HC players are trying to ruin the magic of Classic

Im sorry, so your solution is to stop playing? So your saying that the other person gets to decide when you get to play the way you want to after you paid your subscription because they can make it too dangerous to be in the area on purpose? So they got to ruin your fun for their own for no other reason than it pleases them? Who does that benefit other than the griefer?

Its directly in ToS to not purposely impede peoples gameplay. Its trolling, its griefing, its annoying and thats why people are starting to get banned by it and blizzard has taken to keeping things from being kited.

Yes i think kiting things to cities is cool and funny. and in a world where people can respawn it doesnt matter in the slightest. But doing it on purpose to people who spend hundreds of hours that could be lost is straight for enjoyment at their pain is masochistic and has no place.

That kind of play doesnt belong in an HC landscape. Thats why i dont play HC, i dont like all the rules, but they should be allowed to due their own thing without trolls bothering them.

If people want danger they can choose to go to dangerous places, having it dropped on them in a safe zone is a joke.

I dont even know how you can defend this nonsense.


This is absolutely true. People seem to have forgotten that a major reason why WoW became as popular as it did (among many reasons) is that it wasn’t overly punishing.

Yep, you need to ensure it doesn’t change too. Since you are new here, I’ll clue you in. Dragon kiting is part of the server experience. We’ve had that since the beginning. Become a good community member and adapt. :wink:

I gave you solutions, you chose not to accept them.



I’ll continue to push for that minor change that effects no one but griefers negatively, you’ll get over it eventually.

You’ll never see it on Era, but sure, yell into the wind.

If you’re trying to have a legitimate debate, you shouldn’t undermine yourself by stooping down to call someone a troll.

I understand where you’re coming from on how you feel, but I also understand where the others are coming from. I don’t think the aggro ranges should be changed at all, because then it could make certain situations (completely discounting the existence of griefers) too easy to get out of. I think losing the potential for emergent gameplay is too steep of a loss to warrant a change to one of the very old, very fundamental combat mechanics in vanilla.

Ideally, there should be official hardcore servers - with the ability to appeal in necessary situations. You can currently appeal griefs in the HC community, which is a good thing.

I don’t really know what the best solution would be to stop griefing, but I know with certainty that changing some of the OG mechanics shouldn’t be the way of doing it, because it would cost the community other fun and interesting experiences (that don’t involve griefing). Changing mobs’ aggro tables, imo, would be a bad decision and would make the game easier, serving to only undermine Hardcore.

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We’ll see :wink: you believe what you wanna believe.

Calling someone what they are… isn’t undermining anything. I’m also not trying to be civil… they’re immature, they wanna be treated like adults they can act like one first.

My point is that, if you really want to try and get your point across, then it would be wise for you to be mature in a situation, regardless of your opinion about someone else. That can be said for anyone trying to debate with another person.

Right now, I don’t think you’re doing that as well as you think you are - and I do not say that to antagonize or offend you at all.
*Reposted because it didn’t send correctly on my end.

I honestly regret not having taken advantage of the character copy for my classic character on BSB. It would have rather fun to log on to that character and duke it out with the horde mage that was killing the Sentinel Hill quest-givers the other night.

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Disagreeing with someone’s point of view and opinions = “Troll.”

M8 if I were a troll, I would be gaslighting, pretending to agree with people and doing all kinds of stuff to piss people off on this forum.

I’m being genuine and serious here, so many deaths of HC players would have been prevented in the open world, had people actually cared enough to actually help others.

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This is the truth here. You cant always go high and refuse to call your opponent what they are or it gets used against you because the crappier will count on you doing that and abuse it by going low but knowing you cant call them out. This is called “the paradox of tolerance” and is gone into by philosopher Karl Popper. Its also a popular tactic among a certain unnamed political party currently in the US to expect the other side to go high and therefor go low themselves as they know they can get away with it. Though i am not naming names.

I’m in agreement with you. If they did change anything, I think it should be entirely separated from the normal Era experience and ideally most changes separated from potential HC servers too, imo.
It creates emergent player experience. That is one of the big things that made WoW as fun and interesting as it did.

Perhaps, if they implemented hardcore servers on an official level, what if permadeath only applied to your character if you were killed by a mob that actually belongs in the same zone? As an example, pulling a black drake from the Burning Steppes wouldn’t cause permadeath to lowbies in Elwynn, because that mob doesn’t spawn there.
That keeps the emergent gameplay, while also preventing bad griefing moments.

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I doubt you even believe that.

You’re both right and I know it. Sometimes I fall into old habits.

laugh all you want, if people banded together and helped each other deal with the problems, your hc experiences would be much better because any attempts of mob kiting would be stopped by a group of 60s hearing the call and fighting them just as they enter, and you’d actually be able to get out of elwynn/durotar, instead of being turned into crispy ribs for a dragon to feast on.

but nah, screw that the mobs are all for you and you alone, just look at the AOE mages, they will purposefully grief each other’s pulls because they want all of the mobs for themselves, helping others be damned because you personally get nothing from it.

I get what you mean, but I think something worth considering is that, maybe people aren’t always around to help. Or hell, maybe they don’t even necessarily want to help. They could be busy, don’t care, or maybe they’re another hardcore player and, as per certain rules, may not be able to help.

I actually would like to personally thank Sarkothlol if they are on the forums. When I made this character and got to Sarkoth there was a large crowd waiting for him. I was spamming raptor strike when Sarkothlol appeared stealth in front of me and we all started wailing on her. She killed a few hordies but I believe was eventually killed, though I did not get an HK so I don’t know.

Anyway, with all the chaos, no one noticed that Sarkoth actually spawned so I was able to easily tag him and run to the guards to log out to reset my PvP flag. I ended up finding 2 six slot blue bags in the starting zone and this has been a blessed run. Had a couple close calls but I’m still going strong, and this is my second highest character so far.


Very true, griefers usually catch macro spammers and line skippers which is cool.

the bottle neck is due to NOT PLAYING THE GAME AS INTENDED. Group up like the MMO is intended to be played and everyone in the party gets credit.

HC should be a bannable offense on a RP realm. Anti-social behavior on the most social form of the game…smh.

I disagree. I’ve remained playing on my native Classic server since the initial launch, through prepatch, the seasonal ponzi scheme, and now wrath. My toons happily welcome novel Classic+ content as Classic Era’s Phase 7. No new realms needed.

Absolutely rekt