Healer Very Curious About RP or RP-PvP

I love to heal and have been healing since BC. Very curious about RP type servers and an RP/Raid guild.


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If you can’t find a guild and looking to try Pvp server I’ll leave this here. Take a look and see if its something you’re interested in.

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The RPPVP server will have at least one progression raid guild, though they weren’t famous for roleplay, and if there’s sufficient interest, < Huntress > may start organizing RP friendly raids after a month or two for people to level up.

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Were what you’ve been looking for then! Feel free to check us out or come hang in Discord. <ENCORE> (A) | Voted Best Alliance PvE Guild | Grobbulus (RP-PvP)

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https: // discord.gg/ eYQthe no spaces to come check us out :wink:

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Why is your guild going Alliance this time?

We’ve played both but prefer Ally for Vanilla/Classic. Palys and Fearward Dwarf Priests FTW! =P

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Feel free to DM me on Discord if interested: Acropolised

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Check us out! Contact me on discord ice9#4515

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Hi, this is probably a waste of your time, but Lionheart could use more healers. Unfortunately we are not on an RP or RP-PvP server, nor do we intend to RP in really any way. However, we are a super cool, tight knit, and chill guild, that plans on quasi-RP events (Check out post number 32 in the thread below). I’m basically hoping you aren’t married to the idea of doing RP, and that you’ll be interested in just a generally solid and fun guild :slightly_smiling_face:

https://lionheart.guildtag.com/ to apply :slightly_smiling_face:

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RP-PvP guild here. Light RP (not required) but we have a friendly sub-group of RPers who will be helpful as you check things out.

I also love healing; will be rolling a Priest with them and feel confident that I’ll have the sort of support in PvP that a healer needs to be effective.