Healer main LF Mythic Prog guild, Alliance preferred

Hi there,

I am a healer main looking for a raid spot for mythic progression and to push keys in Shadowlands. I’ve been playing pretty casually since Mists where I pushed 9/13M, however, my new schedule will allow me to play much more. My most recent progression was 12/12H Nya, but I hardly touched BFA.

I am available any day after 7PM EST, or any time on the weekends. I would like to raid at least 2, preferably 3, days per week.

I would be looking to main disc priest with another healer alt but willing to main any healer for the right guild.

I would very much prefer to stay Alliance but I am willing to switch to Horde for the right fit.

Please leave me your info here if I seem like a good candidate and I will reach out. Thank you very much for your time!

Hello Lionsclaw,

We’re Game Over, Alliance guild on Proudmoore. We have multiple raid teams that went 12/12M this tier, and we’re currently forming another raid team, called Midnight Release. We raid Tuesday from 9est-12est, Thursday from 9est-12est, and Sunday cleanup/trial from 10est-12est.

I’d love to chat with you - I’m Pox#1123 on discord and Pox#11231 on Bnet.

Hi there!

My name is Quick and I am an Officer for < Illicit > an Alliance Social-Raiding Guild on Proudmoore.

I am looking for and recruiting for our Cutting Edge Focused team: Team Apollo.

We raid Tues/Weds/Thurs from 6-9pm Server Time (PST), and intend to reduce to 2 days as the tier progresses, with the ability to pick up a third day again if needed and for any final CE push.

Team Needs:
1 - Non Priest Healer (Must have DPS Offspec, or viable DPS character)
Melee DPS - Will consider all qualified applicants
Ranged DPS - Currently looking for a rockstar Shadow Priest, but will consider all qualified applicants.

Please: Have logs and Mythic Raiding experience. We are filling as we go, and considering that there is a sale on services now is the perfect time to come on over :slight_smile: Please reach out if interested.

We did go 9/12 M Nyalotha due to having to replace a Raid Leader and team members. Eventually we decided it was smarter to go on a earlier break then to try and refill with lower performing players and re-prog. We have refilled, and looking to round out the roster and bench.

If interested please reach out too:
Ryme - Illicit GM (bnet: Ryry#11575)
Kaz - Team Apollo Raid Leader (bnet: Kazeth#11225)
Quick - Recruitment Officer (bnet: QuickESQ#1651)

Hey there!

[Pack Mentality] [A] [Stormrage] is recruiting for Shadowlands! We’re an AOTC guild, however, we’re shifting our sights towards mythic progression for the coming expansion. We plan on completing heroic before moving into mythic, at which point we will be continuing heroic runs on Saturday nights as farm/alt runs. We are aiming to clear all mythic raids while they are current content. We raid Thursday and Friday nights, 9 – 11 p.m. server and 9 – 12p.m. server, respectively. Server time zone is EST.

We have the bones of a fantastic raid team, but we would like to bring a few more cats into the fold to round out our capabilities. We are looking for healers and DPS, and at least one player who can swap between those two roles. There are a few specific classes/specs we’d like to pick up, however, all should feel free to apply. Spots on the mythic team will be determined through heroic progression, where we will be watching for players who consistently show up, perform well, and have a good attitude. The classes and specs we are most interested are as follows – Monk (WW), Priest (Disc/Shadow), Mage (Frost > Arcane), Paladin (Holy/Ret) and Rogue (Sub > Outlaw).

We are a fun-loving and friendly bunch, mostly between the ages of 25 and 35. Though we take raiding seriously, we aim to maintain an atmosphere of fun and inclusion for everyone. We push mythic keys, we have a few PvP’ers, and we run a lot of legacy content for mounts, mogs, etc. We don’t tolerate any sort of rude behavior, hate, exclusion, or prejudice.

We have a solid handful of people on break right now until the pre-patch questing starts / until shadowlands releases, but under normal circumstances we’re a very active guild!

If you’re looking for a new home for Shadowlands, send myself, or one of the other officers listed at the bottom of this post a tell, and let’s talk!

xxvii#11663 (me) – KristovChaos#1801 – truealpha#1270

Hi all, hopefully, I will have time to reach out tomorrow.

1 Like

still looking and chatting

Hello! if you are still looking for a guild and would be willing to go horde, we would love to have you!
Garlic is a guild on Illidan with like minded individuals whose goal is to progress through Mythic as far as possible each tier. We expect every raider to come with knowledge of each fight as well as contribute to strategy outside of raid hours. If you’re looking for a fun environment and a great group of people to play with, come apply!

