HCT LXVI Less Stable Slots NOW!

For BM, you can excel with a Mastery build using AC as something of a base.

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Iā€™ll be honest, my first thought was, ā€œThis is gonna be a nightmare for Blizzard to balance.ā€

Remember how much pain they had with the WoD mastery for MM? Iā€™m not talking about the standing still part (that bit was genius), but the exact amount of DPS increase that we got for Aimed Shot.

Actually I preferred that old mastery where we got increased range (Iā€™m currently having a brain fart and forgetting which expansion MM had this mastery. Either MoP, or Legion? MoP introduces mastery, right? Oh well, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll remember later).

Generally, I prefer mastery that gives us neat little tricks and niches (e.g., increased range or the chance of getting a second arrow) over the kind that flat-out boosts our damage because itā€™s the latter that always gets taken on such a roller coaster ride as Blizzard struggle to balance it. Letā€™s face it, MM has a tendency to stack mastery when it boosts damage. That one expansion where it increased range, we didnā€™t see as many MM stacking itā€¦ ugh, no wait, MM also got a damage increase.

Um. Even though I had a momentary brain lapse right there, I hope my point about fun-quirks mastery > dmg-boosting mastery comes across.

By the way, Iā€™m liking a lot of the ideas being tossed around about MM but as seeing Iā€™m typing this on my phone over lunch, Iā€™ll reply to that later. :sweat_smile:

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So my guild last night was talking about how you couldnā€™t NOT aggro when trapping targets. While I noticed traps being wonky since WoD with aggro, but I found keeping distance works in keeping them from gaining a grudge the moment theyā€™re trapped.

Edit: Cool! I can link now!

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If you see a forum called Lounge on the Forums page, youā€™ve made it to level 3. Donā€™t ask me how I know since I might be level 2.

I can embed youtube vids, but not post links anymore. Lost that with my human Whim avatar.

Great white noise so far.

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Seriously, the ā€œtrustā€ thing is so weird. I can tell you that I barely post; the only things I really do is read and read and read. Oh, and ā€œlikingā€ so many posts that I run out of likes every single day (which is REALLY annoying, FYI).

And somehow, I got trust level 3 in, like, a week. I honestly donā€™t know how this happened.


Youā€™re just so darn likable. 8)

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I agree that itā€™s weird, I am not sure how I got it given how many people love to just respond to my posts. Iā€™m also not sure why I have not received any warnings or bans. You on the other hand are practically our saint.


Patron Saint of Civil Hunter Discussion


Oh, stop it, you two! Youā€™re making me blush. :flushed: :joy:


That means itā€™s working.

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I somehow have different profiles from my work computer and my home one.
I managed to like this twice?

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Iā€™d wondered! :joy:


While I acknowledge that you are grammatically correct, for some reason that exact phrasing has irked into some uncanny valley.

Hahaha, I know!! I did a double- and triple-take after I typed that sentence. I knew it was grammatically correct, because Iā€™ve had to work so hard to learn the grammar of a language I have never (and never will) heard, but it DEFINITELY looked weird!

Ultimately, however, in the end, my stickler nature for correct grammar won over my equally hard-deserved liking and knowledge of how to ā€œwriteā€ in slang. :wink:

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I can assure you that even hearing it, it soundsā€¦ off. Not wrong, but rather akin to having an old tube Tv brightness being slightly off. Itā€™s just enough to make everything seem a bit ā€œlighterā€ or ā€œdarkerā€ than normal but thereā€™s nothing technically wrong with the showā€¦

whatā€™re you guys talking about now?

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Writing You Rolled A Hunter, Now What? Classic,
Itā€™s mostly a copy/paste from my old thread.

You Rolled A Hunter, Now What? Classic

Well congratulations you just rolled the biggest contradictory class in the game!
I kid, I kid! ā€¦sorta.

Look I am going to get this out of the way. I at one time ran one of the best leveling guilds on a highly populated if not full server in Vanilla and BC. This leveling stuff my specialty. I am not an End Game Raider or Rated PvP Hero. I might try it out every now and then but I love the idea of helping people get the gear and some of the skills they will need to get there.

