Made a RSS Healer Post, I Miss Anything?

No amount of gold is sufficient. You should be suggesting/considering something that transfers to other characters like honor/conquest BoA items or straight up BoA gear tokens. This would enable healing in RSS/other arena to be used as a means to gear another character and/or would give regular healers an option to gear up an alt they could use to detox after frustrating matches.

This remains a bandaid, however, and the wound can’t be closed by compensation. Healers need more agency in arena. Dampening needs to remain high in order to keep the games moving (nobody wants to sit in a solo lobby with 4 bad dps for 40 minutes), but a side-effect of this is dramatic reduction in healer agency. This season and last i’ve done a fair bit of healing, and the number of rounds that reach the 3-minute mark is very small. The last minute of a round is reliably painful, with both healers eventually spamming their highest hps heals to little effect until one of the dps clicks their brain back on long enough to hit an interrupt.

People should be considering things like enabling drinking in arena to encourage/force positioning mistakes, removing more cc defense abilities from the gcd, or alternative scoring methods (meaning rating gain/loss based on more than win/loss). My personal favorite is the last one.

Currently, going 3-3 is almost expected, and most 4-2/2-4 lobbies are the result of a dps making a boneheaded move in the first or second round before everyone figures out who the worst player is. Imagine if the game gave +1-5 rating for most cc landed, -1-5 rating for dying with immunities not on CD, -5 to +5 rating for lasting longer during lost rounds.

These are just examples of the kinds of things that need to be considered if they don’t want a de-facto healer strike as people drop off from frustration. I already reliably see the same healer every single lobby until the 3-3 streak breaks