HC rulesets like ssf is not off the table

We dont need one

Now your turn

It’s an irrelevant question because it’s a reality now. It’s gonna be popular because it’s fresh. Not because people think the rules are cool

ah so you wont even be playing.
then let the hc community decide what it needs and go do whatever it is you’re interested in.


I will be playing?

yeah, people like fresh, but that will wear off and the hype will die super fast because grouptrading is boring af and waters down the challenge.

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nah kayberz not playing, he’s just here to troll.


Group trading is boring? A day 1 feature of wow? Really?

Nobody said that ever.

So when are you going to lay out your logical explanation for why SSF cant coexist on the official hardcore servers


The only “reasons” he has given are purely emotionally based. Not in game based.


Exactly, the only reason he keeps deflecting the question is because he probably realizes he can’t actually come up with a well thought out argument

There is none. Cause the truth is obvious to everyone

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have fun trying to impose your will on others.

The irony.

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Don’t need servers for the different rulesets, just add unique Feat of Strength achievements / Titles for them (no damage taken, no trading, no AH, no professions, no item equipped over X item level, etc.)

Hardcore is Death = Delete, plain and simple, anything extra is flavor.


just like there is no reason we need an official hardcore server period. just play era and delete when you die.
what is the problem?


You’re right. But strawman fallacy. Official is coming so it’s just a dead comparison

If one is grouping for dungeons/elite quests/etc. while playing HC they would want everyone else to be HC as well, so unlike SSF there is actual necessity for an official server.


around half the community would like a SSF server. but you’re a hater

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Streamers asking their viewers to respond isn’t a reliable, based in fact source.
No one has said that ssf does not have interest but refrain from citing flawed data to support your conclusions.

I mbot hating. I hope they put in a ssf mode for you. You’re just insanely pissed and seething for no reason. You really should know you look incredibly pathetic the last couple days with all this senseless jinberish you’re posting

Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Also it’s funny to see the one who resorted to insults on multiple occasions to cry hater. What a world we live in.