HC official Solo Self Found

That’s pretty shallow but you do you.


So you are good with the idea of having a separate SSF server ?

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  1. Blizzard does not believe there are enough people interested in utilizing this idea long term to justify the costs necessary to bring it about.
  2. Blizzard feels this idea is counter to the nature of MMO’s; siloed solo play equates to stagnation and eventual boredom.
  3. Blizzard does not want to further edit the old code. They have done the work to disable resurrections, unintentional PvP flagging, leashing, and reworked select quests that required ghost form as well as added a duel to the death feature. Even if there was a significant portion of the playerbase who wanted SSF rules, it would still require lengthy and expensive rewrite, a task Blizzard denies interest in.
  4. They have no plans or desire to create SSF or any other secondary version(s). They refer to the notion as “a logistical nightmare,”… and in keeping with #1 above the time, money and resources required are prohibitive and unjustified.

TL;DR: “Too much cost, too little interest and it’s not what the game is about… we’re not doing it.”

Proponents of “Solo Self-Found” (or any other variant thereof) servers rarely put thought into the idea. This would be similar to requests for the film industry to surgically deafen audiences so that they may enjoy silent films again, or the auto industry producing pre-crashed cars. Fans of streamers, people who have little else going on in their lives to feel proud of, or new folks curious about the challenge might take a look at them, but that wouldn’t be a high number of people in the first place - never mind the few of those who would actually pay for the experience. There’s not enough market for those, so Blizzard are not doing it. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a market - just that it’s nowhere near large enough to make it worthwhile. People want to group, trade, and run dungeons multiple times, so it would be pointless to make a server where these features were disabled.


Blizzard recently posted the Rules of Engagement for the upcoming Official Hardcore server(s) and there is no mention of SSF or any similar ruleset. Blizzard’s outline of what these servers will look like is:

(Quotes edited for brevity)

Death on Hardcore realms is permanent on that realm.

This means that if you die, you won’t be able to run back to your corpse and resurrect, nor can you be resurrected by any other spell or ability. This means that even if you have abilities as a part of your class, such as the Shaman Reincarnation, or Warlock Soulstone, they won’t be of any use to you.

You will continue to exist in the game world as a ghost to facilitate communication with in-game friends and resolve logistical matters such as handing over guild leadership if you are a Guild Master who has died an unfortunate death at the hands of a Defias Bandit or some other deadly creature.

Your character is not necessarily lost if you die, however. After dying on a Hardcore realm, players will be able to choose to utilize the Free Character Move service and move their dead character to a non-Hardcore Classic Era realm. Once the move is complete to the non-hardcore realm, that character may resurrect as normal, but the way back to a Hardcore realm will be closed to them.

PvP Flagging and You

Players will no longer be automatically flagged for PvP upon attacking another player. To flag yourself for PvP, you must type the command /pvp. You won’t be able to take hostile actions against a flagged enemy player unless you flag yourself deliberately.

We’ve added this failsafe to prevent situations in which a player could unintentionally take aggressive action against another player who is flagged for PvP, and unwittingly flag themselves. By requiring players to type /pvp before engaging in any PvP content, this maintains fairness and keeps PvP as a consensual part of the game. It will also reduce the likelihood someone will be “tricked” into becoming flagged unintentionally. It’s important to note that attacking an enemy faction NPC will still flag you even if you haven’t typed /pvp, so steer clear of settlements of the opposing faction!

PvP and Quest Updates

Various quests and objectives that cause players to become PvP flagged, such as the quest, “The Attack” and, “The Missing Diplomat,” no longer cause players to become flagged for PvP.

These quests were never strictly “meant” to flag you for PvP, but this was a result of how the creatures were set up at the time and was likely the result of an early technical limitation. We no longer have this limitation, and to prevent unintended consequences or “gotchas” after accepting an innocuous-looking quest, we’ve decided to no longer cause these quests to flag you for PvP combat.

