Healer starvation in SS. Plenty of games queueing as a healer I’m under or over 300+
No reason to queue this Meme mode, the rewards are not good enough as a healer. Play 3s.
Healer starvation in SS. Plenty of games queueing as a healer I’m under or over 300+
No reason to queue this Meme mode, the rewards are not good enough as a healer. Play 3s.
Blizzard needs to stop listening to DPS players about how to balance problems outside of their specific specs. Just because you want to be able to 1v1 healers and always win doesn’t mean you should. Same for all of the DPS complaining about tanks in PvP. You got the balance you wanted, enjoy it with each other.
Did anyone else notice that they were 500 MMR above the next highest person in that arena at the start?
Healers need a separate MMR for RSS. Simple as.
I’ve seen it happen many times.
healers mmr is just trash, nothing more to add
MMR was crazy messed up yesterday. I was at 2050mmr and got placed in a 1800 lobby and lost 60mmr for going 4-2, then got another 1800 lobby and only gained 10mmr for going 6-0. So I lost 50mmr for going 10-2 cause of blizzards terrible queue system
About time someone got a screenshot. When this happened to me on my hpally, I had people say I was lying but from now on I’m talking pictures
Thats literally over 500 mmr difference.
And thats for the dps, not the healers, so yeah it happens.
He’s in a placement game clearly shown by his rating this is a completely different situation than the one you fabricated. Also placement mmr issues are well known I am too a victim.
My situation I already said was a healer one. I just happened to notice that on a video today and found it interesting. I know it is a placement game, the fact that his mmr is still 500 higher than the highest in the lobby was interesting.
You aren’t 1800 on a healer my guy. Anyways don’t care I already knew you lied
My paladin, not that i have to explain anything to you, but I got to 1817 on him and the very next lobby had 2200 dps in it.
Edit: I literally said in the lobby that I had no place being there. It was like playing a completely different game.
Why do people keep saying pLaCeMeNt GaMe like your mmr somehow doesn’t count when in placements. The game still matches you based on your mmr, except it’s more volatile while it dials in where you belong. If the game thought you belonged at 1500, it wouldn’t have you at 2100 mmr.
And even if placements did randomly work like that - they don’t - there are screenshots of it happening outside of placements.
Funny how people are finally starting to see how solo q ratings and MMR make zero sense when I was seeing it since season 1. All the regurgitation of it being placement games was hilarious. Constantly get matched with others whose rating or MMR or both was substantially different, making it not fun for everyone involved in the game
Yea my healer friend has a 70% win rate and is stuck in the 1700s atm. Can go like 6-0 and gain nothing.
What are you on about dude? There’s multiple posts and pictures showing people at high mmrs being stuck in 1600 lobbies.
Then why are you using pLaCeMeNt GaMe as an excuse for a 500 mmr gap in its matchmaking. Placements don’t work by matchmaking you 500 mmr below what it thinks you’re at. They match you off your mmr as is. Even if they didn’t, this issue happens outside of placements.
It’s a matching issue, likely the mmr search range being expanded too quickly, being expanded by too much, or simply not ever being properly constriced to begin with.
I thought the 30+ minute wait times for someone to leave at the start of the expansion would’ve already shown that it’s a meme
It’s not an excuse it’s the factual matter of the screenshot. You are easily the most annoying human to ever touch a keyboard