HC official Solo Self Found

I don´t think raiding is a thing for the HC community. If you want to raid, you should come to the Era realms tbh. HC as far I know, was always about the race to 60. At 60, some started doing pvp or even raids, but not within the HC setting.

So far nobody has answered me how raiding on HC should actually work? First you need 40 people, some are more important than others, but if your MT dies and he dies when you wipe and you will wipe, what then?

It takes weeks / months to equip a MT, this just doesnt seem like a potential path for HC realms.

Maybe you can get through MC without a wipe, ZG or AQ20, but at BWL and especially AQ I doubt it´s possible.

But I understand now why you want grouping and trading, because without you could not raid. If that, however, is a thing HC players would even attempt, is another story.

Maybe, someone from the HC community could share his view on that, as I find it impossible to raid with 1 life.

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a poll, asking people to vote for what THEY want is biased.

you 100% ignore those parts of the posts, every single time.
it’s there and you just gloss over it, pretending people want to force you into their playset.

it isn’t what we want, we’re okay with you having soft hc.

They’re pretty consistent, though.

They want you to level up BSing FIRST, for your Enching Rods. Drop BSing and THEN pick up Enching :roll_eyes:

They are literally clearing aq40 with zero deaths and doing naxx rn on bsb

the 1-60 is for sure the HC challenge but doing HC raiding is also totally viable, but it does take a lot of sweat/time etc.
for any looking to do raids tho, you want alliance. You can’t be the massive imbalance that paladin brings.

Horde will be just fine if they get some competency in the pool

People are doing it on Bloodsail and probably will continue to do so for the challenge on official hc servers. That activity is wanted and valued by other players so why be so dismissive if one doesn’t choose to partake? Leveling is just as valid if that is your interest. All these things can happen with varying degrees of difficulty on official hc servers.

I find that fascinating, tbh. if it would be legit, without a “twist”.

I did check Reddit and some guy mentioned how about 1% of the HC playerbase even reaches Level 60. To me, it just seems like a constant lack of players unless you truly go without a wipe, but is that possible for the average joe that may just like the idea of SSF to 60?

Because right now and correct me if I am wrong, the only reason why folks don´t die on HC raiding are Petri Flasks. I never witnessed it myself, but I assume if something goes wrong, everyone just uses the flask and the boss resets.

Is this truly how people want to raid / play?

blizz removed any challenge to the 1-60 so people will be craving some form of challenge.
just too bad they left petris in tho.

Man, this guy is a real party animal

a great question.
I don’t.
I’m upset blizzard nerfed the leveling challenge and kept petris. there’s so little danger now it’s laughable.

are they using the petri flask exploit? if so, invalidated :expressionless:

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Go run and hide again.

real hc party animals have no less than a score* of ears

*that’s 20 for yall non-history types

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SSF players should concentrate on getting good enough to kill defias pillagers before they start being concerned about what other players are doing


To show SSFers that SSF is not part of Blizzard’s plans in any way.

blizzard having a plan, lol
now i’ve heard everything

Okay I recognize the non-ssf ppl as a group interested in HC. And I am cool with you guys getting what you want as long as it’s your own thing and not enforced on us.

And I believe this division is inevitable. Cuz as much as you non-ssf folks oppose the idea of a separate ssf server and love us to play in your semi-hardcore server to carry you, we don’t really enjoy playing with half hardcore people that probably can’t even get to 10 without trading.


Im assuming you picked level 10 because your SSF community dies at 13? :rofl:


Lmao. I’ve already been 60, and nearly every ssf player I encountered on my way and at 60 were absolutely F tier embarrassing. I’m not saying ssf players as a whole, but I haven’t met someone who was gonna “carry me”. There were some good ones, but you ain’t carrying nobody. You’re just delusional

Do you have a 60?

When the “softies” blow through the raids week 2 effortlessly are you going to be there to make excuses?