Glossary or as I like to call it, What the Heck are They Saying

AoE: Area of Effect
AFK: Away From Keyboard /afk for the staus
Agi: Agility
AH: Auction House
Alt: Alternate character, what most Hunters are
AotB: Aspect of the Beast, You become untrackable
AotC/Cheetah: Aspect of the Cheetah, increases the running speed of the Hunter to 30%, but dazes when hit.
AotH/Hawk: Aspect of the Hawk, increases Attack Power
AotM/Monkey: Aspect of the Monkey, increases Dodge Chance
AotP/Pack: Aspect of the Pack, group Cheetah Buff with daze mechanic
AP: Attack Power
AiS/AS: Aimed Shot, replaces ArS and used as a Focus Dump MM only, you get this at level 10
ArS/AS: Arcane Shot, used as a Focus Dump, on SV it spreads Serpent Sting, BM/SV
BL: Beast Lore, tells you information on beasts and possible tames, you get this at level 10
BG: Battle Ground
Blue: Blizzard Employees, their posts are always in blue and they avoid the class forums with reason, Hunters tend not to like Blue, that is all I will go into it.
Blues: Rare items. Often gear is found in dungeons but can be manufactured or dropped.
BM: Beast Mastery Specialty
BoE: Bind on Equip, can be sold, traded or mailed until used
BoP: Bind on Pickup, can only be used by or vendored after you recieve it
BW/Big Red: Bestial Wrath
Call Pet: Allows you to summon your pet
Caster: Spell Casting class, Tamable Beasts with Mana Bars
Caster Pet: Pets with Mana Bars, part of a type of NPC that tended to be less desirable for taming.
CC: Corwd Control, something that stops PCs and most NPCs for a certain amount of time
CD: Cool Down, the time it takes for a spell to reset
CM: Community Moderator, these are rarely if even on this forum, they are Blues who communicate with the players
Crit: Crit Rating, the chance to have a Critical Hit
Cus/CnS: Concussive Shot, Might be removed from game
Dismiss: Dismiss Pet, you get this at level 10
DND: Do Not Disturb/Busy, sometimes called Do Not Duel /dnd for the status
DOT: Damage Over Time
DPS: Damage Per Second
DS: Distracting Shot
DW: Duel Wield
ET: Explosive Trap, AoE Fire Damage
Exp: Experience
Flare: Increases stealth detection in a targeted area.
GCD: Global Cool Down, the time between shots
Freeze: Freezing Trap, freezes most in place for 30 second (PvE) or 8 seconds (PvP),shares a CD with Ice Trap
GM: Game Masters Blizzard Employees who fix things in game/Guild Masters
Grays: Poor items and Battle Pets. Beats having nothing.
Greens: Uncommon, items and battle pets, better than common. Usually manufactured or from quests. World Drops often have better stats.
Heals: Healer or Healing given/Recieved
Hit: Hit Rating: the chance to hit or miss, No Longer in Game
HM: Hunterā€™s Mark
HP: Health Points, often a green bar on your avatar in game.
Frost: Ice Trap, an AoE slow, used for Kiting and slowing something down, shares a CD with Freezing Trap.
Int: Intellect
IG: In Game
IRL: In Real Life
LoS: Line of Sight
Main: Main Character
Mats: Materials used for crafting items in game
Melee: Either classes that have to be up close or 0-5 yards from your character.
MP/Mend: Mend Pet, Heals your pet, you get this at level 1
Mob: NPCs you can attack
MM: Marksman Specialty
MS: Reduces Healing received by 50%, Mortal Strike for Warriors
NE/Nelf: Night Elf, the playable Alliance elf race.
Ninja: Someone who takes loot they do not need, steal loot out from under you, also used as a verb, tend to be viewed as pariahs
NPC: Non-Player Character
OOM: Out Of Mana watch for healers to say this
Pat: Patrolling mobs in instances/raids
Petopia: https//:wow-petopia.com the Hunter Pet resource website.
Physical: The type of damage you mainly do
Proc: Comes up, or becomes available
Prof: Profession i.e. Skinning or Mining
PST: Please Send Tell, to Whisper done by /w playerā€™s name
Purples: Epic items and battle pets. Usually found in Raids.
PvE: Player versus Environment
PvP: Player versus Player
Ranged: Casters that can attack further than melee range and 8-35 yards, Hunters are Ranged.
Rare/s: Blue colored items and Battle Pets, and Mobs with a Silver Dragon Found on their avatar, Rare Beasts otfen have unique skins or ones found at later levels.
RF: Rapid Fire MM only
RL: Raid Leader, both an instance rank and a typical guild rank/Real Life
SB: Scare Beast
ScS: Scatter Shot, No Longer in the Game
SF: Stone Form, Dwarf racial clears poisons and bleeds and reduces damage taken
Skin: Usually means the looks of pets as well as pertaining to the profession Skinning
SP: Spell Power
Spt: Spirit
SrS: Serpent Sting, passive with Multi-Shot and ArS, Survival only, you get this at level 68
Stam: Stamina
Str: Strength
SV: Survival Specialty
Tank: The one in the group who is supposed to take the beating.
Tranq: Tranquilizing Shot, removes an enrage/magic buff, you get this at level 35
Trap: Non-targetable spells that require one to walk on or be own to activate, these cannot be laid/set in combat.
Whites: Common items and battle pets. Better than Poor but not by much.
WotF: Will of the Forsaken, a Forsaken/Undead racial that removes sleep and Charm effects and makes them immune as well.
WS: Wyvern Sting, you get this at level 30/Wind Serpent
NOTE: Some these are choices, you may not have them at the same time.

