Healers should get rare mounts for logging in

Seconded. :dracthyr_nod:

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As a healer main…no

Thank you for the cackle.
I would not complain about receiving rare mounts for logging in. :dracthyr_nod:

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I think free booze or smoke of your choosing. I knew some drunk healers over the years but dam it gone to full on wrecked now for most.

Nobody cares what those people think or say. Bunch of sweaty tryhards thinking they are gods gift to gaming. Wow “esports” is a joke and should be deleted from any and all decision making.

IDK, I que for all 3 roles for raids/ mythic/ etc and it’s about 75% / 20% / 5% that i get picked up for tank/heals/dps respectively. If healers are needed that badly you’d think i would be healing more?

Thats not even how it worked in SL you are full of it.

No normal players are doing no healer runs. Stop watching esports an get real.

Go play Aug, and leave healers alone. Idk why you keep trolling over this.

I don’t feel like healers are that important. Most dungeons have little to no healing requirements in current season. You could replace us with a 4th DPS and be fine, especially with Guardian Druids, Shadow Priests, Augvokers, Mages, and maybe adding in a DPS Shaman, Balance Druid, 2nd Shadow Priest (for even more PI and heals), or even a Ret Paladin would do the trick.

Tried it and it sucks also can’t be a Vulpera so no

I am a healer literally main Mistweaver Monk lol

I’m not trolling I’m being very serious.

Yeah I mostly PVP so tanks don’t factor in. But I hear the complaints from the M+ community and I feel the myriad of problems from the PVP system. The MMR issues in Solo Shuffle are a man-made problem.

Blizzard knows the problems, they just won’t do anything about them. This is my first offer in the negotiation.

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Complaints are almost always overblown.

Just because someone complains, doesn’t mean that there is an issue.

Ok. And how do you intend to address the rest of what i said?

The rest of what you said is based on a premise I do not agree with.

If your solutions are based on things overblown and inaccurate, then I just dismiss them.

You disagree that healer MMR in Shuffle is bad? Or something else?

yes. prot pala was the carrier tank. and i always tried to get prot pala that can play like me in the group. the runs was fun and chill.
problem is not holy paladin. problem is that its hard to heal and you need tons of skill. and people took 1-2 dds with off-healing.

or to whom should I explain that 1.5 sec cast should heal extremely much than 30k??? even kids in preschool understand that.

why not just 5x dps? :clown_face:

You have talked a bunch more than specifically healer MMR in shuffle.

I dont do healer MMR in shuffle, so I am not going to comment on it.

no that isnt the issue at all.

I have talked a bunch more…I don’t know what that means. I said healers are getting the shaft. I see it personally in PVP. I’m reading about it in PVE. This is the extent of what I talked.