Healers should get rare mounts for logging in

Blizzard knows what they have to do in order to get me to heal more keys, instead of my current hobby of derping around in old content.


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I rather have a nice slice of opera cake.



Op,not a bad idea ,in fact we should have a appreciation day for our classes once a month.

Healing is a role

Well,yeah,it goes with it. Have to be fair to everyone.

Ah, yes, healers get something by simply logging in.

Logs in, logs out. Not even once trying to do any Raids or Dungeon runs

Healers shouldn’t even have to apply for any instance. The group should need to place a crafting order for our presence.


Please tell me it’s Turandot-flavored

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Nah just need to rename Healers to support and give us damage on the same level as tanks oh and add more variety to our kits like damage mitigation and buffs like what Holy Paladin has with blessing of seasons :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I don’t care about gold or rare mounts I care about having fun and not being a glorified babysitter :dracthyr_shrug:

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then stop healing and go play “support” aka ret paladin, enh shaman. augmentation evoker, shadow priest.


See, when you make posts like this and go on and on about how you should be rewarded for healing, remember them whenever a healer makes a thread asking why people call them entitled babies with God complexes.

It’s not hard, it’s not inaccessible, it’s just simply not fun but certain roles will never click for certain people. I can heal, I am good at it, except I acknowledge I do not have the personality to heal therefore I don’t. I am much more fit for trying to maximize my output as a damage dealer where I generally only need to worry about myself.

Yeah no I’m gonna keep playing MW monk cause it’s the Spec I enjoy and soes offer quite a few support utility :dracthyr_shrug:

Support is just a more accurate and up to date term for a healer because people grew a brain and realised Healers do more then just heal.

Two of those can’t be Vulpera and the other two are lame as hell and not fun to me and all 4 are drumroll DPS not support or the less accurate term “healer”.

logs in as dps

swaps spec to healer and logs out

logs back in

Ha i win.

Stop trying to change what healers are just because you refuse to play something else.


people seem to blame the healer for everything that goes wrong, this is a player created problem , doesn’t matter if the tank is over pulling while half the dps is standing in the bad, the mentality of many players is just blame the healer, happens in pvp also , no one will give the healer any peels now days but they will be quick blame the healers for the loss almost every time.


I’m not simply advocating for the SUPPORT role to be more interesting, engaging and modern which I’m allowed to do and in no way effects you whatsoever :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

WoW is almost 20 years old now if it wants to stay relevant beyond it’s aging playerbase and attract younger players like moi needs to get with the times :dracthyr_shrug:

The meta DOES affect me. Healers ranked based on how much dps they do isn’t fun. Blizzard doesn’t balance remotely well for one, and for two, most dps rotation on healers aren’t that comprehensive.


That’s your problem get a guild and some friends problem solved Mistweaver Monk is the opposite of Meta in M+ yet I have no trouble.

Which is why Heal checks would still be important and necessary.

Ok and not like making the role more modern is gonna change that.

Yuh which is why it should be improved slightly adding a damage component to our Masteries and adding one or two new dps buttons for all “healers” should do the trick :dracthyr_uwu:

Idk, you were complaining about existing difficulty. Sounds like you need to git gud.

Actually do remotely challenging content first, how about that?

No I wasn’t stop putting words in my mouth I was repeating what even the top Healers have been saying that Spot healing is bad and that outside of cooldowns heals are very weak.

Like here you go maybe this is better for you a tweet from a WoW Esports Player and top end Guild healer.

Or how about this video where said tweet is mentioned and is a discussion with Wowheads Healer correspondent.

Currently am recently moved up to +16s and now at 7/9 Heroic Aberrus and over time hoping to go further and help my Guild clear Mythic just need to hit 435 IL first :dracthyr_tea:

Like only been back on my Monk for a week and a half already making rapid progress although unfortunately at the cost of awful PuGs like a mage who loved Spiteful Fiends way too much and on the final boss ended up lost over in Narnia forcing us to proceed with only two DPS.