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So, moral of the story… don’t strike (please) and maybe try communicating.

At least that’s my takeaway.

That would be a good idea. But it will never happen. Toxic DPS fault that tanks have all quit the game. People kept being mean to tanks. And when RDF first came into the game, then the bullying really began and now you have the game designed to where dungeons can now just be ran based on how much damage you deal and that is all people care about. It’s not about having fun with a group of friends anymore. It’s about raging at the tank on your DPS toons if tank isn’t going fast enough and then blaming heals for not being able to keep up with the super fast pace they force tank to go.

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Skalpy, the queues are terrible. I’m in two realms and the average wait time can be over a half hour.

I’ve had players ask why we’re going so slow. I just politely replied that…I’m the tank and I need to set the pace because that’s literally my job.

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Yes and that has nothing to do with the number of people in queue it has to do with the ratio of tanks, healers and DPS in the queue.

Lowering the number of people in the queue by removing motivation for the group of players who are the least forgiving of suboptimal game play won’t affect the overall queue time.

Those players don’t have trivial chores to do and people who want to be there don’t have to share the space with people who would rather not be there anyways.

It’s win win


Very true. I usually DPS and it takes longer than when I’m tanking and it usually is less than 3 minutes.

Fun fact… I’ve never been kicked while tanking. DPS, yes. But not while tanking.

Not sure what to make of it, but it is what it is.

I personally think DPS ques should be longer

I had to reign in a couple DPS last week who were pulling before the tank. However, after saying “Please let the tank do his job and set the pace”, everyone fell in line without a complaint and even re-queued for the last two dungeons I needed.

That’s how most of my interactions with unruly behavior go in the game.

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The default party UI, if you switch it over to a raid-like UI, shows a representation of how much threat someone has with a gradient border. There are occasions where the tank is being a speed demon and the only threat they have on mobs is from looking at them sideways. I can watch as the threat propagates through the entire group, damage spikes to the DPS. Then everyone catches up to the tank, threat eventually subsides on the DPS and shifts back to the tank. I prefer it when the tank actually spends the time to hit mobs with abilities as they move, rather than using a cheeky sideways glance to generate their aggro. Keep doing what you’re doing. Better all round.

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Like any video game strike only a small portion of healers would actually follow through, barely anyone would notice.


Same. I communicate with everyone at the start and let them know what my intentions are. Sometimes, I get a DPS that wonders off, but the group as a collective usually (not always) helps wrangle them in and everything goes smoothly from there.

I actually like tanking. I think I’m decent. It’s just nice changing things up.

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I’m a very methodical tank. Only because I want to ensure my healer can effectively do their job.

I’m a unicorn, according to many. Because I’ve been in several TW instances (as DPS) and the tank is on the second boss before we get to the first boss. Strangely the tank is almost at full health the entire time, but it’s weird to see.

Strange times and things happen in TW.

In the two realms I DPS in are currently on average around 30 minutes.

No, DPS queues should not be longer.