Healer Goes 5-1 in RSS. Loses 57 MMR!

sometimes the dps legit sooey-sidez tho by running behind pillar for no reason with no hp or no cds. can hardly blame a healer for epic plays like that lol


I can understand some rating discepency, but 400 is too hard, for me atleast. The gap between 1800 dps and 2200 dps is astounding. Again, from my perspective, I donā€™t get a chance to actually learn. The games end too quick, its all over but the crying in under a minute.

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I didnā€™t watch the game.

But if I had to guess whether the multi-r1 healer was outplayed in one round, or a DPS randomly threw that roundā€¦

Nothings been done this entire expansion, nothing will be done.

Just donā€™t queue shuffle as a healer.

In addition to the OPs point, itā€™s also not fun to play.

To be positive though, if you have friends queue 3ā€™s and rbgs. They feel great atm.


Brother you arenā€™t queing into 2200dps at 1800 youā€™re lying for some unknown reason

Okay, I guess Iā€™m making it all up for no reasonā€¦or, you donā€™t actually know.

Mmr doesnā€™t increase past cr much anymore, season 1 possible. Now zero percent chance outside of placements and you are well very far past placements and just hit your highest rating at 1800 and Iā€™m supposed to believe you got tossed into a 2200 mmr lobby lmao. Come on man

No, this happens an awful lot. Iā€™ll get put into lobbies well outside my own mmr (healer things) and thereā€™ll be 3 dps at the lobby mmr and 1 who is several hundred below. I donā€™t see much reason to doubt that sort of claim, either - itā€™s very obvious that it would happen any time the queue canā€™t find a 4th dps close enough to the level of the lobby its attempting to fill. The higher you get, the more likely a lobby is hard to fill, and the more likely it will have to reach down to pull someone up. This is exacerbated by playing at odd times.

The whole top of the ladder has been in chaos all season long, and its only gotten worse as participation has gone down


This is strictly and only a healer thing. Dps are plentiful never once will a hardstuck 1700 dps player get thrown into 2200. 24/7 365 there is more than 4 dps queing at every rating imaginable.

Well thatā€™s simply false.

Pause and think - are there really ((2400 - 1700) / 50) * 4 dps players queueing up within 15 minutesish at 10am on a wednesday morning?

If there arenā€™t, then the algorithm will be expanding its window to fill the lobbies it does have, and we all know that it will accept a broader range of incoming players to keep games going. The fewer players, the more it will likely have to expand its range. All you have to do is play at odd times and youā€™ll see this behavior regularly

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Okay man I donā€™t care that much Iā€™ve seen enough season 2 shuffle to know you both are idiots

Go see some more. Try it as a healer so you can get more games in per hour. Try at odd times. Come back and report! Be a helpful member of the community and do some science!

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She was 0 cr going into this game and still having mmr 1600 higher than her cr. Itā€™s not like that -57 is going to change anything. She also got paired against a 1400 rsham and lost a game.

The system is stupid and Iā€™m not defending it but this doesnā€™t seem that complaint worthy when youā€™re in placement games.

I was referring to healing, not dpsing. The highest dps Iā€™ve encountered was about 2k and that was when I was at 1878.

you forget to take your pills today mate?

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This is hilarious to watch all of you complain about the state of PVP when you ran all the casuals off by boosting and scamming.

What did you think was going to happen? WoW PVP is dead. There is no one playing it except people who do this for a living and pros now. DPS are sitting in 30-40 minute queues with this type of imbalance happening what do you think those queues would look like of they didnā€™t let this happen?

I really like Solo Que, but to think Blizzard would do anything other than put some half-baked, ill-thought out idea in place (that one of their unpaid interns came up) is nothing more than a dream.

I get why it happened but it is still weird. The game sent you way up your first match to see if you still need to go up or down from there, and how much up or down, you won 5 matches but it is against lower rated players, if you want to stay at 2100 mmr or go up you should probably be going 6-0 against 1400-1600 rated players. Specifically against the other healer who is 1450 mmr and the only one you exchange score with at all as a healer.

I mentioned this in another thread but my new healer fresh and never stepped foot into arena was put with 1800-2100 mmr people. It went about as fun as you could imagine.

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Itā€™s high time we address the 200+ points CR gap between DPS and healing classes.(feel free to check top 200 SS ladder)

To shed some light on the intricacies of the current system, itā€™s evident that a DPS player holds a 200 MMR advantage over a healer due to the structure of the healer MMR system. For instance, if a healer achieves an MMR of 2100, an equally skilled DPS player should theoretically be at 2300.

However, the issue deepens when a 2100 MMR healer is paired in an SS with a 1900 MMR DPS. Given the existing system dynamics, this scenario reflects a substantial skill gap, approximately 500 MMR.

Itā€™s especially discouraging when healers are matched with DPS players 300-400 points lower in MMR. The issue doesnā€™t just reside with healers, it equally affects DPS players who end up with healers 300-400 points below their MMR(but considering DPS players are 200+ above a healer its not such a big difference). This results in a frustrating game of chance and fuels unnecessary toxicity within the community.

Imagine a 300-400-500 point MMR difference in games like DOTA2 or League of Legends. The gaming experience would suffer immensely, wouldnā€™t it? Our current situation in SS isnā€™t any different.

Therefore, I strongly suggest we revert to the initial MMR system based on an average lobby rating. Also, itā€™s critical to reevaluate and improve the reward system for healers to encourage more players to adopt these roles.