There’s still nagging notions of “you don’t go out enough” but I sit and think "if I go out? How am I getting home? I don’t want to take an uber for a 30 min drive both ways. I don’t even feel like I “want” to go out, but I know that if I don’t train myself to, I’ll just bore everyone by talking about stuff I like or am into. It’s feels like I’m defective or something to not want to go out or not want to spend the money going to a concert. (I’ve never really been to one so I can’t really pass judgement.)
This even extends into camping. I was an Eagle Scout. I had all possible enjoyment that can be derived from camping unlearned by the uncomfortable realities about it (Tents never fit properly into the bags again. Waking up to make breakfast for 12 other kids in a tepid rain. Knowing full well that we’re going on a hike once it all clears up. The hike itself isn’t an issue, but it feels like the time it takes drags on. Boredom. Seemingly endless boredom.
I spent most summer camps napping. Doing anything to bring the Saturday return home just a bit closer. If I wasn’t at something mandatory or a merit badge class, I was asleep on my cot.
Maybe I should just go to this one tabletop game store that opened recently. I kinda miss being king of the nerds in my other friend circles.
What bothers me is that I’m not bothered more. Maybe I am just desensitized by the media at this point. I won’t really bring politics to this thread, but as someone who considers himself relatively centrist and independent, I am completely befuddled by everyone’s reaction. (Especially this latest decrying of violent videogames after it’s been proven again and again that there is no credible link between real world violence and games… I played Doom as a toddler back in the mid 90s. I feel bad killing a spider, let alone even unintentionally harming another human.)
As far as getting out, that store is a good idea. With the other thing, you are bothered by not being affected more, that speaks enough to me about it. It’s not about guns, video games, cartoons, or bombs. It’s a mental health failure. My mom worked in the rescue efforts in the bombing’s aftermath, I knew families effected by it. It hit me closer to home.
That I have no doubt. To be frank, I haven’t even cried over someone close dying to me since my dog Buster died in 2nd grade. None of my grandparent’s funerals. Not even at the funeral of an ex I would consider to have been on “good terms” with.
And not even to sound edgy or anything, but I don’t think I fear death in a metaphysical way. I still do have self preservation in mind and am not actively seeking my own end, but I am not afraid of my inevitable end. I don’t think I ever have. Not since seeing my lifeless golden retriever be buried when I was about 6-7.
Maybe it’s because I’ve yet to have a midlife crisis. Maybe it’s because I lack some perspective to make me desire life more or cherish its finite moments… but I’m just sort of numb and indifferent about it.
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Sure, it’s no longer a clickable link but it lets you highlight that part in your post and what you want people to do with it^^
It doesn’t solve everything ofc, but at least it works if you only want people to check out a different post/reply or another website.
Hmm. On the one hand, if it’s genuinely fun and enjoyable for you, then yeah, go ahead and write that Classic guide!
But on the other hand, I’ve never taken to those leveling guides because I just like figuring out my own way (never mind that I played Classic, so I already know what to do).
I know I’m not the only one, either!
So I guess what I’m trying to say is if you’d have fun writing the guide, do it. If you have other reasons or motivation for the guide… eh, I would probably think a little more on it before taking the plunge.