Healer Goes 5-1 in RSS. Loses 57 MMR!

I prefer to farm conquest on my healers, in rbgs, then send the conquest boxes you buy from the vendor instead.

I know I’ve opened some of those call to arms boxes on the healer who earned it, to buy a vendor conquest box.

I have a feeling its going to get a lot worst before it gets better. Almost done getting conquest on my healers to mail to my dps characters. Then that is about 20 to 30 less rounds of heals queuing per week that is not coming back.

Part of me wonders if Blizzard is not inflating healers’ MMR (or making the healers’ climb easier) because they’re worried healers will stop queuing the moment they get their elite rewards.

hey Holycow, do you remember one of my early season posts complaining about this stupid mmr non sense?

You liked it and some forum boyz were laughing at us saying everything is fine, they still dont get it somehow even today…MMR FOR HEALERS IS JUST GARBAGE


The sad part about this is lobbies like this cause healers to stop queuing, only exacerbating the problem even more. This is making the situation worse not better. Soon no healer over 1600 will put up with this crap and 2400 lobbies will have 1600 healers.

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and then those healers will only go 3-3 and also stop queueing as a result

they need to go back to the LOBBY MMR same as S1 instead of this total nonsense… and GIVE REAL REWARDS TO HEALERS.

This Healer MMR is the most cancerous thing they implemented… makes all healers QUIT! there is no soft way of saying this, they dont get the soft way.


excellent now we just need to get a 6-0 mmr loss screen and we will be really cooking


Dont care rating. Rss is great to practise 3s.
Everyone knows the real deal is regular 3s ladder.
Also better than skirms to try new build, ui etc.
But hey, like what lmfao said once, everyday im shuffling.

wake up Blizz, screenshot don’t lie

Yeah between that and the token price and the 20 min q’s (last week was 5 min, fluke?) I’d say games dead.

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That’s actually disgusting rofl, I get that it’s your placement games but still, why were you placed in that lobby in the first place

MMR is either broken or they made the range that is acceptable a lot wider.

Lots of games where there are now DPS that are clearly out of their element. They aren’t placement matches and their CR isn’t way lower, but enough that the gap in skill is noticeable.


Healer MMR relative to dps MMS is just… busted. The two 1700 players are the healers. Both were complaining about why they were in the lobby.


I don’t blame them. Once I got over 1800 I started seeing 2.2k dps, I have no where near the knowledge or abilities to play into that.

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There’s nothing wrong with the screenshots above, 1700 healers have plenty of fundamentals to heal 2.1 players. They both should’ve been happy to play with solid dps. I hit 1800 on both ladders with random 1400 healers. Also never once on a dps have I been in a lobby with dps 400mmr higher than myself that just sounds like a completely fabricated story for whatever reason?

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Yea. =/

One of the biggest issues is just the change in pacing. Newer healers might have the ability or knowledge to do well higher up, but it feels like the pacing is what throws them off. The first 30s of those matches can be pretty intense. To the point where you’re stacking defensives to survive. Too many of those games end with the healer not using a single cd.


It’s really noticeable from my vantage point and it makes the match unfun. Especially if you’re the primary kill target, which I often am. I tend to not even look at MMR until I feel like something is off. Without fail, this is usually the case.

Why would I fabricate this? Do you think I’d go through the effort of photoshopping it? Really?

Getting games that the healers are 200-300 lower is pretty much the norm. How many examples do you want?


I have some that are even up to 500+ off… The higher you get, the bigger the disparity.


I was responding to tumble, healers being in different mmr lobbies as dps is common knowledge, I just don’t see the issue, people push ladder with low rated healers all the time.

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I mean, I get it. The game shouldn’t have paired them together in the first place but… maybe the healer 2100 mmr shouldn’t have lost to the 1400 mmr healer.

In placement games too, when MMR is particularly volatile.

Efx is probably passed out in a gutter atm but I’ll send someone out with a stick to poke him.