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Tried that, didn’t work for me.

I currently am dealing with the cognitive dissonance where I laugh at the idea of watching reality TV, but right now my white noise while I work is just a bunch of Internet Drama videos.

Hmm. These essences really skew my perception in this game. I feel like I’m not doing a lot of dps some of these Heroic Azshara pulls, but I look at the top parses and the top 5 save for our just god-level mute of a ret pally all are using the beam. I haven’t died to the same mechanic twice at least. So that’s a thing… but then I sit here and feel like “shoot, I’m not doing enough compare to the BM hunters” but they both are using the beam while I’m using the condensed life force for single target burst on venomtongue and for pushing down key mobs.


Oh, and I do suppose they both have far superior weapons to me, so that might make a difference.

If Marksman wasn’t such a dumpster fire, people wouldn’t be wishing for ranged survival back. I think the only reason I play it is I don’t like to raid as melee and I’m too hard-headed to cave and play BM no matter much Blizzard fluffs it up.

Our guild is having issues with Za’qul right now. It’s bad enough that I’m seriously considering swapping over to warlock, just for the utility.

Depends on who you ask.

Can’t speak for anyone but myself but…personally, I would pick a modern version of the past ranged SV spec anytime over either of the current specs we have. Simply because of the way it was designed and the theme/fantasy of it.

That’s what I mean, BFA MM is a step in the right direction, but it’s still a poorly-designed spec.

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Fair enough. Though, even if MM had some stuff done to it which would make it more fun to play(IMO), I still wouldn’t settle for it. I would still suggest the return of the old SV spec that we had up until the Legion pre-patch hit.

Because MM isn’t nor has it ever been the same as what SV was about back then.
They(devs) can “fix” current MM all they want.

I posted this in another thread today but it fits with this discussion as well:

I’m not asking for the removal of the current melee Survival spec in order for ranged SV to return.
I’m also not asking for MM to be changed into the old SV.

There are many players that like both MSV as well as current MM.

If the intention is to implement a new playstyle to a class(like what they did with MSV), it shouldn’t be in the form of a replacement for an existing spec/playstyle. They(devs) decided to make SV into a melee spec. But that wasn’t the result of player demands.

That decision was all on them. And IMO, it’s up to them to make it right again.
As the old SV was a quite popular spec. Many players kept playing as it even though it wasn’t always the top performing spec. They(me included) did so, simply because of how much we liked what it was about. Mechanically as well as thematically.

Might I play with you in this space for a bit?

Disclaimer/reminder: I happened to have enjoyed every iteration of MM to some degree. Yes, even Legion.

Anyway going forward and I’ve given some thought to how MM could be improved. Really, a lot of its issues could be resolved with three tweaks. It might not be as good of a result that a ground-up rework will probably be, but having the following would make the spec a lot better all around without needing to break its damage output.

  1. Lower trick shot requirement from 3 to 2. (Fixing MM’s nonexistent 2-target output)
  2. Allow aimed shot while moving (or at least a PvP talent for it)
  3. Return kill shot.
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Return Kill Shot.

Hunter’s Mark is baseline for MM; the talent would buff its effect.

Allow Aimed Shot to be cast while moving, but give the MM a trait that makes Aimed Shot stronger while stationary.

Mastery should be Armor Penetration and range.

Lower Trick Shot requirement from 3 to 2.

Tranq Shot.

Need to be able to attack during Turtle. As it is, the damage reduction is less effective than other classes because we can’t attack while it’s up.


This is the only one I see potential issue. Is it a percent based system? How close to 100% armor could we ignore? What happens if we ignore over 100% armor? Just bonus damage?

Or what if it ignores armor by the point? Will it ever feel like it’s scaling if the content gives armor at the same rate it gives mastery?

Not that it’s a bad idea, but I have no idea how to implement it.

Now here’s another thought, if I may. If hunter’s mark was baseline and the mastery improved the effectiveness of hunters mark, how would you make a system like that work. My thought is we’d have a row of talents to interact with hunter’s mark. Each giving it a different flavor to emphasize you as, well, marking your targets.

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hello friends


Hello Crooklyn.


How’s it hangin’?

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@Ghorak this is the thread I was talking about not being alone in thinking that the Specs all played the same.

Sooooo @Ghorak

Mastery seems too strong to me with out a cap, otherwise it will outweigh everything to the point of never bothering.

A Charge System for Abilities and Shots, something like Rogue/Feral Combo Points, or Ret’s Holy Power to break the Spec away from Focus Dependence,

Explosive Trap has always outdone Immolation Trap, and it used to trigger LnL.

That’s about it for now. I have to deal with a couple of grumpy girls ATM.

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This very much depends on how they design mastery scaling for the spec.

And considering item stat scaling in BfA, when you compare early seasons/tiers with later ones, you don’t get a ton of secondary stats.

You would by no means be able to stack mastery up to ridiculous levels.

I still have my doubts that enough people would like that considering how the spec worked in the past. But, how would it work?

What would it be based on?

In what way?

And also, Hunter’s already have Hi-Explosive Trap as a PvP-talent. There is little point in suggesting to add another one as a spec specific option.
As long as that current one exists that is…

Note though, that you can get the AoE-component that was Explosive Trap from combining Tar Trap with Immolation Trap.
If that wasn’t what you were referring to then please get back to me with what that was^^

Always appreciate the feedback. Feel free to get back to me with more when you have the time!

Note: I’m not trying to be dismissive with the above, just that I wanted to stick as much as possible to the old design of RSV. Changing to much about the very core of it, would risk making some feel that it wasn’t RSV anymore.

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Did more damage, triggered LnL too.

Off to think some more.

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What about a mastery where it’s all hunter’s mark?
Hunter’s mark as-is, but baseline.

Mastery: Called Shots - Increases the effectiveness of hunter’s mark by X%. Attacks not made against the marked target will also ricochet to it, dealing X% of the damage the target takes.

(Or something to this effect)

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