Headless Horseman Dungeon Way Overtuned

Blizzard playing spin the scaling wheel.

I’ve not had issues but I’ve seen some players getting deleted.

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I’m not going to read anything you typed but you should go outside on this nice Saturday afternoon instead of trolling on the wow GD

Same. I don’t trash on skill levels. But seriously, this boss is nothing. I was confused lol :laughing:

OP makes a thread to incite.

Once everyone’s in tells them to go watch a certain streamer.

Bails from thread.


Despite the negative comments, it is a harder fight than previously. Is it badly difficult? No, but Im sure most people can recall running in, calling the boss, slamming out those big hits and him being dead without doing much of anything.

Now he does this radiating red fire attack which comes in two waves and if you happen to be on a lower level character it can be nasty, especially if someone has come in on a healer for a quick queue who does little or no heals.

So Im not saying its all that hard, but its certainly not the cakewalk it once was. I don’t mind a bit of extra difficulty, personally, as it always felt a bit too easy but saying the extra Horseman attack isn’t there is being in denial.


Hasn’t seemed too bad to me but I’ve only run it three times so far. Heck, I even wanna point out that for some reason I’m doing more damage in there than I usually do. I noticed I managed 2.5m DPS on my last kill which is more than double my record literally anywhere else so far in TWW. :flushed: Broken scaling benefiting max-level characters for once or something?

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Huh? I went into this on a freshly-dinged Prot Paladin and the boss fell over in 30 seconds LMAO


Yeah I think that’s a big thing, holiday bosses used to be AFK-able now they require basic awareness for about two minutes. Heck before it was a queue fight we used to run 10 toons a piece up to scarlet and me, my sister and brother in law would rotate 3-manning it for the mount

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His only mechanic is the breath attack that will kill you if you stand in it

There is some cluster of things at the start that if you fondle makes the encounter harder. Supposedly it increases the drip rate of the horse, but have no idea if that is true.

The affixes are entirely optional, you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. The normal mode is the exact same as it was before. All the affixes do is increases your chances at the mount, pet, and transmogs. Heck you can even run it with like one to two affixes based on what you can and cannot handle.

Saying that it now “caters to the top percent” is asinine. You can modify it how you see Fritz your just.mad that you cannot handle it at max difficulty. Which comes down to learning how the affixes work, and how to dodge and deal with them.

I was a bit surprised the application of the curses seems to work differently compared to last year…? You only got the effects if you activated them yourself at the time, someone else activating them didn’t affect you. I wasn’t expecting all the crap thrown at me the first time I went in this year, I was going to be a lazy healer and giggle at others doing crazy jumping and running around. Oh well.

It’s not hard. People are amazingly bad at dodging the blastwave tho. I’ve lost some dps to that, they were pretty much oneshot.

If H.H is over tuned, the problem is you

Eggs-actly. Its a very short fight. Ive mostly done it on higher level characters; I tend to do my alts with healer specs first as that gives a very fast queue. I might try a couple of level 10s and see what its like for them, since they can now do it and get a purple cache. Which I must say is nice of Blizz.

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I’m seeing a funny trend here, and it goes for more than the Headless Horseman fight.

Everyone complaining about “over-tuned” is usually at max level.
Those who aren’t level-capped are having a complete cakewalk.

Hell, my level 70 Fury Warrior (full pre-patch gear at ilvl 500) is routinely pulling aggro off of level 80 tanks without really trying, and it’s definitely not a skill thing. It just feels like the (perpetually and comically broken) scaling system is hurting level 80 players at the moment.

… almost as if they aren’t tuning it for level 80.


I do not M+ or raid anymore and i had no problem with it. I have done this dungeon 6 times on alts and my main and have not seen 1 person die yet.

All i can say is GL and if you did choose the curses maybe drop 1 or 2 of them. Learn the fight and do not stand in stuff and you will be fine.

Don’t stand in the bad, please.

the affixes are optional and they only affect the player(s) that opt to click them

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I have literally done this dozens of times and haven’t seen anyone die that didnt’ refuse to move out of the fires. lol… what?

I was happy to see it changing, the old fight was dull as heck and alot of wasted time.

Yea, I did it on a lvl 12ish mage, I didn’t have any issues with it. And I don’t play mage, just made it 'cause it’s a lizard mage :stuck_out_tongue: