HC rulesets like ssf is not off the table

Do you think the Fresh life cycle of HC will be longer due to how much slower progression needs to be in order to avoid deaths?

I think the world might actually end up being a lot more ‘alive’ and lived in with people online outside raid time just because prep outside raid time is such a huge deal for the team’s success.

Like for example; on softcore lots of progression guilds comp stack doing MC and have an army of warriors and Frost mages who they (pretty much) stack with as much raw DPS gear as possible and then whip at Ragnaros’s face with as many Greater Fire Protection Pots as possible. Everybody knows Rag strat so I. Softcore…you just come with a bunch of consumes and keep doing attempts until he falls over. You can do 3-5 pulls if you need to in order to get him down and if people die…it’s NBD in progression.

I think we’ll still see comp stacking obviously, but the idea that you can just brute force your way to Rag by stacking DPS gear and crutching on Greater Fire Protection potions likely won’t hold up. I just forsee so many dead Warriors and Rogues due to how limited their mitigation tools are against magic damage.

I think back to what Kevin Jordan (an OG Vanilla WoW Dev) said when somebody asked him during a Twitch stream about what the thought process was about Hunter Damage in Vanilla. This was either during the leadup to Classic’a re-release…or during it.

Basically somebody was like:

‘Why would you ever take Hunters over mage, warrior, rogue, damage? Aside from the gear rot/waste…all those classes just do more potential damage and often times easier than Hunter.’. (Whether that statement is correct and when in the games life cycle it becomes true/more accurate based on gear scaling is a other matter).

Kevin Jordan was basically tells the person posing the question:

'Well, Hunters are constrained by their mana bar…and their damage potential is less in certain situations…but they have tools like ranged damage and feign death.

Hunter DPS is desirable because it’s SAFER DPS’.

When he said that…it really resonated with me because back when I originally played Vanilla 20+ years ago and was complete garbage at the game…his statement rang more true to the game as I experienced it 20 years ago.

Hunter DPS is generally safer/solid DPS that tended to die less frequently. That was of more value when fights were longer and when people were less familiar with fight mechanics / had less knowledge because people were bad at the game and killed the bosses slower and died a lot more during progression.

When the DPS in the raid is bad and you kill the boss slower because the DPS don’t know fight mechanics…or are on dial-up internet and die…or aren’t good at pushing the buttons…all of a sudden that Hunter in the back who doesn’t die early or towards the middle of the fight and keeps DPSing becomes more valuable.

If there is supposed to be a relationship between risk of death and DPS potential…I’d say it’s probably felt most in HC.

Obviously, Mages break that idea because Jeff Kaplan played Mage (not kidding).

HC really highlights certain elements of game design dating back 20+ years that…kinda got dumpster’d by the current meta/player knowledge.

Who needs ‘safe’ Hunter Damage when you can just class stack and play more aggressively?

The answer is…raid teams that can’t afford to watch loot rot…or who suffer real consequence when their riskier DPS that’d traditionally carry die and are gone forever until they level a fresh toon back to 60 (if they ever do).

I think it’s going to be really interesting.


Maybe. We’ll see. Tbh I still think the higher your raid dps the less chances of dying. At least on alliance I think that’s perfectly feasible option.

On horde, you’ll need 8 shamans and 7 dropping tranq and you’ll need a guy twisting wf and agi in the tank group. Most shamans aren’t willing to do that cause it sucks/boring. I know I’ve done it

Horde raids are going to fall into the tanks hands HEAVILY. You need a brute who can pump some insanely high tps and also has the right gear. 8 shams is plenty of raid healing. 4 priest and a Druid.

Horde will be the most different imo. Most horde raids besides elite guilds aren’t used to twisting. And you’ll likely have to start with tranq before wf. You just can’t afford for fights to last longer than they need to cause it’s just a ticking clock that’ll blow the longer it runs

Threat is their biggest prob

Regardless if I die at 60 I’ll catch u guys next fresh for my deep dive server review

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Randomly wanted to jump on this because I’m unsure how much people have considered it, but how much do you think the buff/debuff removal will alter the raid scene for HC? There’s a lot more versatility for classes being able to utilize their full kits now.

They did remove these buff limitations on som. I’m pretty sure nobody had any complaints about that at all. As far as raid comp, I didn’t raid much on som and when I did we followed your standard raid comp most normally do.

If raids take offspecs all that does is help them of course and warlocks etx. If a raid has like 4 locks I reckon you could take a sp etc. I know there was a horde raid with 2 enh shamans etc

I don’t think there’s anything super deep about it besides some offspecs being able to use their abilities and locks can put up corrupt/hunter serpent sting etc. nothing bad can come from it at all, the devs said they just didn’t have the ability for whatever reason to have no limit to them so they changed it for som and hc . So like Druid hots won’t knock off important buffs off of melee/tanks that are buffed to the sky

A very minor and likely unnoticeable dps boost for dps classes but offspecs like spriest and sham and maybe rets can use their abilities

I didn’t know that, actually.

This is more what I’m thinking of besides just flat DPS boosts. Druids being able to actually heal, and other classes being able to use more debuffs/situational buffs and effects to boost survivability.

It’s one thing in SoM where it was still regular WoW, and I feel potentially a whole new ballpark due to the one life restriction of hardcore that wasn’t mechanically similar to unofficial.

I could entirely be over estimating though, lol.

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Is this seasonal?
I mean that is how I was looking at it.

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The entire demographic of raiding will be different and I feel like any mistakes in raids will just be due to choking/lack of confidence. We’ve all done them a billion times but people are gonna get scared and freak out and someone’s gonna screw up trying to be a hero or something.

But yea I don’t think it’ll change the functionality much but yes, druids can hot everyone and nobody worries about knocking off buffs. Some OS can use their abilities and lock/hunter/feral will see some dps increase but not very noticeable imo. You’ll def see some OS in raids tho, SP for a raid that’s lock heavy but they still gotta watch threat. I’m not much of an enhance guy but if I were a raid lead I’d be putting one front and center in my main tank group twisting for that threat push/armor/agi/wf etc


Bag Traders want to hijack HC for their own


No one forcing you to trade bags


Don’t care go hijack something else.


What’s being hijacked? Blizzard are the ones who said it was available. “They” would be the hijackers (but it’s just a community mode)

The easiest solution for you is to just not trade. I didn’t tell them what the rules were gonna be. Your leader Kargoz did

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Wha? Huh? what’s being hijacked? Duh?

I see you aren’t capable of making any sensible statement about the server, just stirred emotions like everyone else

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Someone you’re never gonna group with getting a bag regardless of how they got it doesnt impact you, at all.


hurling insults like an upset child looks good on you.

you’re projecting.

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I mean, if it gets added as an option on the current servers as a toggle, I could see that happening but they aren’t opening up a new server specifically for it. Too much work for too small of a return.

hurling insults like an upset child looks good on you.

That is rich coming from you.

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Hes probably grieving the loss of his level 7 hunter so hes sensitive atm

Better get rid of those bag vendors!

I always buy an herb bag and 6-8 slotters. Cheap bags.

Bag vendor sells up to 12 slot bags! Not bad for not having a Tailor!

Yeah well it’ll be business as usual on official HC.

Streamers like Mitch Jones will still die for content, have someone else re-level their character back up to 20+, trade bags…and generally attempt to gas-light their viewer base much like they all do already.