HC rulesets like ssf is not off the table

Cognitive dissonance in observable form

I asked another poster a similar question and was advised that streamers polled their viewers. An extremely biased source on which to base the gauge of support for a particular ruleset over another.

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Tbf, they stopped teaching people the act of gathering the evidence to prove a claim a long time ago. claims are not evidence

don’t any of you traders feel the least bit guilty about what you’re doing? :expressionless:

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Play your way and don’t be mean.

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Lazarak will play for the same reason I will.

There is no other Classic Fresh or Classic Plus beyond Classic Fresh HC.

Classic Fresh HC is what’s new and where all the attention will be focused for the foreseeable future…Id say at least 6-8 months.

Classic Plus or something akin to SoM2 was briefly confirmed not to be coming out until 2024.

If there wasn’t going to be Classic HC Official, I’d just play on Bloodsail because pragmatically (to me) what matters is where the bulk of the Fresh/Evergreen player base is.

HC game play in and of itself isn’t a draw for me. The journey to 60 with 1 life is fun, but it’s ridiculously easy to get killed in 2-3 seconds to raid damage in Classic WoW when you either get unlucky or when someone else does something dumb that you don’t react quickly enough to.

You can invest weeks of gameplay into a character then die to a DC or ignominiously to mere raid trash.

In HC barring a lucky hearth or Petri…you can lose weeks/months of gameplay at 60 due to relatively small mistakes that may not even be your own mistake as an individual player.

It’s an extremely punishing way to engage in group content (especially relative to any sort of raiding).

I kinda have to laugh at all the people who think Petri will make HC raiding ‘a joke’ for most people who will be playing HC Classic.

There’s what… (1) Hardcore guild Alliance side on Bloodsail that’s made it to Naxx and cleared through Abom Wing?

I gotta tell you - if Petri didn’t exist…even HC Elite would likely not have the players to attempt some of the Naxx bosses as they’d have lost so much equipment / raid capability when they wipe. Several EU guilds I’ve watched which are by no means ‘bad’ would have straight up raid wiped entirely and just been back to Elwyn Forest or The Barrens.

Even doing Rag is going to be hard for most Fresh guilds because (barring healing or tank deaths which would be super painful and devastating) your capability goes down if you have level 60 player DPS deaths.

It’s not like you’ll have an endless supply of 60’s to just chuck at Rag or infinite attempts.

The sheer resource cost running people with flasks plus running Petri flasks of top of other necessary raid consumes to mitigate deaths will be very high.

How far has HC Horde made it through Classic Raid content given they dont have Paladins to crutch on?

Are Horde just incredibly stupid/bad in addition to being ugly, or are Paladins just that fabulous when it comes for enhancing performance and increasing a raid’s margin for error?


Petri may be ‘lame’ but it’s one of those items that contributes to the proliferation of raid capable 60’s (and as such guilds featuring 60 raid dungeon content).

Without some form of recovery or safety mechanism, any sort of significant raid wipe at any time for any reason would severely inhibit peoples ability to do content at 60…which basically reduces HC Classic to being mostly about leveling to 60 and then stopping.


i can’t believe i’m reading this. you want to play hardcore but without the hardcore :expressionless:

petri flask + leave group is exactly like bubble hearth, which was removed.

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He couldn’t have put it any better actually.

Are you even doing anything past mc?

Don’t you feel the least bit guilty for being among the most insufferable posters on this forum? All because you somehow feel superior for solo leveling in a game intentionally designed for easy solo leveling? Give me a break.




Imagine being “hc” but not rolling for fear ward


true bis no lie


leave the forums please.

are you in naxx? you die in RFC, take some sun before talking about elite raiders using PETRI FLASK.

You obviously did not read his post or employ any critical thinking to it.

He’s actually right, and it’s gonna sting when certain people realize it


Fresh lasts about a 2 to 3 months before its not so fresh… Tho there are the content launches; you expressed that very well before.

IMO, BLUZZURD would be very wise to build 6 - 10 month throw away servers that launch fresh, do each content patch in a certain very rapid timeline (what works best) and rinse and repeat completely fresh every time.,

No achievements, no transfers, no saving anything, just vanilla fresh parse and push culture consolidated.

Read the full post.

If you think Petri flasks is o.k. - we’re on the same page.

yes i like petri, i did bad quote sorry, i was answering this guy calling eyr.

He dies on RFC "he did a post already about it " but he keeps saying that petri is anti HC.

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It’s fine, you jumped on me in the other post too. Just read back some posts since there are a lot of collective people and a lot of mongoloids cross commenting.

The mongs will sizzle out towards launch anyways

I remember how “dead” BB was even with HC’s SSF ruleset.

Lazark is right:

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I mean, I’ve been on BB since BEFORE the Vanilla and BC split and LONG before HC became “popular”.