"He has ascended higher than us all..."

Regardless of how you feel about this, Pelagos had little to not impact on the story or events that happened. If you have any brain cells this looks 100% like virtue signaling, ESPECIALLY after everything that’s happened at Blizzard.


It’s one of the main reasons why I don’t let them get away with using it as a derogatory statement.

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I agree it’s a stupid choice, like the choice for King of the Seven Kingdoms at the end of GoT S8… but I don’t see what it has to do with being “woke” at all.

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Boba Fett

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#GoWokeGoBroke gotta love the Danuserisms that they keep putting into the story too! Even better the new Sylvanas book is clearly going to be Anduin talking about his trauma and comparing it to Sylvanas’ half the time. They will just continue to ruin this story further!

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I agree with the OP entirely.


Deep down, they know they just need ONE positive trending Twitter hashtag for WoW and they can turn this whole ship around! If Pelagos can’t do it for 9.2, just wait till they unleash whatever they’re planning for 10.0!

These writers know that once you get noticed on Twitter for the right reasons, there’s no stopping the success train.

Now leaving “Misunderstood Geniuses!” Next stop… “Celebrated Geniuses!”

everything woke goes to blank.


Haha sorting hat from Harry Potter :stuck_out_tongue:

Why did they need a humanoid to fulfill the arbiter role? You begin to wonder if the fantasy element is being lost to the mundane sexuality garbage.

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Ah the journey of purpose ,yet people even in here are blind to it in there lives go for years even decades to find it,travel across great distances,face every challenge and whine up being mucked at by fools who never step one inch from a key board in their safe zone.

I would say Pelagos did all that without the use of a computer

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It’s been a while since i’ve played though the Kyrian covenant, and i’m not gonna go though it because i don’t feel like being bored by it. However, the Wowpedia did give me a good amount of material we can work off here in just a few minutes to absorb why he did became the way he did… :point_down:

As for the last part, he hasn’t made his sexuality or what have you like completely noticeable and just hammers it in all the times you’ve been with. It’s just a person who tried to find their purpose that just happened to be trans.

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the primus
alexandros mograine
shoot even thrall so we can finally put this walking plot device without a real personality to rest

a dead slug

they chose the most emotionless and annoyingly useless character to become basically god
good thing we were trying to infuse a robot without emotions to become the new arbiter, it doesn’t look like much of the gameplan was actually affected

Filtering countless souls many entirely evil would break normal shallowland being like peligos. look at the previous arbiter the jailer, it is best to have a robot with no emotions so beings get sorted fast. if he breaks just replace him, hell they have access to the GM island of the first ones.

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you and 71 people must be so transphobic, you cant see that Pelagos is not a “Woke” moment, but a “Zero to Hero” moment. if Pelagos was trans representation in that sense then why up until this point would he be so minor? not ascended, not standing out in any major way, just joining you as he learns his true purpose.


Not subscribe just bcuz of a trans character? lmao ok bye, it’s amazing how you call other people “sensitive” and “woke” yet you are the one who is being offended because it doesn’t align with your views.


I’m not sure if OP is trolling or being transphobic but what is this term they keep using “woke”… is that some sort of trend to attract all the bigots?


we posting fett pics?

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The afterlife may be in even worse shape with this bumbler making decisions. We won’t have to worry about it though as it is unlikely Blizz will ever have us back there again,


Off topic, but there’s no way Pelagos is transgender.

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The funny thing is he isnt even what they hail him to be. He is not trans, he used to be a female, then died then was born a man. So, he was born a man and is living as a man. They never mention his sexuality, so if he is attracted to women then he is a straight man.

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