"He has ascended higher than us all..."

I thought they were just a robot made to the work.

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I’m not sure you know what this word means.


The whole point is that his character was written this way on purpose. An arbiter is the ultimate in fairness and equality.

I personally think that his character was well written for the role they had intended for him. He was boyish, saw the good in everyone, but didn’t let others take advantage of him. But they developed his character in such a way that made his purity of heart shine through, albeit through traits like his boyishness or naivity.

Being pure of heart is what they needed for a judge to treat all souls fairly and someone who could see good in people despite their evil deeds to perhaps put them in revendreth instead of straight to the maw.

I don’t think his character was “a good character with depth” but I think his character is exactly what they needed it to be as an arbiter.

I mean, Judge Judy is a judge
but I sure would not want her crusty, jaded old self judging my soul.


I think they were going with a “machine wont have the emotions like pride to be corrupt like zovaal” which is why they also chose a pure soul like Pelagos as the final. An automaton doesn’t have pride but can be broken, a regular soul can’t be broken like a machine but if it’s “pure” like pelagos also wont have that same pride.


Definitely could be, we don’t actually know that though.

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I guess this would make the arbiter the only eternal that isn’t an automaton (probably). Or do the arbiters after Zoval not count as eternals?

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I’m jealous, I was hoping the ”Maw Walker” would become the New Arbiter. They picked that clown over me. It will never stop hurting. . .


9.1 narratively was entirely a missed mark for the characters that needed development, Pelagos being one such character, I agree.

In all honesty? If they’d made Pelagos into a healer and equalizer as he developed, I would probably not care. Watching him go from having no place to seeking to maintain balance for and in others would’ve sat much better with me than him doing nothing at all.

I’d rather Sylvanas do it as atonement. Everyone she knew or cared about is dead.

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Not really an upgrade, imo. He’s got to just stand there, for all eternity, judging a billion souls a minute. No fun, no nothing interesting, not even moving, until Reality ends or he becomes the new Jailer. Fate worse than Death.


by no means am i a fan of woke writing
trans pelagos/gay warriors of elune, as it really serves no purpose but it ALSO WAS NOT THROWN IN YOUR FACE SAYING LOOK AT ME IMMA VIRTUAL SIGNAL YOU ALL. it was background information which I can tolerate/understand/glad i am not being preached to.

i am more upset with the new batman movie because it was literally a very well done movie ECEPT FOR ONE SCENE ruins the entire movie and I know for a fact because the entire theater I was in complained/moaned/disgusted and it was obviously on the nose in your face woke !@#$.

but pelagos had hints of this form the very beginning of shadowlands and it does fit his character arc very nicely as he was compassionate character who wanted to show understanding and is less robotic like the previous one and less evil from the one before lolz

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This is from wowpedia

The Arbiter’s existence predates all memory—even older than the titans, according to some accounts. The first being to hold the title of Arbiter was the Eternal One Zovaal, but when he defied the will of the First Ones and betrayed his duty as Arbiter, the other Eternal Ones stripped him of his power and banished him to the Maw to make him its Jailer. They then used his anima and sigil to construct a new Arbiter, one that would be dispassionate and just and would take up his role of judging souls.

This is the lore behind the Arbiter, robots all the way down.

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The way I saw it was “Oh, this character had a FULL character arc. Wow. Wish Zovaal had gotten the same treatment but at least I know they’re capable of good writing.”

If you did the Kyrian campaign, you can see this arc is a whole thing for Pelagos. Nice callback to Willowblossom’s sacifice.

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Real talk but the bran is evil ending fixed a lot of problems with season 8 and it’s sort of chilling. The children of forest in the end were playing naught but a game of thrones.


This is the wow forums, not 8chan. I think you got confused


What that doesn’t how does that even make sense.

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I am largely indifferent to Pelagos, as I don’t like or dislike him. Honestly the writing team did such a poor job developing him, that most people just know him as the NPC that became a man in the afterlife. If they were going to make him into such an important figure in the story arc, they really should have made him more focal.

Edit - Wait I did forget about the “adventures” we had to restore the Kyrian shrine, that actually did a decent job exploring him as a character but it was so minor that I nearly forgot about it.

I mean peligos was no more “important”. His arc, “i cant do this”, “i cant give up”, “lets save people”.

Ok kleia was there from the get go. Peligos is the tired zero to hero trope without a compelling personality.

He is as interesting as unseasoned white rice.

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Any one who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king. ~Tywin Lannister.


I don’t even know what to say, it’s so dumb, peak blizzard plot twist “it was a demon in disguise” then pelagos became god. I still find it dumfounding that’s the route they went with, a demon in disguise, thats what bothers me the most than the little blue alien in that one Effiel 65 song becoming god.


She’s actually useful and thick thighs obviously