Healers should get rare mounts for logging in

Like here you go maybe this is better for you a tweet from a WoW Esports Player and top end Guild healer.

I don’t think that is a valid example because he’s pushing so far ahead of the norm. Sure. make healing easier - that inflates the score of everyone then reconvene about healing difficulty at +35.

Can’t complain about healing being too weak, when people are taking 70% more damage due to key level.

Aug made healing easier, and now everyone’s at +30. Likely running into the same issues. It’s not solvable.

Imagine if Ellesmere was a dev, and every time he reached the max key level that he can do, that dungeon got nerfed by 10% so he can do one more.

Try reading the comments heres a few I selected just for you :dracthyr_heart:





And those are healers that shouldn’t heal lol. The person complaining about a 19 vs a 25 is clueless.

One admits that they want to freeload on healing. (Just do dps ffs.)
One is Ellesmere, excluded.
The rest are vague difficulty. And not even knowing what they were doing before.

Fine whatever this is obviously going nowhere so let’s just agree to disagree ok got IL too grind.

M+ is infinite scaling content. Healing is trivial in a +2. Find your comfort zone, it doesn’t have to be 20. It might even be +5, and that’s perfectly okay.

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Y’all don’t deserve mounts for being a healer, go earn or buy em like everyone else.

:troll:/10 thread

I like how the truly uninformed people keep bringing this up, it really makes me laugh. There were a handful of teams in the WORLD that were actually able to accomplish it, and it was with a very specific comp that was able to self/off heal. I would be willing to bet YOU NEVER ran a 25 without a healer. In fact the reason you’re so salty and post on a lvl 55 DK is you probably don’t run any keys at all.

But yeah, keep being nasty towards the lazy good for nothing healers. The few that post on the forums complaining about DPSing certainly don’t represent the 1,000s that are running keys right now, doing whatever they can to help make the run successful.

No need for special rewards, its all worth it when someone says “nice heals!” and I feel that sense of pride that comes when someone acknowledges all the hard work and practice I put in… and then realize he’s talking to one of the other 2 healers in the BG.

Fine, gimmi the mount.

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That is one of my favorite operas! And the name of one of toons lol.


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Lol back in Cata, right after Wrath, when they added those tank/healer bags, that would sometimes contain mounts, and DPS complained so hard, they removed them.

I’ll never forget getting a Blue Drake from a tank bag, back in Wrath.

Best system ever, we never had a shortage during that time lmfao.

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So you’re telling me that blizzard nerfed all dps off healing and prot paladin off healing because ONE group was doing keys with no healer?

No, you’re wrong. Doing no healer keys with prot paladins was quite common.

And even now with prot paladin healing nerfed, they still do more overall healing than the healer.

Cool I’ll just swap to healer when I log out and take the free mount.

They should be fun so more people play them. I can’t deal with being a healer in this game but in FF14 I’m a main healer XD


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Yeah okay sure but first, give Warlocks back all that was taken from them, give Shamans an actual tanking spec,give Worgen their tails already,make Dracthyr so they can actually fly,same as Demon Hunters then maybe, just maybe when that’s done, can see about handing out epic mounts to anyone whose read this thread.

do you have a link to your character with these no healer runs? since they were so common id imagine you have quite a few.

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i have done quite a few, you are correct, friend :slight_smile:

So change spec to healer when I logout and back to dps after logging in, got it.

https: //youtu.be/mWMFTfaJaWM

Going to have to agree. I don’t want tank treatment either. lol

i see this arguement everywhere yet when i pug keys ive seen 1 maybe 2.