Ss mmr lol

I did 2 lobbies as Survival, 1st shuffle was a 4 min queue and i got put in a 1.8 lobby. Went 5-1 and lost 50 MMR

2nd shuffle was a 20 SECOND queue and put me in an even worse lobby with 1.5 mmr healers and 1.8 mmr DPS. Went 4-2 and lost 60 MMR.

Both shuffles i still gained rating since my personal MMR was 300 above my CR, but i got scammed out of going from 2223 MMR to 2.3 or 2350 to dropping to 2120 MMR.

Not sure if my character is bugged somehow as Survival (when i queue shuffle as MM or BM i have never EVER had this happen) or if this is Blizzard’s new way to keep the MMR inflation in check.