HC rulesets like ssf is not off the table

To those arguing that players are just whining about wanting solo self-found and should be happy with what they get, I would counter by saying that I think the complainers should do it more.

We wouldn’t be having this discussion to begin with if it weren’t for the passionate community that has grown around hardcore.

Activision is a for-profit company. If they see enough people who want something, they are likely to provide it. If instead, those people remain quiet, we will never know what we can achieve.

Everyone believed that hardcore servers were not possible until we got them, so who’s to say that solo self-found is also off the table?

Blizzard has stated that they are listening, which is a new development for them. So, should anyone be silent at this juncture?

I don’t think there is a conflict of interest here, there can be different servers for different rulesets, but saying that we should just turn off trading and invites, and pretend is a bit unfair.

There are only a few things in life that people truly need, but that doesn’t mean we should dismiss the desire for things we would like.

So, when someone suggests that we should simply be content with the existing hardcore mode, and use our own rulesets, I would counter by asking why they can’t find satisfaction with just water/food and oxygen. Or, why would they even need a computer or a phone, when they are arguing about being minimalist and being content?


we will keep up the good fight, brother :expressionless:


The last thing you want to do is split up the base across multiple servers. We have a history to look back on and see that it never works out


well then you can all do solo self found :expressionless:


We could, but thats not what the server is scripted for


and so you have come to the purpose of this thread. to change that fact :expressionless:


There isn’t.
Blizzard’s stated rules for their official hardcore servers allow for you to play ssf if you choose.
Nothing has changed. You can still have that game mode you love and previously elected to self impose.

There is nothing to argue because Blizzard has included everyone with their rules.


fighting the good fight OP.

Asma is Blizz shill


Why thank you!


You’re aware that this company, despite generating more than enough revenue from subscriptions, has made the decision to eliminate GMs across all servers in order to cut costs, even though they could easily afford to have multiple GMs.

This is because the company places equal value on subscriptions from bots as they do on those from players.

When it comes to selecting a company to support, wouldn’t you prefer one that possesses at least some degree of integrity? Activision represents the epitome of a profit-driven corporation that lacks any form of accountability or care when it comes to their own player base.

This company pretends to ‘address’ the problems caused by their own greed knowing full well the root cause, fully understanding that they are only making things worse. Remember how tokens were supposed to combat RMT, yet the RMT sellers benefited from it more than anyone?

Or, do you recall how they molest their employees and then try to hide it, just like a catholic priest? How they attempt to silence individuals who voice dissent? How freedom of speech is important to them as long as it doesn’t involve mentioning the riots in Hong Kong?

Actiblizzard is among the worst imaginable corporations, and they likely rank highly among the most soulless.

This corporation is able to take so many liberties with us because they know “certain” sycophants will defend them no matter what, and act as a free meat shield for them.

Maybe support someone else.


I wonder why you’re here if these are your concerns.


These are all facts not concerns, but I am here for the same reason you are, because I am addicted to their games. However, that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten everything they’ve done, and what they actually stand for.

How does that address my initial post in this thread?

Address what, you bring up the same argument every time, you just word it differently and pretend it’s something new. I don’t care about answering your argument again, I am replying to remind you about the kind of people you are fighting for.

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exactly he just says
my daddy blizz said you can’t have what you want, and blizz is always right so just take the watered down softcore blizz has to offer, because blizz knows what’s good for you.

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If you want an SSF server, you should definitely petition it. What we got that people ‘wanted’ was a hardcore server.

SSF is not the same as hardcore. People just hijacked the terminology and now its causing everyone to go nuts.

Petition the SSF server. Understand that hardcore and SSF are different and both modes are self-imposed so a lot of the arguing is pretty senseless. Pointing out you want something entirely different and getting behind it is cool though. I wish you and yours luck.


You are making a poor assumption.
It’s not new because it’s simply stating what Blizzard has decided the rules of engagement shall be and how that allows space for you and others to build on that to play as you wish.

I worry that people aren’t comprehending that.
So sorry it keeps being missed.

Here’s that lack of reading comprehension to which I referred.
This is not what was said at all and you seem to be very emotional. Hope you’re okay.

people love to say this, but the only reason this HC server is around at all is the BSB HC addon community.

so why can’t we just have what the craze that started it all was?
makes no sense why blizz always waters stuff down for the low IQ crowd only


Thanks for helping get the hardcore server going. Now organize your petition better for SSF I guess? I don’t know, I wasn’t involved in any of it. I wish you luck, get to work on that petition.


I would argue that on release, 1 realm will not be enough. Therefore it may be wise to run one HC and one Softcore, both with the one life system.

Softcore would just have this, if you die, your char is dead and you move to Era.

HC would also have just one life, but no trading or grouping and if you die, you die without moving to Era.

After a few weeks, it should become clear which mode is more interesting to the community and having just two realms seems not a big loss financially either, as they will open 2 HC realms anyways on release.