Various quests and objectives that require the player to die to complete or initiate the quest or objective may now be completed without the player’s demise.

Danger Leashed

Most creatures will leash and reset when leaving the area or zone they were engaged in.

As much as we enjoyed frequent visits from Teremus the Devourer in Stormwind or wandering Devilsaurs in Thousand Needles, being able to drag or “kite” high-level monsters to lower-level areas is a large vector for gameplay disruption and something that doesn’t have a place in WoW Classic Hardcore. The total range that monsters can be pulled is currently fairly large but can easily be adjusted. We’ll be watching for feedback on this implementation from those participating in the PTR. The goal is to prevent high-level players from kiting dangerous monsters across entire zones, but we don’t want to interfere with legitimate gameplay, such as Hunters kiting elite monsters to solo difficult quests and similar expressions of skill.

Dungeons on the Clock

All dungeons have at least a 24-hour lockout timer for players below level 60.

One of the most important aspects of the WoW Classic Hardcore realms is engaging in adventures in the outside world with other players. Creating random and serendipitous interactions is a core aspect of the original release of World of Warcraft, and spending most of your leveling time in dungeons is counter in spirit to what Hardcore is about. We do recognize that there may be a desire to run a dungeon while leveling multiple times, such as to finish a quest or get an important piece of loot. As a result, we’ve added a 24-hour timer to almost all dungeons for players until they hit level 60.


Furthermore: Some have argued that even if Blizzard didn’t think many people would play it, they could continue to tinker with the code of Hardcore realms, if they so desired. There are three major problems with that.

  1. It would split the player base unnecessarily and confuse new players. Most people are turned off by SSF rules, and if a new player joins the server and is angry they cannot group or trade, they might quit the game thinking the problem is with hardcore and not the secondary ruleset. It’s also completely unnecessary since addon users can use the addon and play SSF on hardcore servers they same way they already do on RP servers.

  2. It would require further edits to the code which may cause further unintended issues down the line. Classic coding is seemingly held together with duct tape and bubble gum, and each change they make may break another part of the game, including in ways that may not be immediately noticeable. It’s best to keep coding changes to a minimum. Blizzard would have to fix such code to make it useable – an undertaking which would likely take as long and cost as much as simply rewriting it from scratch… both of which they’ve described as a “logistical nightmare” and have said they’re not going to do.And, yes, that can happen: when Nintendo released the first Pokémon games, they were completely unaware of the existence of Mew until well after the fact. It should be obvious that Pokémon Red and Blue are far simpler games than World of Warcraft; it would only be easier to miss things like that in the sheer bulk of game code that Classic WoW would have. Again, the devs would need to spend a lot of time going over them to make sure they’re up to par.

  3. RMT. Despite what some proponents of SSF may claim, it does not combat RMT in any meaningful way; instead it merely pushes it underground in ways that are harder for Blizzard to track and punish. All other concerns aside, for them to code and publish these servers would mean openly condoning the theft and illegal abuse of their property. It shouldn’t need stating here how unlikely it is for that to ever happen.

Ever since Blizz started placating these people with official HC servers, the SSF community started buzzing about all kinds of silly restrictions, but they just flat out will not happen.
One of the simpler reasons is the “if you give a mouse a cookie” argument. You release SSF servers, people are going to want naked servers. Naked leads to RP walk only, etc. etc… Every time they release a new server, people will want to splinter them further and further into increasingly FOTM niche streamer rulesets. Of course, no one’s going to want to go on to them after a while, but blizz won’t be able to remove them, or people will !@#$%.
They cost money to run, they cost effort to maintain. You’ll need at least one per ruleset, and the thing is that they don’t draw and hold crowds large enough to justify maintaining them. Also, they detract from the main hardcore game’s market. Enough people spend their time in retail, and when that content gets too stale for them they look back at the current model and think, eh, screw it, and quit until the nostalgia bug bites and they come back to mess around in naked SSF RP walking HC for a month.


