Headless Horseman Dungeon Way Overtuned

Sounds fun will have to grab some guildies and try it.

Compared to last year I would say it’s actually way easier. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Not that it hard to begin with, at least to me. Difficulty is subjective.

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I think I know what the Ops problem is after doing HH on a 560 warlock.

Pumpkin breath, that does 1.5 million fire damage was ’ out of synch ’ for me , I think
i was standing 45 degrees to the fire from the horses hooves and it STILL wiped me, so I suspect it might be the same issue as Kriegval’s rest delve candles. being out of synch for group members…

Even though I died, I burned him down to 20% health and the tank and healer killed him.
I do not feel he is op.

Somebody might want to make a bug report and move this out of general


Yeah it does way more than that


Finally get a DECENT holiday boss fight and people complain.

Adapt, improvise, overcome.

That breath though… gaddamn that was a surprise first time.


I don’t have a sturdy 80 tank yet , but I shall endeavor to see if it can be interrupted.

I know my intimidate doesn’t work. But it does put a pattern/cone on the ground for the ranged part to show where it’s going, it is just deceptively short. Meaning the actual range is greater, and maybe wider then shown.

Not sure how hard the flames close to him hit because I am not getting that close :slight_smile:

Did this twice so far.
Once it was myself (tank) and a dps alive sub 30%. Was a cake walk
Secobd times had two dps over 1.5mil. Also a cake walk.
Curses or not this boss is, as it apways was, a cake walk.

If peiple die to mechanics then they are just not paying attention or are not at the skill level of moving two steps in either direction.

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That’s the curse… if you stand in the bad, you are SoL on heals. Which is what made the cursed version only slightly harder. However, self heals were working just fine, so my Pally, Druid, and Monk were covered. With my Mage and Rogue, I just stayed out of the bad.

Really? I was just thinking that it seemed less brutal this year, but that could just be because I’m much more familiar with the “new” fight. I did it with two 70s in questing greens and each fight was pretty wham-bam-dead.

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  1. It’s not new.
  2. I’ve been running it on many and haven’t died yet.


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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: That’s kind of all the more reason to nerf it though …

A holiday boss shouldn’t be too exceedingly difficult, especially if it drops mediocre loot.


There seems to be something strange with the scaling, or…lack thereof? I was healing a max level tank on my level 60 something healer, and their health bar was barely moving at all. My holy light crits did about 1/30th of their total HP. We wiped, the tank left, a level 60-something tank joined and I was able to heal him no problem.


I noticed that people is sitting on mechanics that they need to get out… causing the healer to fall behind on heals or just straight up dying…

People need to stop casting and move it’s a basic thing nowdays…


Yeah um… I’ve run this multiple times with the curses and its fine.

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It’s literally don’t stand in bad stuff and use a defensive cooldown for the purple circle. That’s it.


Isn’t it a personal mechanic too? Like OP has to activate all the curses on his own, and they only affect him and no one else?

So he set himself up for the hardest difficulty and died to it on his own, all by himself, and is now mad about it?


I played it on an undergeared character to start. I took a bunch of damage, popped cooldowns, ran for it, realized they changed it, and adapted. You could pay attention a little. Like, it’s not that hard to get hit by the pumpkin fire.

I personally don’t like that we can’t do it 5 times in a row without requeuing. That’s annoying.

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The (still very easy) extra difficulty is optional. Nerf it any more and you might as well just give everyone a daily loot box in the mail instead.

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