So Little Timmy got his Peashooter and his faithful companion Lassie and decided to explore the world of Azeroth. What will they do next? Well, there is wells for him to fall in but not that kind of well, he needs to do great deeds and get better loot. He needs to learn how to be a Hunter.

First things first.

What can I expect from a Hunter?

Hunters are the solo play kings/queens. They have great CC, decent damage and Lassie, a built in DOT and meatshield. They are easy to level, easy to roam around and quest in. They are also harder to play well than some of the other classes. It is really easy to make a mistake that can wipe a group or raid. In terms of PvP this is called Skill Cap.

What Race should I chose?

Honestly what ever looks the best to you. Just make sure that you are comfortable with looking at itā€™s back. Everything else is just meh. For the Horde itā€™s Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren. For the Alliance itā€™s just Dwarf and Night Elf.

Why can I not control this aggravating pet?

You get that skill at level 10. Way back when we had to walk barefoot in deep snow uphill both ways that was when we got our Taming Rod and began our quest to learn how to Tame Beasts. Now those days are gone and you get a pet right at the start.

What about pets other than Lassie? Can I get her a break?

Ah, taming other pets. Here is one of the perks of being a Hunter Timmy. First off you need to be level 10 or higher. Then you have Lassie in the Stable or abandoned. Once you have a a free spot you find the pet you want to tame. This pet cannot be of a higher level than you are to tame it. Go to petopiaā€™s Classic Page to look at what pets you want and then start your journey to get your pet. Now You may begin to feel like Ash Ketchum and have the need to tame everything, you can do this if you want but you need to do this to learn pet abilities only. There are only two Stable Spots you can have and you need an open spot for these Temp Pets.

How do I tame a pet once I find one?

Now let me finish Timmy. When you have the space with you the you use the spell Tame Beast. Once you have Freezing Trap it is easier. Also Rapid Fire makes the channeling time of Tame Beast faster. There are some pets that are rare spawns, these have silver dragons on their unitframes and have names and many have titles. Some of the pets out there have a challenge built into them while others can be only tamed by certain factions.

I tried to tame this beast with a funny name, he looked cool but I could not.

