HC players are trying to ruin the magic of Classic

they need to get to like lvl 32 for vanish though that’s a huge commitment and even with vanish they could easily die cus dot or flare or something, leveling is a pretty big commitment which is why so many are low lvls. the rogue that camps at the valley of trials scorpion has fiery weapon on his wep if an official HC server was made with the same rules ie cant use AH they couldn’t easily replicate a fiery weapon if they lost that toon

It’s only level 22. That’s pretty easy to obtain.

i think that’s like 12 hours, or rather more than that for most people. maybe if he is an ultra no lifer then he could just make a new one but i think for most of them that would be it for them

most of the griefers I’ve seen are again less than level 15

so people are more than willing to invest that time to farm reactions from people because it takes less than a day to get to level 12

specifically the ones who camp Zalazane.

to be fair rogue isn’t the easiest class in the world but this really depends on how hardcore servers are actually set up. If you can dungeon spam they will get boosted by their comrades. Griefers already boost their hunters occasionally.

Yep. FYI the reason they are so low right now is because having multiple characters is better than walking all the way to zalazane and then walking back when you want to be buff bait for a rogue.

i think there’s a good chance in official HC servers blizzard would just make it not so easy to flag people, who really knows though but you don’t need to be an internet wizard to know it will cause a lot of butthurt and controversy if they release HC and people are losing 20 hour characters to flagged guys sitting on FP lol if they put development time into it they want it to be somewhat successful

I have little to no faith in blizzard. when I hear the words “hardcore servers” all I think they’ll add is the you can’t res yourself mechanic and nothing else. I could be wrong but hopefully if they are actually implementing real hardcore rules they take out the stupid ones like “no bubble hearth” as well.

My hot take is also that group quests should indeed allow groups but that’s another convo.

Simple but unnecessary. Unless you are asking for this change on a seasonal server, no bueno.
These changes don’t belong in Era. Era is a place we can go to play the game as it was. Dragon kiting has been present from the beginning and should remain there. It promotes community involvement through communication. We alert others when we see it, report its location etc. You say it ruins the experience, I say it builds on the experience.
Keep your local defense chat on and pay attention.

You don’t. There are capped and geared HC players on the server. Can they not go to the Jasperlode mine and kill the stealther and his higher level partner? Are they afraid of flagging in Elwynn? We’re currently on a server that allows non HC players, get on your 60 and kill them! There are solutions.

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It is very much needed. Unless they decide to grow up and lower their harassment attempts on lower level players, it needs to happen… and if the changes get made, they only did it to themselves and they have no right to be upset at anyone else.

and you are joining the :troll: procession? “get on your 60 and kill them!” it’s a PVE server, I don’t have a 60 and why should it ever have to resort to that… all they gotta do to shut people up is slow it down and most will be okay with it again… but lack of maturity wins out I guess?

tbh I feel like HC players will just complain and demand change

rather than working together and dealing with the problem themselves.

It’s literally that simple and would probably allow time for the GMs to deal with botting and actual cheaters

looks at WOTLK

…if they actually did deal with them.

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They are touting how great the community is, and at the same time asking for changes that promote more isolation.
You need to remember that the Gwen poster has stated he doesn’t like having other players around killing “his” quest mobs. He’s said that they are annoying, unless etc.
Grain of salt time.

I said this when? Quote it directly.

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It’s an RP-PvE server. I know, I’ve played it since launch. We’ve experienced dragon kiting since launch. You’re coming to my server and demanding changes to something that’s never been an issue because we did exactly what I suggested. Be alert, watch chat and act accordingly. We do not need you forcing our server to put on training wheels because you can’t learn to adapt.

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Yeah, I literally don’t think back to any of the things you said. Teremus kitng was cool to hear about…once. Had it been mroe than that, it would have been quickly annoying.

Turn classic into retail? You have one life in retail now?

TLDR: Why not let me enjoy my 2 hour seesion of killing boars instead of thinking you need to insert yourself into it for me to have fun? That seems like you being needy.

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It is not YOUR server and yes, we are demanding changes, because we’re being constantly harassed and nothing is being done about it… the change would be something minor that doesn’t effect you negatively in any way, shape or form. You get the griefers to slow down their harassment and guess what? The complaints will slow to a crawl… the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few… the only anger you should have should be directed at griefers, they’re the cause of all this outcry.

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“This is our server now, so play by our fictional game mode rules. We don’t want to cooperate with other players, we want blizzard to cave and cater to our demands, instead of working on content, because coordinating with other players is too much effort, and it’s much easier to throw a hissy fit over something we could have dealt with as a community, but won’t.”

Furthermore most HC players I’ve seen have the patience the size of a gnat while griefers are literally the opposite and will wait literal days for something to happen.

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“I’m gonna put words in someone’s mouth because it supports my agenda! I’m also a clueless dolt who’s only value is as a :troll: on the forums because I can’t come up with my own intellectually sound argument.”

That’s all I saw you write right there.

Lol, being camped repeatedly by griefers should force us to be patient? Nothing to do with patience. Your ignorance and bias blind you.

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It is my server, it’s where I started and played the most since. Mankrik is also my server because I have characters there too. I can call it that whether you agree or not. IDC

Blizzard will shut down a person causing zone disruption, and while this can be a sort of grey area it generally means the zone is unplayable for hours.
Kiting a dragon in that disturbs play for a short time doesn’t fit that description. You can adapt. Dragon kiting has occurred there since 2019. It was a daily occurrence in SW. We dealt with it then, so can you.
You can whine all you like, it’s not changing on Era. Take this cowardly rubbish to your future HC servers, you can ruin the game there.

Except you quite literally won’t cooperate with people, you refuse to, because for you it’s an inconvenience.

and I completely understand why you won’t either, you won’t be compensated for it.

I bet, if there was a rich as 60 on the server, offering gold to people to help protect leveling zones, people would literally jump all over that and run that level 60 dry as a bone, and probably still won’t do it.

It’s just as much my server as it is yours then. I’m on it and so are you.

No. That is not acceptable in anyway… we aren’t going to stop until it’s fixed, they’re banned or there is a HC server and those dumb things can’t be done. Non-stop harassment and inability to play in specific areas is bad for the game.

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