Healers should get rare mounts for logging in

Its a crap job made worse by the crap design and we’re holding up our respective communities. We deserve either rare mounts for our noble and charitable work, or the other players should be taxed and the funding should go to the healer that is allowing the game to be played.



I like free stuff but currently have few complaints

But sure I’ll take the free stuff


Would you have made the same post in shadowlands when healers literally did nothing but afk in every mythic plus?

In fact, back in shadowlands the only reason you even brought a healer to your group is for that one magic dispel that would wipe the group and only healers could dispell magic.

Heaven forbid healers actually heal for once and then contribute to the group’s damage when there is no damage to heal


I genuinely preferred encounter design in shadowlands. I would much rather have an afk healer doing nothing than have to actually rely on a healer to keep the group alive.

I think prot paladins would disagree with you on that one. Remember last season prot paladins doing 25s and higher with no healer?

I don’t think healers were the ones allowing people to play the game at that point…

In fact, all the healers complained that there isn’t enough to heal and they wanted their job back LOLOL


The issue isnt logging in.

I am a healer that wants to do m+. PUG groups only want H pals.

So I stopped trying to join pugs.


Also didn’t blizzard just have to nerf prot paladin mana regen?

Also word of glory from prot paladins costs mana in addition to three holy power.

This change was made for the sole purpose of allowing healers to be useful again.

This change was put in the game in 10.1.5, so healers have been a requirement in mythic plus compositions for only a little under four weeks at this point.

I am talking about holy pals.

Healers were a requirement in m+ for more than 4 weeks.

I tried healing again. I remember why i stopped. :disappointed:


there are numerous threads that would disprove that statement you just made

Tanks “healing” more than Healers is bad game design

Thats fine. Just because a thread exists by people mostly talking out of ignorance or talking about lower keys…that doesnt mean healers were not needed.

Take the thread you linked for example.

(its a thread where people talk out of ignorance or lower keys mostly)

If healers were not needed, we would have actual data supporting that. Things like RaiderIO track keys, and we would see more than the occasional outlier run.

But we dont.

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I personally think it’s multiple problems.

There’s too many insta heals and “oh sht” abilities, so the mobs need to hit harder and faster to give healers a challenge.

They would need to nerf healers into the ground, remove 95% of the insta cast heals and rebalance damage to suit. (I’m mostly talking about raiding, I don’t M+)

For me, the perfect “balance” would be letting players get to 50-60% hp before you consider them “in danger”.

You could dps while watching HP slowly come down and then when they hit 50-60% you’d start pumping heals into them to get them back above 90%.

Then you’d go back to DPSing. I wouldn’t even care if healing wasn’t required for trash pulls and was only really needed for boss fights.

The other problem is Raid vs Dungeon balance aren’t the same, there would need to be separate balancing done similar to how PvP is balanced separately.

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Playing a healer is pretty thankless, but I don’t think healers deserve any more special treatment than tanks… and you see how much special treatment tanks are getting. Lol.

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Not enough

easiest spam flag ever

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You’re in a PVP guild. You don’t think healers have it bad?

that’s weird, people seem to know the guilds I’m in better than I know them.

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I agree and we should also have a companion that picks up all our loot

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Give healers everything they ask for.


Its the most omnipresent pvp guild on the alliance…

what does that mean, exactly? Are you saying that’s why our guild chat is so toxic and edgy?

DPS should get an AH mount if they’re lvl 70 and have 2k IO along with 9 mil gold.