HC official Solo Self Found

He will be on his 4th try character by then


How is he gonna carry me if he can’t kill defias pillagers?

Hes gonna skip that quest and come back at 20 to do like all the other SSF players do


That’s really hardcore

From an RP perspective, one thing I didn’t like about the “no trading” and “no mailing” rules was I couldn’t even RP out giving (trading) another player a bouquet of flowers or a single flower. There’s a LEGIT flower shop, in SW (near the “should’ve been player housing” portal, between the Trade District and Old Town area) that have NO stats on them! It’s OBVIOUSLY just for RP purposes.

Nor, could I write out letters (with NO items attached to them!), as an RP way to “keep in touch”, when we’re not online, at the same time. You CAN “save the letter” which counts as an item, but you can’t sell it for gold or anything. Only way to “get rid of it” is to delete it.

Unless, there’s a HC rule that allows for this (which I don’t think there is), there are non-“cheating” ways to use Trading and the Mailbox.

how about you trade for a health potion, capitalist pig :expressionless:

According to your addon club you need health potions for harvest golems :joy:

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I don’t think people are thrilled to play with you SSFers like you think: You guys literally can’t make it past L14 ROFL. There are even heat maps on Reddit about it! :stuck_out_tongue:


You must learn control!

I thought we’d reached an understanding while perhaps not agreement at least some respect for one another’s position. But not after that emotional outburst. No one is asking to be carried. People happy about the Blizzard ruleset just want to have fun with a one life challenge.

Son. I am disappoint.

We have an understanding, but I can’t find any other logical reason for you opposing the idea of a separate SSF server beside the fact you want the good players to remain on the mediumCore server with you. No disrespect my dude.

If they decide to put in a SSF server, I think most top guilds that are gonna clear raids will choose to play SSF since that obviously feels like a bigger achievement. And I can imagine most royal and non-tourist Hardcore players will rather be on a more restricted and hardcore server.

So overall it feels that non-SSF people are way more willing to have the SSF people on their server than the opposite way. And you are not giving me any good reasons beside what I mentioned above.

“I think most top guilds” we already went over this in another thread

You have absolutely zero proof to the claim and the top guilds that I am fully aware of that are playing are not playing SSF because their focus is world firsts. That means world first raids. They don’t have time to putz around with “leveling achievements”. Their real rewards are world first raid clears.

We don’t care if you go play on a separate server, we just know splitting the base is always a bad idea.

You seem to be making up a lot of theories out of thin air with no backing.

Aren’t u the dude that tried to compare world buffs to a theoretical item that 1 shots people on an entire continent?

Now I’m not surprised

You’ve been given plenty of good reasons. When you make more than 1 server, the end result always end up being a mega server instead later on and the others die off. This is a trend that is confirmed.

“You guys just want us to play/carry you” zero proof to this claim and not a single person has ever said that. What do we need to be carried through? Deadmines?? How you gonna “carry” someone if your SSF? You can’t group remember?


Yet you’ve been disrespectful of players that don’t play hardcore as you by assuming without any evidence just your feeling that those individuals can’t accomplish goals on their own and are only tolerant of others because they want to be carried to success.

Pretty rude assumption.

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you want the good players to remain on the mediumCore server with you. No disrespect my dude.

No disrespect indeed. /s


They decided to divide world of Warcraft into Classic and Retail. That was a great decision. Wasn’t it? When there is a big enough division in the community like what we have with SSF and non-SSF it’s totally a reasonable choice both financially and logically that if possible cater both groups instead of ignoring one group and cater the other group. HC with trading and without trading are 2 different things for multiple reasons that were discussed multiple times. Yes it would be ideal that we were all on the same page about HC, but clearly we are not. That’s a fact. You can’t simply ignore a group that’s almost 50% of the player base.

How do you know it’s a great decision financially and logically? You got any metrics or charts to show us explaining why that is?

Classic and retail split isn’t even a solid. They’re 2 entirely different games. You don’t even have the first bit of information you need to make a determination, which is population survey

You keep claiming 50% of the playerbase. Where in the world are you getting that number from?

And I’m just telling you like it is. You can separate into two servers. I won’t be worried about ours. The question is how is an ssf server going to look end game wise? There are zero raiding guilds on horde and one alliance on bsb

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People prompted while watching streams.

Again, no disrespect. In my eyes someone who can lvl 1 to 60 with no help from others and no trading has done a more difficult tasks that the one that had help from others. It’s fact for me. You can choose to do the easier thing, there is nothing wrong with that, but it’s reasonable that you get less credit for that.

Do you have a level 60 on bsb? I do. I did ssf and I won’t do it again. Is that a problem of some sort? Ssf people prefer leveling and non ssf are looking for end game. Splitting into 2 servers may see 1 server without any raiding

I told you I got it from polls on streams and personal connections and analysis of forums.

But okay but it seems like that you know way more than me. So you tell me what’s the percentage of people interested in SSF?

I’m asking if you have a level 60 on bsb