HCT LXVI Less Stable Slots NOW!

Well at least I can get more art done and can actually enjoy gaming again. Also I’ve lost about 40 lbs in about a month. I’d link my latest work, but I think since I can’t post links, I’d need folks to add me on Bnet if they’re actually curious: Yjjial#1868

But yeah, I can loudly raid again. So that’s fun.

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Read about your mission to lose weight, thought this would be relevant.

I love how the interface gives you the option to include links, yet won’t let you post with a link.


I usually have to hit Enter to post links, but I’m also level 3 somehow.

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That’s not relevant…
That’s a dang personal attack.

Like… ouch. (Watched it all the way through and I appreciate the end sentiment.)

I still detest gyms, though. I just intermittently fast. Saves both money and calories.

Diets help you look good with clothes on, gym for when clothes are off.

And yeah, went through something similar when the original blog post came out. Hit me right in the feels.

I’m getting up an hour early tomorrow to do yoga before going to work. Did I mention that I am expected to do both the job I’m scheduled for and a second department’s job at the same time?

Ladies and Gentlemen, Band Maid

Sup @Whim @Naham ?^^

ATM, dealing with an autistic kid wanting something but unwilling to tell me what it is. We can keep up our MSV/RSV talks here instead of several threads. I’m working tomorrow and I might get in trouble because lately I’ve been taking my lunch break very late as that is when I get someone else in my department to cover calls.

You’ll figure it out, have no doubt^^


Hmm, yeah, work is not always that flexible^^

My work allows me to pretty much eat whenever I want as I plan my days entirely on my own.

Work with Fire Safety.
I usually take breaks whenever I’m done with a job before moving on to the next. Or whenever I need to do some paperwork^^

Bedtime for me now though, due to EU schedule.
Guild went into mythic Palace today and had a good start.

Ah well, back on here tomorrow at some point :wink:

Take care.

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We got a substitute.

It’s a staffing issue for me, we have the manpower, but computers are involved and even though our department (retail store maintenance) is not tied to sales, we are supposed to be scheduled around it.

Good night, sleep well.

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I can’t believe that one joke thread about a bees glyph is making it in… though I really think it should have been a glyph for a murder of crows rather than the dire beast glyph.

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That just warms my heart.


I’ve really started to lean into the whole shirtless option with my transmog.
Makes me feel sexy.


I would go shirtless, but honestly fur just makes it look like I’ve got something on anyways.


Next patch will fix that! :smiley:

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yeah, feathers!

In other news, I’ve officially made a mythic team for Palace. :smiley: So that’s a thing.

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Life has been wonky for me lately. I’m still trying to adjust to singledom again. On the upside I’m still saving oodles of monies, I have really focused on bonding with my rescue, and I can actually play games again without being made to feel like I’m “ignoring” someone when only playing two nights for a week for raiding plus a good chunk of Saturday afternoons doing w/e I want.

Picked up Cities Skylines too, that game is so relaxing… And I’m still loving Warframe.

Oh yeah, I live in Dayton, so that’s a thing. And here I sit thinking “Man, we’ve made the news twice this year.”

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Glad to see you move on with your life and enjoy yourself.

On April 19, 1995 two guys parked a truckbomb outside the federal building in OKC and killed a lot of people. I understand.

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