*We are always recruiting casual members and players that only want to do M+

Past Tiers
Uldir - 6/8M
BOD - 6/9M

Friday: 9:30 - 12:30pm CST
Saturday: 9:30 - 12:30pm CST
Monday: 9:30 - 12:30pm CST

Recruitment Needs
We are looking for players that are consistently looking to improve every week and hungry for a competitive environment.
Tanks: Closed
Healers: Need all
DPS: Need all

Mythic or Heroic Logs
DBM/BigWigs, Exorsus Raid Tools & Weakauras

How to Apply
Contact one of the recruitment officers listed below or leave a comment on this thread with your B-Tag or discord name

contact info
Glits: Glits#1609 (bnet) / Glits#0288 (discord)
Coba: mrzeon99#1324 (bnet) / mrzeon99#9365 (discord)

Hey there i would like to talk info below.
Shark Party is an old raiding guild currently on Thrall that has been around since Vanilla. We are looking for members for our raid team(info below). Our members love pushing keys as well as some highly into pvping outside of raid days. Our Philosophy for raiding is to focus as much as possible during our raid times while having a blast doing it. We want our members to have fun on the class they are currently playing so if they are finding their current class boring and want to switch we have no problem with you doing that as long as the toon your switching to is sufficiently geared to handle the content their current main is doing. Our main focus will be getting CE in shadowlands.

Raid Team Shark Party-

Raid Times: Tues/Wed 8-11 PM est
Current Needs: 1-2Healers & Some more dps

For more info or if your interested in either of these raid teams contact:
Wârguard(GM/Raid Lead)–Warguard#1900

Sanctimonious of Sargeras server is accepting all exceptional players! We are opening our recruiting ranks in anticipation of Shadowlands. We are a semi-hardcore guild that raids two days a week. We are currently using loot council paired with the RCLootCouncil addon. Qualities that we look for in raiders include being committed, non toxic, and mature.

Raid Times:

  • Tues-Thurs Mythic 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME.
  • Monday Alt raid (Optional) 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME

Our raid progression in BFA is listed as follows:

  • Ny’alotha - 12/12 Mythic
  • Eternal Palace - 7/8 Mythic
  • Dazar’alor - 9/9 Mythic
  • Uldir - 7/8 Mythic

Our preferred recruits include shadow priest, disc priest, holy priest, warlocks, mages, windwalker, enhance shamen, and preferred ranged classes. Logs are required in order for your application to be considered (this can include logs from previous expansion).

If you are interested, please go to our website and fill out our application here!

Website → Guildsofwow .com /sanctimonious

This is my Discord for Direct contact: Sophieann#2492

hi lionsclaw!

I think we may be the right guild for you! see below!

Hey Lionsclaw! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild that is coming back from the ashes of taking a break and looking to clear heroic and mythic. We are currently looking for more members to fill out our roster (Dps and Healers)

OB are going ham come Shadowlands and will have groups for leveling, and mythics to gear out quick and get ahead fast and efficiently.
We plan to jump right into heroic come its release. If you are interested in a good group of players who have gotten CE in multiple expansions then this guild is for you!

we are located on Lightbringer, Alliance faction.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us! or leave a message on this post and we will contact you!

Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

(Seven Deadly Sins) (12/12M NYA 8/8M EP 9/9M BOD)** is a progression guild with an active community of teams that focuses on pushing Mythic raid content and Mythic+.

Mythic Teams:

>Team Pride< (12/12M):
Three-day hardcore main team, led by former US Top 50 raiders, looking to push Cutting Edge every tier as quickly as possible.

  • Raid Times: Tue/Wed/Thu 8:30pm-1130pm EST/Stormrage Server Time
  • Previous Tier Rankings:
    • N’Zoth the Corruptor (M): US 114
    • Queen Azshara (M): US 242
    • Lady Jaina Proudmoore (M): US 469
  • Recruitment:
    • Disc Priest

>Team Sloth< (12/12M):
Two-day semi-casual team, led by former Cutting Edge players, that has been raiding since BoD.

  • Raid Times: Tue/Thur 9pm-12am EST
  • Recruitment:
    • Warrior (High)
    • Warlock
    • All exceptional DPS

>Team Gluttony< (12/12M):
Two-day semi-hardcore team established at the start of Ny’alotha.

  • Raid Times: Wed/Thu 9pm-12am EST/Stormrage Server Time
    Gluttony has changed from a 2 day a week to 3 days a week for shadowlands.
  • Recruitment:
    • 1 Healer
    • Strong dps

>Team Envy< (11/12M):
Newest late-night, two-day team and still recruiting for this tier, with plans to build into a Cutting Edge team for Shadowlands.

