"He has ascended higher than us all..."

He isnt, he was born into shadowlands as a man.

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Ohhh so he’s WoW transgender. Lol thanks. I was thinking they were saying he went to the barber shop one day and BAM

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Yeah, by being born the gender he is living as. If you think about it, its kind of insulting to trans people for people to hail him as something he isnt.

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Even Pocopoc would have been better.

LOL WUT!? no, you simpaholic bonebag! she is the absolute last person in the cosmos who should have that job, literally dead last.

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Poco is leaving with me, Poco’s purpose has been fulfilled.

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You didn’t like who wound up on the Iron Throne in GoT either, did you?


I think old Arbiter fizzled away. When The Jailer pulls the key from its chest you see it unravel and fade away as the camera pans away.

If you watch the cinematic where the Jailer gets the Arbiter’s key orb doodad you’ll see the old Arbiter kind of just unravel into anima and vanish.

Whether this means she died or not I dunno, just that she unraveled into strands of anima on an orb that nipple man jammed into his chest

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I don’t know if it’s quite transgender (don’t cancel me or lynch me or whatever) but Pelagos, when they were alive, was a woman. Then when they died and got a new body in Bastion it was a male body and Pelagos felt right with that.

Take that as you will

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Lets call it like it is…

Bat$hit crazy


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I get the sense that isn’t the reason. I think they just ran out of time to tell a story and figured making a minor character the arbiter would be some kind of shocking twist.

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I’d rather them keep saying it. I love when people stick to their catch phrases so I know what camp they are in. Like a neon sign in the sky.


Same. Especially when they say “fascist” “Sexist” “xyz-phobe” “bigot” “racist” “conspiracy theorist” “Republican” “hick” “incel” “nationalist” “hatemonger”.

Buzzwords make idiots very easy to pinpoint because it’s almost a clear indicator they have no idea what they’re talking about on either side. However “woke” was the term the people ascribed with it chose for themselves. They’re just upset people have turned their “it means I’m awoken and therefore enlightened” buzzword into a pejorative against them by being insufferable to most people to the right of Marx.


I think I’m ascended a bit higher right now. But ok random blue guy if you say so.

Yeah, shouldn’t we, the maw walker, be the one who becomes arbiter. We literally did all the leg work, united the covenants and defeated the big baddies.

Oh I completely agree. Both sides (there are more than two sides) have their buzz words that let me know who I am engaging. I want them to continue to do this, it makes it easier to zone them out.

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Yeah but Blizzard realized if they just ignored Pelagos like they were presently doing people would get mad when they realized the character only existed to get nominated for a GLAAD award because “muh representation.”

They can’t be too obvious now, even these fools will smell something is amiss after a certain point.

I prefer to engage with them. It’s funny watching them flounder about aimlessly on either side since when you back them into a corner they just start foaming at the mouth and acting like children.

It’s kind of like when you have a longwinded argument with a religious zealot. When they are met with something they are mentally incapable of refuting they just start kicking and screaming. That to me is the real identifier of someone who never reasoned themselves to their conclusions and just accepted a narrative from others.

People who reason themselves into beliefs can at least give some measure of defense consistent with their internal logic, even if it’s stupid you can at least understand how they arrive to their conclusion and see some measure of consistency, or a genuine thought when you point out an inconsistency. These people on the other hand can whole two completely contradictory beliefs but do not notice it. We call this “cognitive dissonance” and it’s usually only a thing to people that are either too stupid to understand their own thoughts, or they’re just taking talking points as fact and regurgitating them.

As I’ve said before, in math classes you used to get marked as wrong on questions you got right if you couldn’t show your work.

At my age, I simply have better things to do.

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