"He has ascended higher than us all..."

Definition of woke:
aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)

Social justice is a concept that all people should have equal access to wealth, health, well-being, privileges, and opportunity.

Why are you AGAINST this? Says more about you than about the writing team.


mr. news anchor said they should be.

usually what it really comes down to.


There is only justice.
If you put a word before it, it stops being justice. You learn this on the first day of Law School.

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Hey look, a thread by the guy who spent an inordinate amount of time in the LGBT+ thread saying PEG-12 and tHiNk oF tHe ChIlDrEn has posted a thread complaining about wokeness because Pelagos is trans.

Basically using the prejorative term “woke” in an online post has basically lost in almost the same way as Godwin’s Law ends a conversation.

Speaking of which, Godwin of Godwin’s Law fame has come out and said that a vast majority (99%-ish) of people who use the word prejoratively are jerks. Except for he used less nice words.

At the end of the day it really boils down to this. If you don’t agree with Pelagos being trans, or the gay spirit animal people in the Arden, or Flynn and Shaw, perhaps World of Warcraft is not for you and you should move on to a game that better aligns with your values.

The asleep love to say the phrase, “go woke go broke.” Stop giving Blizzard money.


think of it as a job that no one wants to do…lol.


Incorrect, thats why hatecrime laws had to be passed, because justice was being ignored.

I wish it was as easy as you say.

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Except it’s quite clear that it’s Pelagos who’s still in complete control.

Most people already did so enjoy your dead game while it lasts.

Oh, is Parler making video games now?


All emotional Hot Topicness aside, peligos was a terrible choice. He’s far too naive.

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Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Oh, can I have your gold?

Yes do that. Please.


You can tell that the mechagnome warlock and the level 10 paladin are the same person on two licenses by their use of the term “peg 12” or “pegi 12.”

They’re a made up PG-13, skewing younger, brought up in the context of tHiNk Of ThE cHiLdReN as if there’s something wrong with a young person knowing gay and trans people exist.

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That and he’s a nothing burger. The only time he’s ever been challenged on his beliefs or goals is when he attempts to ascend when you first meet him. And he just gives up.

But nah, Pelagos is a deep and thought-provoking character.


Rey is actually a more interesting character and she is like the biggest Mary Sue ever written.


The person that can’t ascend on their own get to decide the fate of every living being. I guess even Shadowland doesn’t value merit when choosing their best.

10/10 writing.


What makes her better then Pelagos ?

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Unless it’s tucked away in a novel somewhere, I’ve looked at his dialogue on Wowpedia and I’m just not seeing it. He is no more compassionate than Kleia is and no more outwardly motivated by altruism than anybody else. He doesn’t seem to have had his explicit compassion revelation until the end of the 9.1 campaign, when he finally saw the Maw for the first time and talked with Uther. In fact, Uther seems to have been his catalyst for doing anything at all. His motivation for volunteering to go to ZM is a mystery.

“Primus, I ask to join the Maw Walker on this journey into the unknown.”

Why? Who knows.


She actually get the job done instead of doubting herself 24/7.


Have you seen Godwin’s new law that just dropped a few days ago, seems to fit here

“Drawing Bayesian inferences after extensive sampling, I’ve determined that it’s 99-percent certain that anyone who uses “woke” as pejorative will turn out to be a (naughty word)head. Please don’t blame me for pointing this out–it’s just science.”


i rarely Lol irl, thank you dan