The death=delete/transfer hardcore ruleset is the only rule set the hardcore community needs and there won’t be any further servers added, besides possibly PvP/RP. Nope nuh-uh, aint gonna happen. So stop asking.


Yes, IK need them bragging rights LOL

Not this, again :roll_eyes:

Worked so well for Classic. Yet, here we are.

what kind of pathetic creature copies an entire blue post into their thread post?


Lol what you just said is absolutely nonsense.

The community is about 50-50 in ssf vs non-ssf. Not enough interest ?? You blind or something?

The whole HC movement started with the addon. How come the addon rules have become an alternative way of playing this quickly? LOL

Cost of having one separate server is high ?? One server? What do you know about servers? Have you ever been to a data center in your life? Lal

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I don’t see the necessity to split hc up into individual niches. Diluting the playerbase doesn’t seem heathy in the long term. What about when everyone reaches 60 and many want to push into raiding? Having the largest pool to draw from for raiders would be helpful.

I am leaning towards playing on a hardcore server and would be imposing additional rules on my character for roleplay purposes. I love that the Blizzard rules on offer allow for that. If people want to segregate themselves then ask for a seperate server. The current rules of engagement are flexible enough I feel but you do you.

Please link your source here.

There have been players taking part in hardcore play in Wow for many years long before the addon and its specific ruleset.

the softcore server has no long term. it will die extremely quickly with tradegrouping.


It will die regardless once “seasonal” comes out.


I like how this conversation is going. Things are getting more n more clear. Thanks for your honest answer by the way, i respect it.

As for source, I saw a couple of polls on twitch streamers. Specifically on Xaruy stream there was a poll and it ended 55% for non-ssf and 45% for SSF. Also reading posts on forums n talking to actual people on BB, it’s pretty obvious SSF is popular enough to be a mode.

And I am pretty sure HC or other similar RP ideas were a thing before the addon. But those efforts resulted in the creation of the addon and there is no doubt the addon got us here to the point that Blizzard is giving us official server.

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Since many of them are in favor of ssf themselves I find that source rather biased but at least they asked. Something from Wowhead or reddit would have their own issues so I at least know the filter or lens used. Those are not conculsive but until Blizzard shows their own data there’s no way to have firm numbers.

Please don’t sell short all those players on whos shoulders you’re standing. This has been a long road not just the brief time of that addon.

Where are the threads then specifically asking for an additional server not the numerous threads asking that the rules be changed to exclude players that don’t conform to ssf but want hardcore in all its variation?

Blizz created a specific forum section for the Ironman Challenge back in Cata because of it’s popularity, they just didn’t go through with creating an actual server.

Of course the interest in that largely went away when MoP released


I think that those against HC, are just trolling tbh. Their argument about using an addon to get a HC realm, is so stupid, it makes absolutely no sense.

An Addon does not change the server, but only some of it´s interface. This can never be a replacement for a true HC realm.

The HC folks want a realm without grouping, trading, mailing … They want everything on this realm to be HC, for them this is fun so we should accept that.

This is also why we got classic era realms, because playing on retail realms was not classic, despite running classic content or addons.


Please don’t post trash like this. It’s not true for the entire SSF crowd. I certainly don’t feel that way.

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Good point. In 5 or so years if there is still demand for it, I would support SSF servers, in line with the original classic server timeline.

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Sorry but no,

I’m not acknowledging anything of the sort for finding a BS to get enchanting rods, or a LW to get a Hillman’s cloak so I can start the Yeti Questline in Hillsbrad.


There are different concepts of hardcore of which ssf is a part. Some of us feel that with the rules Blizzard has come up with they’ve allowed for all of them to share the HC sandbox and play nice together.

It could have benefits for all and I support that.

Feeling superior for solo leveling in a game that was intentionally designed to be easier for solo leveling in-particular is honestly quite sad.


They dont have much going for them.

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