
HC PvP plz

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I understand very well. I’ve leveled characters on PvP servers since TBC including two 60s on classic right after release. What I’m saying is that the culture would be different because you can’t just shrug off a failed attempt or a blunder into enemy territory. I shared some of the specific considerations I would make to make the server viable, but even without taking any such measures the game would be fun for at least a few weeks or months, especially since Ahole gankers die leveling too.


I hope they do make this hardcore pvp server… just to show how unpopular and niche this concept is, going to end up being the deadest server in all of wow.

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I really dont think we would need any rules changes.

I think a single HC PvP server would really speak for itself.

Maybe something simple like double exp or an increased drop rare for greens/rares, but that would even be unnecessary.

Maybe it should be on a WotLK version of the world.


Even in 10x exp rate HC server is not a good option. The factions are not balanced in era, hc pvp Would be 100% horde and 0 wpvp.

Mak gora is the pvp in HC realm, and You can flag yourself and wait for getting ganked by a rogue without any problem.

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Just need to limit it to 1 character on the server, and it can block 1 faction if it get unbalanced.

You dont have to like the idea of HC PvP

Thats the point is people who want to play it can

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I hope they do too! But I think you’ll be wrong I think it will be the most exciting server and gameplay out of any of them. I hope we get a chance to find out who is right.


I agree. It will be the first time that warring with the Enemy faction will make some tangible impact on the game

I am bored to tears with the flat and static.

We wont be able to claim south shore, but you can be damn sure we will camp it until we get wiped!

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everyone saying this is a bad idea need to learn to look at things from another person’s perspective. it would def be a smaller playerbase with alot of rogues


Lets goooooooo


You can’t account for the boldness of every player, everyone will most likely take the jump to gank someone down, the state of pvp in wow is attack first and attack swiftly before they have the chance to do anything. That is how most encounters go.

people can’t even raid without muh petri flask safety blanket :expressionless:
nobody is ever going to venture into a contested zone on a pvp server.

For most in hc this will be their truth.
Cheese mechanics will not even affect them but they’ll cry the loudest because influencers.

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You’d have plenty of times to think about “Strategies” when you are instantly killed after leaving any starting zone by a max level (or even if you allowed only hk pvp a much higher level twink) rogue or druid griefer and forced to reroll for the 900th time.

that’s as easy to regulate as just setting perma kills for honorable kills


You won’t even see pvp till level 25-30. If you zone into hillsbrad and die in 3 second are you going to keep remaking over and over again just to level to 25 to have a chance at pvp? You don’t think high levels are waiting for your flag to go active?

HC pvp is simply a looks good on paper not in reality scenario

People won’t play “normally”. They will play to gatekeep you as soon as you enter a contested zone for the lulz. That’s what I’d do. You wouldn’t even get to the quest hub. You’d be dead the milli second you flagged up. I’ll still be waiting there when you rE level your next toon to 25 and I’ll be there when that one dies too.

No thought put into this suggestion


Server wouldnt even last a month


That situation can easily be fixed with some common sense rules to make HC and PvP fit together. First, if a player is so much higher that they won’t get an HK for the gank, then the character should not appear flagged to that character.

Next, let’s assume that someone really wants to gank 5s and 6s bad enough that they twink out a level 1/5/10 rogue outside the Valley of Trials. To twink and move that character will take several hours at least, and yes, once they get there they will be able to kill a good number of people leaving the starter zone. The thing is, eventually someone will communicate what’s happening and higher level characters would come to counter gank, and now that ganking character is gone forever. This concept can happen at every level and characters can die naturally from mistakes leveling, d/cs, etc.


Yeah, for this reason a ‘true’ hardcore PvP server wouldn’t work.

I could see mechanic similar to Runescape as workable, where you lose everything but your gold and three most expensive items on death. But then we’re beyond HC and into SOM / Classic+ territory.

Realistically, the only way to make PvP work in HC is to use a battleground instance and be sent to your graveyard when you reach 1 health.

Making a system change like that would probably take longer than the community has patience for. So, it’s a Yin-Yang kind of problem.