  • Raid Times: Thu/Fri 11PM-2AM EST/Stormrage Server Time (Sat Optional Heroic)
  • Recruitment:
    • Open Recruitment

Please feel free to visit each team’s WoWProgress page for more details about the specific team.

Those interested in mythic plus or just to join our community can contact our GM Nuklang or any of our officers for an invite.

Guild Master: Nuklang – Nuklang#11784
Co-GM: Astarael - Ovenchicken#1952
Recruiting Officer: Jeal - Jeal#11253

We may be too late for you if not we would be good for each other.

If you wanna raid fr-sat 9 pm est - 01 am est add me on discord ( my guild got ce every tier except palace) Romance / Aniki#5949

Hey Lionsclaw,

It sounds like we could be a good fit for you! Take a look at our recent post. Please reach out to me if you are interested or if you have any questions.

Btag is Kinka#1154


Looking for a strong Disc Priest.


< Milkshake > is a newly-formed but fully-experienced 3-day progression guild on Area 52 Horde looking to build a strong roster to dive into Shadowlands. Created by individuals who ran CE + Hardmode progression guilds in the past with a Raid Leader with multi-CE experience. We are returning to pick it back up and carve out our name on the server. Get in on the ground floor of a progression guild forming right before a new expansion.

RETURNING PLAYERS AND REROLL WELCOME. We can chat about your experience.

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 8est - 11est

We are a group of adults who have real lives outside of WoW but want to take the time we do set aside to kill pixels seriously. Offering a non-toxic or hostile environment, we do have higher expectations for individuals looking to actively participate in progression content.


  • Be raid ready. You are expected to come with all the enchants and spending the required time between raids to perfect and better your character. If you are looking to raid log, we are not the guild for you.
  • Research the fights. We will give the key points before fights but fully expect anyone on a fight roster to be already aware of the fight. We will supply the sources to research but you have to leverage them.
  • Always stay updated on your class. There are many ways to “stay in the know” for your class. Discord, websites, etc. The expectation is that you are staying up to date with changes to stay as optimal as possible.
  • Be a team player. We will have a roster over 20 and fights may dictate needing different compositions. You may sit out on progression if you do not have a class or role that can be shifted in.
  • Don’t be a jerk. We have zero tolerance for racism, sexism, or any bigoted topics. We are looking to foster a strong community that will grow and transverse games. Don’t be a jerk or we will gladly show you the door.

Still around after that? Perfect! We are looking for strong players that are looking to work as a team and push content at a swift pace.

What do we offer?

  • Progression-focused atmosphere. We are built on, by, and around pushing cutting edge content without the drama. The goal is Cutting Edge, so let’s get there having a good time.
  • We will help you prepare. We will compile the information you need to know about the encounter mechanics. We will spend the time investigating the best strategies. You just need to learn them.
  • Strong Mythic+ community. Most of the core of the guild are strong Mythic+ runners, living in the top 1-50 ranks. We have to do something between raids, right?
  • No Drama. We have a firm stance against drama. We are paying to have a good time and we plan on the guild reflecting that goal.
  • Be an integral part. You won’t be a number. The guild functions on a council and direction from the Mythic Raider team. There is full transparency, you help dictate the direction of every element of the guild.

Current Needs:

** = High Need

Tank: Closed.

Melee DPS: Medium


  • Paladin: Ret

Ranged DPS: High


  • **Mage: Any spec

  • **Warlock: Any spec

  • Balance Druid

  • Shadow Priest

Healer: Medium


  • Holy Paladin

  • Resto Shaman

  • **Disc Priest

  • Mistweaver Monk


Join our Discord: discord.gg/kPrwM WYjW7

(remove the spaces)

Feel free to reach out:

  • Discord: Seanishly#3666

  • BattleNet: Monster#15141

Hey Lionsclaw,

All Washed Up on Stormrage-A is looking to pick up a skilled healer. We’re a group of returning raiders with significant CE experience from multiple expansions and tiers looking to make a competitive CE push in SL. We achieved 11/12M this tier (our first as a guild) in just 3 months and only 4 hours a week.

Our SL schedule is Tu/Th/Sun 9-12 EST.

We also push high m+ keys and have social activities running during the day and off nights.

Feel free to reach out to one of these people below if you’re interested!
Rozden#1570 (Battle Net) (Recruitment Officer)
Rozden#9651 (Discord) (Recruitment Officer)
Kovas#11562 (Battle Net) (Recruitment)
Kovas#2257 (Discord) (Recruitment)
Illmerica#1459 (Guild Master)