HC server is Pay to Win. How is that Hardcore?

I would actually argue that the most common player would have that feeling of not being bothered, because I think the average person isn’t insanely jealous and worrying about what others do. Most people actually forget spontaneous short lived interactions rather quickly, so even if they did feel bad for it, it wouldn’t gnaw at them like you seem to imply it would.

Since I can’t speak assuredly for other people though, I can tell you that I’ve always been the person who sees that and thinks “Damn, I can’t wait until I can do that” and not “Damn, I’ll never be as good as them”, so… food for thought.

Lastly on this point, twinks have always been a thing across every MMO. You do not need RMT to twink. Twinking will not happen at the beginning of the server, it’ll happen once people already have a main of higher level, generally 60, to then use as a funnel for that twink… Which means, simply get to 60 and twink out your next character?

RMT=Gold=Normally unattainable gear=easy leveling is equivalent to “Gold=AH gear=easy leveling” - First is the assumption you have to be super twinked, which some people will do but I think we can all safely assume it won’t be the majority due to the one life rule. Beyond that…

Your second statement is just flat denial and pessimism to the nth degree. This is 100% real, we are all paying a sub with access to all content and the only difference is time played etc. Gold is a factor that reduces time played, sure, but that doesn’t make the statement any less true. RMT is 100% bad but it doesn’t gatekeep you or stop an individual player from doing anything less than any other player.

Also just a false fearful statement. Hardcore is a game mode where your survivability and protection of the time investment of your character is determined by your patience and forethought. Fullstop.


Oh man more player-created content?
That sounds like it would be a blast.

Asma blushes.

Clear, concise and accurate.
I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


It does! Maybe use brackets in a sense with the dungeon levels in mind.
It shouldn’t be impossible to do if you’ve got a higher level character to foot the bill and help the group gear up to the run.
Something for non raiders to work on perhaps. :+1:t4:

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You are mixing up equal out comes with equal opportunity.

This is like trying to convince a drug addict that they are not addicted.

You are putting more effort into disproving the details of what he’s saying than understanding the problem gold buying causes. You are missing the big picture.
You are arguing in favor of gold buying. Wild!!! :joy:

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Overall good post!

So you didn’t read his post? Wild!!!


Actually, I’m not. I’m arguing in favor of open unrestricted trade and AH.

I understand the problem gold buying causes, but I also understand that restricting trade/AH doesn’t solve the problem and, in my opinion, does more detriment to the fun of the game.

The details of what he’s saying are trying to give reasoning for restricting trade, which I disagree with, so I’m putting effort into disproving his reasons to show that what he’s afraid of isn’t worth disabling trade and AH.

Edit to add:


restricting trade/AH doesn’t solve the problem

The closest we’ve ever gotten to being free from gold buying is with the HC addon restricting trade until 60.

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I almost can’t believe this non-sensical doomsayer thread is still going…

This all day.

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If they made these changes you’d just find some new goalposts for what “hardcore really is” because you guys just like gatekeeping and feeling like special snowflakes.

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Go visit the EU PvE cluster. They manage almost as well. It can be done, and I hope that HC players have enough integrity to do it. I just HATE limiting the fun of others because some nincompoops cannot behave.

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I played on EU during Shadowlands season 3 because my RBG leader wanted to play there. It was a horrible experience and the EU player base seems even worse than our’s.

Never again. :fearful:

Sorry playing only Era, and that’s what I speak of here.

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There’s no need for belief. If there is a cheaper and easier alternative to the exact same destination then the harder path is undermined as a result. The “effort” means nothing because it can be completely bypassed.

The belief comes in when we say the guy who buys his 60 is the same thing as the guy who played his way to 60 so long as I pretend not to notice or care that he bought it.

So giggle, maybe you can get a good chuckle at all the hoops you keep jumping through to avoid the 800 pound gorilla in the room. This isn’t about applying labels. This is about trying to get the people who think these distinctions dont matter to come clean about why they think they shouldnt matter, since they really want you to believe they don’t matter, even though they do.

First couple of clues you’re about to have your leg yanked is they dont answer direct questions and sum it up as “it doesn’t affect you”, which is the de facto standard response from those who like taking short cuts but don’t like it when you call it a short cut.

Is it more hardcore or more of an impressive feat to get to hit level cap totally on your own with no outside help at all, yes or no? Not really a difficult question and youll notice I asked a whole bunch of times and never got a straight answer. I would wonder why that is if I didnt already know.

Let me know when you figure it out.

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This is SO mistaken. It makes my achievement of getting to 60 my way (should it ever happen) neither more nor less of an achievement to know that other players did it in many other different ways: some doing a dungeon a day, some by SSF, some by cheesing it, some maybe even like me the IronMan way.
What you have to learn is that the journey to level 60 on the official HC servers is a personal challenge.

OK I’ll give you an answer:
It is neither more nor less hardcore to level SSF on the official servers than using AH and trade or like me levelling the IronMan way in grey/whites only (and no outside help as in: no bufs, no potions, no talent points, no groups and no dungeons). All is Hardcore because HC is one life only.
There is meanwhile degrees in difficulty. You can range them at your leisure.

I doubt it. it’s not like there’s anything else going on for a wow classic player right now :expressionless:
HC will be the place to be for the foreseeable future.

You just acknowledged several different degrees or paths to the same end goal and told me they were all equal. They are not equal. /shrug

That’s got nothing to do with what I said. In my first post of the thread that I said I think its more difficult and thus more noteworthy of an achievement to do it a certain way (without unlimited trade) and was told I was wrong, it doesn’t matter how you get there, which is demonstrably false.

Still didnt really answer the question and the degrees of difficulty have already been acknowledged by most everyone - the question still remains - am I more hardcore than you if I do it harder than you?

Yes or no question, so spare me the spin and give me one of those two answers.

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I say it does not matter TO ME what everybody else have done. What you totally fail to understand is that HC is a PERSONAL challenge.

I repeat what I said in many more words first time around in big, nice clear letters for you to understand:

I think so (subjectively). I’ve played it several different ways and the more the difficulty the harder it is. Of course you have to factor in that each player can find one variation harder than another. So looking at it as a personal challenge I can say that it feels more hardcore (to me) to run solo than in a group for instance. Or it feels more hardcore (to me) to not use the AH or trading. I can say gear quality makes it easier and someone else says it doesn’t, maybe it actually doesn’t for that player.
A lot of the arguments on what’s “real hardcore” are subjective, skill related etc.

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No. Hardcore means one life, so adding more or less challenges on top is irrelevant to your run being hardcore.