Healers should get rare mounts for logging in

Yes. You read about it in PVE.

Which I responded with…

I dont PVP so I am not going to make strong comments on content I don’t do. Otherwise, I might not get it right because I am not going off of personal experience. But what the loudest complainers say. Who very well could be wrong.

I’ll mark you down as being in favor of the status quo.

I mean. Thats not what I said at all.

I just get tired of the mentality of “if healing isnt brain dead easy and require 1/5th the work of other roles its too hard” that gets pushed here.

Ok, well I think we’re talking past one another. I think there’s real problems with Shuffle MMR. I wanted to throw my healer brothers a bone, as it looks like they’re healing too.

My opinion of PVE is pretty low but there’s no time for squabbling when the game is being ruined.

I hate to break it to you.

But PVE is about 1000x more important to the health of the game than Shuffle MMR.

But if you want to specifically focus on that, go for it man.

That’s a chicken/egg situation. They don’t invest in PVP. So it’s hard to know how many people would be attracted.

In cata the LFG healer satchels had a chance to drop rare mounts and mounts, tokens to gear alts…

I miss those days.

I could get behind this idea!

But they never have invested in PVP compared to PVE.

WoW has never been a pvp centric game. Its always been based around the PVE.

Doesn’t matter if people hypothetically “would” be attracted. We are talking about how it is now.

that’s not true at all. because then you didn’t play in classic. we played bgs there from morning to night and open world was gank fest.

also WARcraft??? and no diaper-changing-“craft” with lots of pink and good night music.

Lets compare the amount of content in Classic for PVE vs the amount of content in Classic for PVP.

nevertheless, people loved to play pvp and ganked even though there was no reward. I camped people with the rogue for months.

That’s a bad metric. PVPers are the pvp content. You don’t need a lot, it’s just that Blizzard gives us less.

yeah i remember that, nobody even brought healers to 23 tyrannical plaguefall because there was nothing to heal

thanks for agreeing with me and confirming that i am correct, much appreciated, friend :slight_smile:

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Damage going out requires a tank, nice try trolling though :clown_face:

are you talking to yourself?

You’re just mad because you think healing is ultra challenging and mystical. You cower behind an alt account w/ zero progress of any kind.

I liked the gimme bags they used to have for randoming once per day. I say bring them back for tanks and heals only, and have them be per dungeon que’d. Maybe have a pct chance of several mounts only attainable by healing/ tanking.

sure, but what’s the threshold past 20+ keys for your dps as healers to be eligible? Blizz is nurfing bear tanks on tues, and maybe again in future, so they can’t carry your share of dps forever.