HC players are trying to ruin the magic of Classic

That would be against the spirit of classic.



Being a toxic :troll: is the spirit of classic? If it get’s changed, you can’t blame anyone but yourselves and/or the griefers.

it’s annoying to have to always have your head on a swivel because you never know when a griefer is coming for you, or trying to force yourself to remove 12 years of muscle memory so you don’t right click FP and accidently right click a stealth griefer AFK on top FPs. this hasn’t happened to me but I’d rather play the game without worrying about this sort of thing. it should be pretty fair that people don’t like this but people always play gymnastics trying to make excuses for why you should think this is “fun emergent gameplay!” XD


Why are you facepalming, you know i’m right.

Also did you know this game is called world of WAR craft

and guess what fighting others is a part of the game and therefore not harrassment

Have you ever played a roguelike or roguelite?

HC wow is literally just that, death is a part of the experience whether you like it or not.

So if someone comes along and griefs you in one spot? there’s like three different starting areas on both factions that you can pick up quests from and you don’t have to pick up that one quest to go somewhere else

you learn from the experience and go again.

so when people drag a level 60 dragon to a low level zone, then just read the chat know it’s there and go somewhere else

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I mean…lets be honest here that’s probably because the game wasn’t intended to be played that way. Hardcore is a concept that should be segregated from classic servers. No consequences for dying but repair cost was intentional design.

Lol, I’m sure you believe that.

Weird, I didn’t know it was called that… I have only played WC1, 2 and 3. Plus WOW. Eh… the more you know :rofl:

It’s not fighting one another though, plus they made PVE servers for a reason, rub those two brain-cells together… it’ll eventually come to you.

So because some lonely loser decides to kite a mob 3 zones away, that is like a level 55 elite? To a level 1-10 or 10-20 zone. I should be forced to start over or go somewhere else… again, on a PVE realm.

No, I ignore what happened. Report and continue what I was doing. Because what he is doing is in fact harassment. You don’t have to agree with me, facts don’t care about opinions.

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“uh I know you may want to play in durotar? well too bad. you want to play in hillsbrad? too bad. uh you want to do unique name mob quests? well too bad. you have to play to the griefers whims” ACK. it IS a PVE server for a reason. whining about it won’t change anything that’s right but it’s so stupid how people are so adamant that you’re not allowed to dislike this sort of thing or think the game would be more fun without it

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if you don’t want to be at their whims


most of them aren’t even level 15

if you’re queuing to fight a named mob you literally outnumber the singular griefer on that named mob so work together and fight them

it is alot faster than waiting for GMs to do anything

Not even trying to remotely hide the fact that you’re a :troll: because there is no way one person could be this dense. :rofl:

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you’re saying that to a guy who walked his level 20 alt all the way to valley of trial to kill the griefing rogue at the scorpion, and yeah I killed him after waiting for him to log back in. didn’t change anything because I know they have multiple alts at multiple different places and they’ll just keep doing what they’re doing. and when a lvl 60 drags a guard on top of you at hillsbrad and kills the toon you’ve been playing for 15 hours that’s it you can’t just “fight them” lol

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your allowed to think that but I come from a true classic perspective which is that this is a part of the game and if blizzard thought it wasn’t they wouldn’t have made it that way when they remade classic. If you want a different experience from traditional classic then just advocate for hc servers instead.

you really saved those level 2s and 3s. good thing as well, you saved them 5 minutes of time.

If a level 60 does something like that

guess what


are you telling me your own faction doesn’t care enough to work to get a group together as a call to arms and fight them?

Hell, Bloodsail is an RPPVE if anything, there would be people roleplaying at 60 and make a roleplay event out of it and kill the mob together

Instead you’d rather cry about it on the forums when it literally can be resolved by players actually caring and helping

Apathy is the biggest killer so many things would be averted if players actually cared enough to stop them

GMs should only be forced to act if there’s rampant botting or active cheating.

They shouldn’t need to intervene in a minor inconvenience that can easily be resolved by the players themselves

Well that’s because hardcore offers literally no community incentive, if anything needing on gear you can’t use cause you can vendor it in dungeons would be the optimal strategy because the players you group with will never be useful with how hc is setup.

well at that point your character is probably already dead and you’d just be doing it for revenge or whatever, and not a lot of people want to drive all the way out to hillsbrad or whatever to try and find a guy who probably already logged off 5 minutes ago and possibly risk their 60 character by engaging in PVP.

and I did it for myself because I got killed, the chain of events was he already killed me in the kul tiras keep there goes like 2 hours of gameplay or whatever. i bring my alt into the keep to kill him but he’s not there. use ally alt to see what alt he is on currently see he is at scorpion so I go all the way over there but oh he’s already on a different rogue by then. so I wait around and kill him because I was pissed off. but it doesn’t matter because not like he’s playing HC it would be a lot more satisfying if you could actually permanently kill them.

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in real hc servers unfortunately 99% of hardcore players probably won’t have the balls to even touch a flagged player. they know there will be no chance to get an appeal for trying to defend lowbies.

i think the griefing would be a lot less prevalent because if the griefer lost their character to a higher lvl and couldn’t log back into it, they’d be too demoralized to make a new one cus they’d know they could just lose that one just as easily

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That’s why I think they will just all be rogues. In danger? Just vanish.

actually I bet you the griefers will not care, get back to that point, and do it again

because they know they can get away with it because no one cares enough to stop them, even if they die again.

Infact, I’d say they’d come up with ways to do it at lower levels.

I’d love to see once they get killed while griefing, character would get auto-deleted without being able to bring it back… because we all know good and well they aren’t good at the game, so easy dubs.