Did Thrall have a Universal Translator developed?
Cuz otherwise I’m only gonna be able to yell in Common so all you’ll hear is some goibon uden lo gibberish.
I hope that was Piptak.
They’re pretty awesome.
Did Thrall have a Universal Translator developed?
Cuz otherwise I’m only gonna be able to yell in Common so all you’ll hear is some goibon uden lo gibberish.
I hope that was Piptak.
They’re pretty awesome.
I’ll understand, because what else would someone be yelling about in a HC server other than how hardcore the hardcore run was?
Clearly the player got to 60 so did something truly hardcore.
That it was, we disagree on some bits but honestly didn’t know that the rules for SSF now allow for grouping. It is a dumb name that clearly has many different variants that people chose to follow or not. I don’t see why HC players can’t be like pokemon nuzzlock players and just be happy with people participating some way with a niche playstyle of a 19yr old game.
As if players are not going to be following guides, have leveling addons and other addons that provide additional information that the game doesn’t provide normally. That is okay, but heaven forbid someone trades some health pots for a 6slot bag. That is just not HC at all!
one of those players that plays an MMO but insists that no other players affect him.
This is stupid.
Of course other players affect my play by “stealing” “my” mobs or nodes, by filling up the world, augmenting respawn rates, by straddling over the mailbox on giga-mounts, by trying to trick me into PvP (aka griefing), by grouping or not grouping with me for named mobs and elites. In short by interacting with me and the world around me.
But they do not affect me by having better gear than me or more G than me (no matter if they got it be means fair or foul), or by getting more levels faster than me, more mounts than me … in short all these things I will eventually get or do if I persist. Nothing can diminish my exuberance at getting to level 60 - even if I should be the very last player on the server to do so.
IDK man… I get what you’re saying, but as someone who twinked the 19 and 29 brackets before cross realm was added, I can tell you that we did not allow non-twinked characters with less than 2k HP at level 19 to do BGs with us. This was because there was a direct and demonstrable impact on our win ratio if we did. So a meta formed that percluded people from playing with us, and the group I played with was the driving force of BGs in the 19 and 29 brackets prior to cross realm… So other players literally couldn’t PvP in BGs in those brackets.
I can’t say for certain that this would happen with dungeons in HC, but in my opinion something similar would happen for the same reason. Why would you let the level 22 with regular gear into your Deadmines run if everyone else is twink geared for it? That person becomes a liability for the rest of the group, and they could encounter the issue of not being get into groups because of it.
Will twinking be so pervasive that this could happen? It really depends on the economy. If gold it’s widespread and super inflated from gold selling, the chances go up, though. It’s almost like that relates to something else I was saying in this thread…
It’s not really that they affect you but how they do not affect you. If these players weren’t buying gold, they’d be contributing to a much more authentic community. The real cost is the entire community experience that we’re missing out on. Knowing everyone is playing by the same rules.
Instead we have self enforced segregation from gold buyers and non gold buyers. Which gold buying is still “illegal” outside the WoW Token, but it seems Blizz is setting this up so we all start begging for its implementation - which each WoW token sold brings in 25% more revenue than subscriptions purchased with real money.
I think you really hit on something here that is going completely over the “your experience does not affect my experience” crowd’s head.
They say that if they were leveling and saw a twink one shotting all the mobs andnot taking any damage while fighting 3 mobs at a time, while they struggle and have to eat and drink after each pull of 1 mob, that this does not affect their experience.
Great. Bully for them.
But is that the most common feeling for a player to have. I would argue not.
In fact, I would argue that a player knowing that they don’t get to be that strong because they don’t want to spend real money or RMT, while other people are feels bad. In Hardcore, a LOT moreso than Era or Wrath.
So you could respond by saying, “well you could just RMT” or “well you should just ignore feelings like that” or “its really not that big of a deal to me, so it shouldn’t matter to you”… But let’s stop playing hide the ball here. That is what most people will feel in that situation.
And feeling like that about the game is overall toxic to the longevity of the game and its community. Pure and simple.
Could Blizzard put in a hugging npc to help with that?
Nobody is ever playing by the same rules. You have a better PC than me, he is younger than me, my reflexes are better than hers and so on. I want to play HC in only Grey/White gear, Charoom will be twinking – I’m sure you can continue this list yourself.
You cannot micro-regulate how people play.
I am never ever going to do PvP, so Charoom and his mates’ twinking rules will in no way affect me. Neither will I be doing Dungeons in HC servers, so no, it will not affect me either.
Trying to force everybody to play in the same way is doomed to make almost everybody unsatisfied — at least this is how I see it. But maybe 10+ years of playing IronMan on normal servers have impacted my point of view.
Yes, this is exactly how I feel about it.
But I do not think that RTM is the only source of this gear. I have seen so many on the RP server dressed n greens, not because they bought G, but because they knew where and when to buy green things from a vendor, which elites to kill and when to do what dungeon for optimal results.
Should I feel bitter because I do not have this knowledge? Or because I never have any money left over because I prefer to learn professions and fishing and cooking?
