HC rulesets like ssf is not off the table

it’s funny you say this because you refuse to believe there’s a large portion of the hc player base that wants SSF server. just because you personally don’t doesn’t change anything. there are other people in the world, some of them think differently than you do. some of them want different things than you do. I think you should have learned these things long ago but it’s about time someone told you.


Ive never said anything regarding how many people want the SSF server so I can assume youre so butthurt about my not supporting an unnecessary server that youre reading into things that never happened.

you’re very clearly being dismissive of what a large portion of the HC community wants.

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Yes, im being dismissive because the crowd has already shown they can exist on a server that has grouping and trading just fine. Hence there is no need to make different ruleset servers for a gamemode that is living off of hype and will die just as fast as fresh servers do.

Be glad you got anything at all

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If we started making different ruleset servers just to cater to people who need a self esteem boost from a game then do you realize how many different ruleset servers there would have to be made?

talking in circles now.
not going to explain to you for the 10th time what should be blatantly obvious.
stay ignorant i guess.

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I find it no different than all these “soloers” overrunning and overpopulating BB to cause Layering to occur.

Break down why there needs to be an entire server dedicated to SSF.

What part of your SSF gameplay is being negatively impacted by sharing a server with people not playing hardcore with the SSF ruleset?

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its the same logic as just go play on era and delete when dead.
people want to play with people playing the same rule set.
it’s not complicated.


You already have that on BsB. Congrats

if kargoz and friends are at the table for official HC, how exactly did it turn into this nonsense

Ok but on the official hardcore server there isnt going to be people not playing death=delete griefing hardcore players like there is currently on BSB.

So again, explain to me why the SSF players cant play on the official hardcore server, how is sharing the server negatively effecting your ability to play SSF?


Why are you continually pushing people to play on a server that would like its real purpose back instead of promoting support for the SSF players on the official server as an option?
Bloodsail is not an HC server, it’s an RP server!

They would like their RP server back. Thanks

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i really dont get it either, they keep saying “dont tell us how to play”
while telling us how/where to play.

by their own logic we don’t need any hardcore servers at all because BSB is perfect and everyone should just play there, they can just trade and use ah and all the things they want, right?


Youre exactly right, HC doesnt need its own server.

so you don’t care because you won’t play.
dont bother commenting then.

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Yes, exactly

Except the BSB is NOT a hardcore server.

Now blizzard is releasing an official server for hardcore

Now all the hardcore people can play on that server, just as they have been on BSB without worrying about non hardcore players griefing them.

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yes they’re releasing an official server for hc while ignoring 90% of the ruleset that made it popular to begin.

here’s my experience

playing HC on BSB with addon: this is fun, exciting and new, feels good when i get a random bag or green drop, addictive gameplay

playing on soft, fake ptr: i am struggling to continue playing because this is dull, it feels pointless when a green or bag drops because ah and trade are open so getting a bag means nothing at all, gameplay is so boring can barely make it 30-40 min


Streamers made it popular, not the ruleset, the addon ruleset has been controversial since day 1, and many of the streamers that made hardcore popular have said multiple times they dont like some of the rules

You’re delusional if you think the exact ruleset of the addon is the sole reason people want hardcore, if anything the entire reason people wanted official hardcore servers in the first place is so they DONT have to use the addons trash rules


yet so many people chose to play hc WITH those rules?
because they hated them? seems like that can’t possibly be the answer…
maybe you should open your mind a little bit.