You may have just tried to tame a Druid in Cat, Travel, or Bear form. It happens to some of us who are new to the game.

Where are the Stables?

Stables are often outside an inn or near the Hunter Trainers in cities.

What pet is the best pet?

This is depending on what you are wanting from it. For most leveling a Boar, with its charge and its large diet is best. Cats with their high damage output are another excellent choice, couple their Prowl ability with the Night Elfā€™s Shadow Meld and you have the makings of a great pair. Other choices include Bears with the Boarā€™s diet, Wolves with a Crit Buff, Birds of Prey, Bats, and Carrion Birds, for their AoE Debuff. Untamately the one with the fastest Attack Speed will be the best Choice if you are on a PvP Server.

Why do tanks keep screaming at me to turn off Growl?

Your pet has a spell named Growl. When grouped with others right click the ability on your Pet Bar to turn it off. If it has a march ant looking thing on it, then it will autocast. Growl might as well be a taunt, it will pull aggro off the tank and they hate that. Make sure itā€™s on your bar to turn it off and on often and to hit it to pull a mob off another player, like the healer or yourself. Healers love it when you save them because the tank is useless.Your petā€™s spellbook is also found among the panels of your spellbook.

How will I know if I can tame the beast?

You use Beast Lore. This can even be used on players that take on animal forms (that may have changed but itā€™s a fun idea to find out). It will tell you if it is an exotic, what food it will take, itā€™s tamed abilities, health and armor. If it can not be tamed it will tell you and add some basic information. Also most rares share their skin with others of their type so you donā€™t necessarily have to hunt down every rare you see unless you want to be be prepared to embody patience when looking for Broken Tooth or other saught after rares. They are rares for a reason.

What's the best way to tame beasts?

Once you get Freezing Trap it becomes incredibly easy. You trap it and cast Tame Beast. Three things to remember, on you have to have an stabled your primary pet when you go off to tame a beast, second, unless you have all slots full, you do not have to abandon your pet. If you do, then say goodbye to one of them. Retail has 60 slots in their Stable, Classic does not.

Do we get to name our pets?

Yes, we are not Warlocks. There are some limitations in what name you can choose though. By default in this gameā€™s program almost all but a few beasts are female or unknown, but that means nothing, even on RP and RPPvP servers. Lassies, like her namesake could really be a Laddie if you want. There are a few things you can not name your pet, this is due to legal matters with copyrights so donā€™t get mad if you can not name your Boar Spiderpig. Also formal titles will not work either. I would also avoid anything that might be offensive.

What Spec should I be?

Well Timmy, that is up to you.
BM gives you a tougher pet and can increase you AotC/Pack Speeds up to 6%. This is typically the best Spe for Leveling.
MM Gives you burst with Aimed Shot and more efficent shots.
SV gives you stronger CC which means stronger control, perfect for PvP.

What about Pet Specs?

Pets have three specializations, Ferocity, Tenacity and Cunning. Ferocity has higher Damage and are typically used for PvP, Dungeons, and Raids. Tenacity has higher armor and HP and are typically used as tanking pets for solo play. Cunning is a mixture of the two.

How do I change my pets spec?

You canā€™t change its Spec, but you can train it different levels of different abilities.

What about Talents?

You will start to get these at level ten and this will continue until you reach 60. Where you place most of your talent points is what Spec you will be.

What kind of weapon can I use?

Guns, Bows and Crossbows are the only remaining Hunter weapons left. These can not be enchanted but they use Scopes to get the same affect. You can equip Swords, Axes, Daggers, Polearms, and Fist Weapons, you can even mix the types if they are one handed weapons. These melee weapons are primarily used to get the stats provided by them, but at least one is needed to apply WC.

Testing out something.

I want to try some here.

Still Testing

Yup I was right.

Testing again

I have to put the number of the headline when doing this. 1 it the largest, 3 is the smallest I might run with 2.

ā€œh2ā€ is the pinnacle of header defaults. ā€œh1ā€ is just extra and ā€œh3ā€ is a myth.

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