"He has ascended higher than us all..."

So Pelagos is Bran Stark from GOT?


I’d rather they find a way to wake up the already existing Arbiter that’s not even dead yet, but just randomly disappeared from the game.


You weren’t paying attention to the quests and dialog while leveling/playing through Bastion were you.

They’ve been setting him up for this since the very beginning of the expansion.

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And yet those eight words are still part of your topic. So don’t chastise others for talking about what YOU already posted.

Don’t want people talking about how you had to use the “woke” excuse? Then don’t post it.


Not only he didn’t pay attention he’s targeting pelagos cause he’s kinda showing us that he’s paranoid of a “certain group”

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No one else seems hurt except maybe, you.


It’s a bit funny that everyone else has been complaining that the “gods are just robots!!!” for a couple weeks now, and yet here we are…

This is a ridiculous and quite frankly offensive conclusion to come to.

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I’ll remove it and pretend that going woke isn’t a trend for billionaire capitalists that want to appeal to the lumpenproletariat cattle. Can we go back to the topic now?


I was hoping they’d just turn her back on but I’m not sure I completely understand all their story anyways. Maybe they just ‘needed’ someone else?

There’s already an Arbiter out there who’s just taking a nap. Hope she wakes up and gives Pelagos the same fate as Arthas.


If you didn’t do the kyrian campaign you should get some reasons for this and information on the character presented to you beyond “hey, you know that guy you met a year and a half ago for about 30 minutes when the game launched? No? Oh… well that’s a you problem”

It’s all unnecessary anyways because apparently they can make new arbiters without going through any of that, which we know because they made a new arbiter without ever going to ZM. Bad writing is bad, especially when it collapses in on itself like that.


It is on topic. Deal with it.

I noticed, except this was the best way to incorporate it into the game and story. It’s mentioned/implied, and is an important part of his character but beyond that plays no major roll in the actual story.

I’m dealing. I just wanted an excuse to make my previous post.

I wouldn’t go as far as to call this woke. Just a mostly useless character finally getting a delegated a job he hopefully won’t mess up.


Ah, so an excuse to once again bring in your issues with a character where their representation has never been a focal point, but you want to make it one. Got it.

Previous post:


It’s not going to wake up, and it’s just a giant soul computer. argus domed her.

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Waking her up would make 10x more sense than having a mortal soul become an Eternal.


I don’t mind Pelagos as a character, but Pelagos did not earn the equivalent role of God IRL. Being compassionate is good, but not enough. A lot of us look at the role of ultimate judge of souls and take it pretty seriously. This character did very little, had very little time to develop, and seems put in this role out of nowhere other than the writers wanted it to be.