Healers ? Hello ? Incorporeal?

Also, knowing the conduct of the person whose claim is being analyzed, we are not getting the full story of what was said.

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Name 1 DPS who don’t have CC
 I’ll wait.

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Generally those comments are used in a condescending and insulting manner, so context is key to whether it’s okay or not.

Gimme my Stone Staff of Might!

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Low effort, even for a ragemode thread.

At least don’t post on a hunter so you can pretend not to have a CC.


For incorp or in general?

In Red States, we are removing books and allowing teachers to be sued when material is present that makes a parent feel “uncomfortable”.

I am sorry if “not being a jerk” is where it crosses the line for you.

What does that have anything to do with what I’m trying to say. They’re not even remotely connected.

Rage said:

So I’m waiting to see what DPS don’t have CC.

 Are you not following along?

This was my first response.

I am saying that it is ridiculous to assume the mods are “left leaning” because they are enforcing what you consider things that only effect the easily offended and tiniest grievances
when the “right leaning” people have shown they are just as capable to be offended by the smallest things.

You’re comparing what should and shouldn’t be taught to kids in school with what grown adults say to each other on a video game for.

You will not find a single conservative here or anywhere that thinks that using the word “crazy” is an offensive slur against people with mental health problems and should be a bannable offense. Period. That’s what we’re talking about.

I am complaining about you stating only one side is easily offended.

You keep wanting us to forget how easily conservatives get offended.

They’re not comparable. You didn’t listen to a single word I just said. Why should I give you the time of day when you don’t bother to read?

They are only not comparable because you are here being dishonest. You just want to dismiss it so your “side” looks better.

I am well aware of the words you said. But you want to ignore that conservatives get easily offended just as easily.

Your entire point is “well the mods are left leaning because look at how they have rules to protect people that get easily offended”. When its brought up that conservatives are just as easily offended
you do everything you can to ensure that gets dismissed.

Are you so easily offended by conservatives getting easily offended you cant even honestly acknowledge it?

I told you your comparison was invalid in the context of the discussion we’re having now. We’re talking about an internet message board and you’re trying to use real world example that are connected to what we’re talking about in the slightest.

You want me to go on a tangent with you about what should and shouldn’t be taught in schools and I’m denying you that. You either focus on the issue at hand or you can kindly see yourself out.

Yes. I am giving you an example on how conservatives also get easily offended.

You want to narrow the scope, which is dishonest.

No I dont.

I want you to acknowledge that conservatives are also well known for getting easily offended.

You want to play it off as only a one side thing. And I get it. It makes you look and feel better when the other side is just so mean. But your entire point is based on everyone else forgetting how things work.

Maybe they got their days mixed up? I had Friday off so Thursday felt like my Friday so he may think Saturday is Sunday.

You have ice trap.

Also didn’t you quit?

Can we just say, “Don’t insult people and mods won’t sanction you” and be done with it? Why are we arguing political sides over the fact that insults are insults?


You don’t even acknowledge the fact that your comparison is irrelevant, even though I’ve pointed it out to you several times.

In the internet, conservatives have a MUCH thicker skin than liberals. It’s why you see sites like 4 Chan allow their users to say whatever they want pretty much, and sites like tumbler will ban you for the slightest offensive under the guise that it promotes “hate speech”