Heads up! Something went wrong

I have been attempting to sub back to warcraft and am non stop met with this error. I opened a ticket and got 3 boilerplate responses to clear cookies, use different browsers, try different PCs or mobile, even different networks. I tried all of these things before ever submitting a ticket for help. The most recent answer directed me to a German tech forum, which is of course, no help at all.

This error occurs when trying to add an address for payment. Or using the existing address continue to payment. Every time, on every browser, computer, network, ect. all give the same error of,

“Heads up! Something went wrong select another payment option or try again later.”

I cannot add battle.net balance, add a payment card, or even add a billing address anywhere. All give the same error. I’m never even given the chance to try and enter payment information, this is not a card verification issue.

Again, I have tried all the methods of clearing caches, cookies, history, trying different browsers and devices. I’ve tried using different networks, both mobile and PC. I’ve tried using the blizzard app, shop, account manager, and websites. I’ve turned off firewalls, and don’t use ad blockers. I’ve tried multiple different devices. Every single attempt leads to the same “Heads up!” error. Thought I would check here since the ticket system is just expediting losing me as a customer.

If this can’t get figured out I guess 20 years was a good run, I’d be sad to see it go, but I’ve never had so many issues trying to give a company money.


I am sorry to hear that, Invalice. We’ll usually see that from a single location if there is some kind of security program or firewall causing an issue but you said you tried multiple locations and devices.

Have you tried using private or incognito mode on the browser? Sometimes that allows things that are normally getting blocked. Try Paypal or other method of payment if you’ve been having trouble with adding a credit card.


I tried incognito mode on several devices all met with the same error. I don’t have access to Paypal. I guess it means I’m just outta luck?

I’m really not certain what else to suggest, Invalice. I’m not seeing any known issues with payments and something like that tend to send up big red flags because it means people can’t play at all.

So you are able to log into your account management page just fine? It’s when you click on payment methods or add game time that you have the issue?


Correct, I can log into account management just fine on everything. In account management, when I either attempt to add an address for payment, or use the existing one and click “Continue” to add the actual payment info I get the “Heads up!” error. So the path goes

Payment Methods - clicked to,

Your payment methods - Click “+ Add a new payment method” to,

Chose payment type - Options of Credit Card or Paypal. Have Credit Card selected and click “continue” to,

Billing information - Select an address. Highlight address on file and click “continue” to,

“Heads up! Something went wrong. Select another payment method or try again later.”

Try adding new address at Billing information - Select “New Address”. Add New address (Street address as opposed to P.O. Box on file) information and click “Continue” to,

“Heads up! Something went wrong. Select another payment method or try again later.”

Try Games and Subscriptions tab - Click “Add a Subscription” which opens browser to,

Battle.net shop with subscription options. Select subscription and click “Subscribe Now” opens to,

Payment Information - Select “Credit or Debit card” and screen reloads to include,

Billing Information - Select address and click “Continue to payment” to,

“Heads up! Something went wrong. Select another payment method or try again later.”

This happens on every device on every network with every setting I can try. That “Continue” or “Continue to Payment” after selecting billing information breaks every time on every device on every setting in every browser. Everything else I can navigate. I can edit account information. Log into game with lv 20 and under characters. Code redemption seems to work, I just literally cannot get past that “Continue/Continue to Payment” button without getting the “Heads up!” error.

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Did you manage to get it to work, Invalice? I was trying to find something else we could try or if your case needed to be forwarded for further investigation when I noticed you made a purchase.

If so, that’s great news. Again, I am sorry for the frustration you may have had getting that to work.


Whatever you guys did seemed to take care of it. It worked as of a couple hours ago. Thanks so much.

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I didn’t do anything more than look around to see what could be the issue but I’m glad a little centaur magic seems to have done the trick. :smiley:


I am sorry to revive a solved thread.

But I’ve been going through this today. Searched everywhere for somehow to rectify this and couldn’t find anything but this.

I have the exact same scene as the above poster. Was trying to purchase TWW early access edition when it came up error.

I deleted all payment methods (as recommended) then the “heads up” error started. Can’t add another credit card now without the error. Tried through my laptop & different browsers. And since tried through my phone connected to wifi and cellular data. Both with chrome, Firefox and other browsers.

Wtb some help. :sob:


Having the same issue. Put a ticket in so will see what happens

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Same issue. Paypal option gets the same error message. Put in a ticket and got told to do what was in the FAQ. Won’t even let me put in an entirely different credit card from the one I tried initially (as in, the option is not given, just goes straight to the ‘heads up’ error). Tried deleting cookies, old cards, tired different browser, not using auto-fill, still same error message.

I’m having the same issue. I tried to make a shop purchase on my (previously working) credit card but it didn’t go through, then deleted my saved payment methods per a GM’s suggestion on my ticket. Now, I can’t even add credit cards to my account. I added a PayPal account as well to try to work around this issue, but purchases are not going through to PayPal.

My credit cards are confirmed working outside of Battle.net and nowhere near the credit limit. I’ve tried adding my credit card on multiple devices, home and mobile networks, 3 different browsers, cleared the cache, and no luck.

My credit card provider said they didn’t see any attempted transactions, and PayPal support said the same. It’s almost certainly an issue with Battle.net

I’ve opened multiple tickets that have gone nowhere - they all reply with the same script of things that I’ve already tried and don’t work. I’m not sure where to go from here :confused:

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I will join in too on this thread as my issue is the same. I had also got on my second account. I was able to add my card with no problem and was able to make a purchase. I had gifted my main account a battle net balance to use what I was wanting to buy.

Even the battle net balance is throwing up errors trying to use that.

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same problem for me tonight, have tried everything everyone else has mentioned

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same problem for me tonight, have tried everything everyone else has mentioned
( sorry, not sure why it chose my level 20 toon)

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This is happening to me. I’m beginning to get slightly irritated. I’ve put several tickets in and i’ve gotten the exact same “copy and paste” response from all of the so called “gm’s”. Wondering if anybody has found a solution to this. 15+ year blizz fan here and i’m starting to second guess my gaming decisions.

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I know how frustrating it can be to constantly run into walls, so just try to take it step by step. I am going to assume you tried:

  1. Using different browsers
  2. Checking your firewall
  3. Allowing Blizzard’s website in your network permissions
  4. Logging out and in
  5. Clearing caches and cookies
  6. Trying different devices
  7. Use the app

Also, you should create a new thread so you can get better, faster assistance. Old threads tend to contain outdated information and the mixed contexts can be confusing all on their own, making it more difficult to help you and other people with the same problem. And if that’s not the case, which is may not be here, the OP is likely not coming back to this.

Your best bet is to wait on those tickets and make a new thread is the proposed solutions didn’t work.