HC rulesets like ssf is not off the table

it’s funny you say this because you refuse to believe there’s a large portion of the hc player base that doesn’t want a SSF server. just because you personally do doesn’t change anything. there are other people in the world, some of them think differently than you do. some of them want different things than you do. I think you should have learned these things long ago but it’s about time someone told you.


“LF more for a SSF based guild! pst me!”
Boom there you go. You are now playing with others who prefer the SSF style.

You don’t “need” some special server for each slightly different iteration of HC that some random comes up with.


It should be supported as an option on the official server, instead we are told to use an inadequate addon.

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It doesn’t need to be though.
It’s something you can choose to do official server or not.
Heck, you don’t even need the addon, people have been doing HC/ironman/ssf style challenges for decades with minimal to no addon and no official servers.


I disagree. I’d like to be supported.
If I told you to just play on Era and follow your own rules and delet when you die you’d tell me to get bent. Same thing guy.

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What does that do that isn’t already available for you?
Do you 100% NEED blizzard to acknowledge your specific way for you to get any value from it?

Why do you NEED a server, you can just do the same as you told me to do on current Era servers.

Exactly, so shut up and be happy you’re even getting a server in the first place.

Give them an inch and they ask for a mile

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That isn’t an answer.
I have no skin in this race, WoW HC was not engaging for me as other games HC mode have been, both the addon or whichever version of SSF I tried out.

However the great thing about WoW, specifically era, is how easy it lends itself to player made challenges like HC and HC SSF options. Why do you specifically need blizzard to make a HC SSF server when all aspects of HC/SSF are primarily personal challenges that can be done on any Era realm regardless of blizzards official endorsement or addon used.

IMO, you seem to want to have your preferred style of HC be confirmed as a point to try and make other options of HC “invalid”.


I mean he’s probably looking for a fresh server…

If you know of any new vanilla fresh servers let us know.

As far as I know barring HC servers…there won’t be any new fresh classic servers until at least 2024.

There’s era and I could obviously play on era but they aren’t fresh servers…some are more lively than others but none of them (even the pseudo dead ones) aren’t what I’d characterize as a new fresh server with lots of people starting out at lvl 1 around the same time.

Nope. It’s because the addon is inadequate, meaning it’s easily cheated. I don’t give a rat’s behind what the non SSF players are doing, and I hope they have a lot of fun playing their version.

I think a lot of the tourists are looking for fresh, and this is the closest thing they’ll get. At least for now. It’s nearly perfect for that since you don’t die forever.

Cool, so you can just play SSF on the same server as them and mind your own business, problem solved

Just as you can play on a normal era server.
Well, not you, you aren’t planning on playing. Right?
So, if Blizzard supports the SSF mode and it’s optional. Would you throw a tantrum?

Yes, you’re starting to get it.

No need for a SSF server because we can all just play the way we like on the servers available.
SsF can be like an ironman mode toggle, easy

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It’s not supported, you are asking us to use a crappy addon that can be cheated.

If it was implemented like ironman mode was on SoM there is no cheating

And why do you care if the self imposed challenge is cheated, its not a competition, you would only be cheating yourself

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Because grouping requires being a valid SSF player. You can turn off the addon, get assistance then turn it back on. It’s inadequate.
Do you like playing with cheaters?

If im playing a solo challenge mode for my own fulfillment i couldnt care less if other losers cheat at it, because it in no way effects my own gameplay


SSF allows grouping for dungeons with other valid players. If you want to group for dungeons or after you reach 60 for raids you have to validate your run. Do you even know the rules attached to this SSF? If you have no intention of grouping or raiding and are merely making a solo run like you suggest then yes, you need nothing for your solo challenge.

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So if somebody cheated the addon, and you ran the dungeon with them and had no way of knowing if they cheated or not why does it matter?

If you cant obviously tell the person cheated then anything they did to cheat could probably have been achieved without cheating, in what way does it effect your own satisfaction?
And regardless, if blizzard implements it like they did with ironman mode all this cheating stuff is irrelevant