Healers ? Hello ? Incorporeal?

It does but its only a 6 second CC youd need to reapply. Hibernate lasts 40 seconds so yoi opt in for that one instead


Because typically people feel safer / things are cleaner when people use 1 GCD investment per incorp. Incorp lasts 20 seconds and their cast takes 3? So you need a cc that lasts 15-16 seconds or more to cover it.

You can chain things together in a pinch but
1: That’s 2-3 things you aren’t using in the actual pull
2: That’s a lot of damage / hps to be losing
3: That’s a lot of points of failure


I was curious since they did put “'any mob” tag on them and shackle and turn evil both work, so by all intents and purposes, control undead should work too
and then use destabilize on the bosses :smiling_imp:

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This and dominate mind were working last night. It was very dumb.


He can only cc 1 because as soon he uses i on 2nd add first one brakes free. Don’t blame healer because rest of you are not doing your jobs.


they should def allow entangle to effectively cc the creatures. it acts as a stun for channeled abilities in warcraft 3, soooo

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Its cannon then! Make it happen! Lol ill burn a predatory swiftness on a root instead of a cast timer on Hibernate

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Working as in
they were able to control destabilize??

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Tyrannical means the healers have to work really hard to keep you alive lol.


DSP getting so infamous that he is mentioned on wow forums, never thought I would see that

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WHo is DSP or andy?

ahh never mind i figured it out

I don’t understand what DSP stands for Dawnshroud Peaks?

It is not OK to say someone is behaving in a stereotypical and generalized manner?!

Incorporeal is a chance for hunters to bring M+ utility for once and you want the healer to do it for you? Traps are the best for incorporeal because you can drop them before the add spawns. I’ve been watching hunters trap those things all week. Sounds like your group had a bad dps problem.

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Aren’t you a hunter?

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Dang guess you should have brought a warrior running menace they probably would have got that cast.

I had that in a FH and it was soo broken lmao

Even the tiniest grievance against another player is taken as harassment or trolling.

I sure hope your guild didn’t bench you again for missing your trap.


This is such a ridiculous statement. Esp when in the real world you see the opposite.


It’s not “canceling” or “censoring” when they do it. lol.

Definitely, something completely different that just happens to look exactly the same.

What is the opposite exactly? Please explain.

I’ve been banned for calling people “crazy” and the mod who reviewed my appeal said that using a word like that can be disparaging against people with mental health problems. You cannot sit here and tell me it’s not a political thing.