Headless Horseman Dungeon Way Overtuned


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Not going to go watch any Bel video about this because he’s nothing more than clickbait these days.

You are seriously overthinking this event entirely.

I can say I’m pretty sure the players bent on raider io need to take another look.

HH is not that complicated,like anything else it’s just a push through get it done,get the goodies,move along.

You’re making it way more than it already is. Sorry your groups have apparently had the raider io mentality but you’re making it way more than it is.

And the best part is, you don’t have to do the so called hard mode that really isn’t that hard to begin with.

Adding in that the only cluster you know what I’ve seen so far was last night when a level 13 was trying to tank and a 30 something was trying to heal,rest of us were 80s. Tank and healer dies like 3 times before we had to to a vtk otherwise we would have been there longer.

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They updated the boss so it isn’t boring. There is like one major mechanic to dodge…lol
I’m not even a good player, and this fight is easy, and fun.

Please @Blizzard give me my mount /cry

lmao what?!?!? overtuned?!?!?!? i nuked the horseman as a level 38 balance druid in leveling gear this morning.

It’s not at all hard, I haven’t used a single add on in years and I have zero issues.
Including solo tier 10 delves (almost got 11 down)
All 8 of my main toons have cleared at least tier 8 with no deaths.
You know what I did when I first saw the new mechanics on HH?
I moved out of the way.

Stop watching Youtube and pay attention.

And it’s a double fail if you are melee and fail to move, the cones are much smaller when you are in melee range.

Dude I literally tanked it on a 78 druid yesterday with a dead healer and two dead dps.

It uses basic mechanics we’ve had for years now. You know, typical move out of cones and swirlies. Sorry but lol, this boss is not hard.

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We wiped twice on that one today. A lowbie healer was in the group and couldn’t keep the tank up. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen that happen. Scaling in this game will always be awful.

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Don’t stand in fire, what is so hard about that?

I will concede that the graphic for the fire puke sucks, as do all the modern cleave / spew / whatever crap that uses the same fog-ish graphic where the edges may be hard to determine without the right GFX settings and camera angle.

I’ll also say the scaling is terrible as is all scaling stuff like this in the game - get a bunch of almost 80s with trash gear, and you’ll be dodging the ground fire multiple times while if you get one lowbie the boss may die before the first fire puke.

Did it on a lvl 74 mage and warlock with zero issues.
Ran it 5 times in about 30 minutes this morning. There is nothing difficult about it. On this toon we didn’t even get a second breath he died so fast.

This has to be trolling. I logged into a level 40 warlock I haven’t played since WoD who was in gear with literal +3 int and still did this fine.

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He trucks my lowbie Blood DK and Prot Pala.

628 Warrior doesn’t flinch, but jeez.


More than just the top 3% can move right or left to avoid puddles and breath… that’s literally all you have to do

Did it with 3 different characters today and everything went about as smooth as possible each time :person_shrugging:

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Yeah I don’t use the “get good,” line but if they’re not able to dodge two mechanics I don’t know what to say.

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There’s some odd scaling things. I only had issues once. three lowbie and bad dps (including myself). Tank and healer were both 80, but looked to be very fresh… healer in particular was in low levelling gear. We couldn’t kill it, it wasn’t even close. Healer was a trash can, the tank couldn’t keep himself up without a healer, and the dps weren’t good enough to kill it before the healer inevitably punted it.

After three wipes, healer left, we got in another 70 healer and easily killed it, it died way faster too, there was something going on with the scaling.


bro wants a free loot machine…see this is why we need to bring back bc era type elites to teach people what it used to be like lol

Did it 8 times and died 4 of those times. Once the whole group wiped. Some groups are good and some are bad.

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A bold suggestion: Don’t stand in bad stuff on the ground. It’s easy to avoid for both melee n ranged.

That’s more like the damage I took on my priest, way over 1.5 million. But I saw the fire stuff coming from him before it hit and I moved way out of it and behind other players. It hit me and not the others. I’m not sure how it works, but maybe there was a lag issue or is there’s some targeted damage effect? I thought it was just a damage breath.