No way.
Wow is supposed to be fun - especially the HC servers - and fun is different for different people. This is what we have to learn, instead of jealously watching over others to check if they play the right way according to us.
I think you’re thinking of the WoW Token. That’ll come soon enough, I’m sure.
Then you are an EXTREME minority, and, to borrow a line from the anti-SSF crowd… The game shouldn’t be designed for you. It should be designed for the majority of the target audience. If that experience feels bad for that majority target audience, then as I’ve said before; it is toxic to the overall game and community.
no, its what you feel in that situation, wanna see some actual data to support you claim that the majority cares as much as you claim, and no “the forums” don’t count.
When I see a twink just having the time of their life one shotting things I think “dang, they’re really going at it, good for them, hope they don’t die after all that work” and then I move on.
Green is a bad color fyi
ultimately its healthier for all involved if you just think:
Because it isn’t a big deal.
But if players are so disturbed that someone else in game has something they don’t yet still wishes to remain in Azeroth, maybe that comfort could come to them from a npc citizen or citizens. Could be cool and have them stroll around a la Antonio Perelli.
wait except for my orc frans
… Hmmm…
Ah. One of these. I hate to break it to you, but Gallup doesn’t really poll WoW players on their feelings around RMT and power creep in the theoretical context of a future Hardcore server.
I know. I’m just as shocked as you.
But rather than just go, “Oh, no raw data? I guess we can’t make any educated guesses based on a rather robust field of data regarding motivation and rewards in humans through the lens of psychology and other known metrics as used in game theory.”, I am of the opinion that common sense should be used in these scenarios.
To me its pretty obvious. Humans will naturally pick up on disparities between themselves and the community the occupy. This is even common in chimps. Generally, if a person is able to understand the source of the inequality, they often will attempt to exploit that source in a similar manner, while chimps simply exert aggression on the individual who is benefiting.
The bottom line is, not even as humans, but as primates, we are aware of disparities in social groups for a reason linked directly to survival, and it is demonstrable even now.
To me, the logical conclusion to this would be that if a psychologically normal person encounters a power disparity when they see a twink, they will try to understand how that person is doing that. After a very small amount of research, it will be obvious that it just RMT=Gold=Normally unattainable gear=easy leveling.
And thus the illusion is dispelled. The illusion being, “We’re all paying a sub and all have access to all content and items, the only difference is time played luck, skill and knowledge.” This isn’t real.
The reality of the situation they will be confronted with is, “Hardcore is a game mode where your survivability and protection of the time investment of your character are determined by how much money you spend.” No one wants to admit it, but this is simply the facts if RMT and Hardcore mix. Fullstop.
So why feel the need to make unverifiable blanket statements that you cannot back up and attempt to pass them off as fact?
Why push your preferences upon others and present it as a majority opinion?
Why not try “some people I know…” or “people i talked to” instead
continue deflecting, it entertains me.
Because this doesn’t mean anything.
Humans are not fully anomalous creatures. We actually tend to stick with pretty regular and predictable patters of behavior.
One of these is response to disparity and motivations of behaviors that surround it.
If you can’t conceive of the fairly common human response of, “Oh that’s not fair. That’s not the game or rules I thought I was getting into, and now I feel like I’m at a disadvantage. This sucks.”… then I really don’t know what to say.
RMT shouldn’t exist whether HC or not
So you believe all humans are inherently jealous and covetous creatures, can’t imagine living my life that way, luckily I don’t know any of these “people” you are vaguely gesturing at as the basis for your entire rant. Which is essentially just one giant hyperbole from your first post.
In terms of game rules, assumedly referencing hardcore, the rules are published and available. the only unfairness in your statement is that the player was unfair to themselves and didn’t read them ahead of time.
Twinking, as far as I know, has never been against the rules and is not something that only a few CAN do, just something only a few CHOOSE to do.
I don’t want to, nor will I speak for the person you quoted but I’d argue that the feeling that is being missed out on was about the max level guild/pugging and going through the content as normal, and not paying for it.
Because twinking out a character wasn’t uncommon back in actual vanilla.
Don’t disagree with what else you said, I just don’t agree on the method in combating the issue should be turning off major factors of what made the game beyond what they’ve already done and even then it is questionable for me.
Is the answer to the problem but people don’t want to be the answer
I think it would be fun to twink out characters for groups doing dungeon speed runs. Winner is group that makes fastest time with no one getting clipped. I’m not interested in raiding so, thinking of fun competitions people could do.
Yer a doll
If your worried about the gear on someone thats level 22 going into deadlines, I am not sure what to say, and if such a silly meta formed on this server, I would just create my own groups, and don’t feel it would be difficult at all to find a decent group of people some of which might have questionable gear.
I will give it to you though that gear in PvP is completely different and we could certainly have a long discussion about that and the impacts of twinking, however as this is a HC server where there will be limited PvP, and where essentially nobody will be doing BGs that argument really isn’t super valid.