Healer Goes 5-1 in RSS. Loses 57 MMR!

seen this on twitter was very amusing because true


The mount is so accurate. S2 SL glad mounts literally mean nothing in regards to skill lol


Not as extreme but gained no rating and lost 1 mmr for going 4-2; I thought I was about to get 2100 in the moment from this Shuffle but no.

The previous was a 3-3 where I lost 21 mmr.

I have seen last night also some games with huge difference on DPS’s MMR, like, I was about 1550, some other was also about 1550, but has one guy 1300 and an ret paladin 1900.

Ofc, ret paladin won all the six games.

Maybe it means the leak healing problem, is going to become a DPS leaking problem too. Maybe someday you will see someone at 2400 playing same game of someone 1000.

Just game dont have ppl enough at same level to keep solo queue working fast enough.

Placements aren’t meant to match you across a 500 mmr spread, so no its not a factual matter of the screenshot to say oh well you’re getting matched in a lobby 500 mmr under yours because its a placement match.

Obviously they are not meant to nobodies arguing that; this is a known issue/bug with multiple posts and screenshots that started this past week. That is just another screenshot of the exact same issue .

It didn’t start this past week and it isn’t isolated to placements like you were saying.

For DPS it is 110% isolated to placements I already said this and the proof I was given was a placement game. Enough said

except when its not

So you just argued for a day about a screenshot showing a guy in a placement match. That’s 200mmr down could be from a loss streak could be the bug idk either way tumble going up 400mmr after 300 games randomly is still clearly made up and 99.9% of the screenshots are still placement matches.

It wasn’t. 100+ mmr gap, regardless of placements or not, is ridiculous. A gap of 500 is absurd. Dismissing a lobby generated with a 500 mmr gap as pLaCeMeNt GaMe is equally absurd.

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I’ve literally said it multiple times now, mine was as a healer on my hpal. The SS I showed was from a random video I saw, yes it’s a placement game, but the whole thread is in reference to placement games and wonky mmr, you said it was a healer only issue (as far as i could see) and I was merely pointing out it wasn’t.

I don’t understand why you have such a fascination for me in particular, and more so with arguing about something thay is clearly an issue.

add 200 more since dpsers are above healers and see how healers enjoy SS :smiley: